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IN LOVE WITH MY STEP [Season 2 Episode 6]

 Episode 6 - Back To Normal 


Two Weeks after the previous incident.
The whole Family sat together after Breakfast to gist and catch fun. Just like Old times everyone put on a smile face and laugh about the funny part in their past. All seems to be back to normal since these past few weeks. Farad on the other hand trained secretly with the soldiers daily to get stronger for the next fight, without their notice at home.
While we were having fun, Dad got a call from the commissioner who told him they are yet to find the Boss.   

Dad: Hello Mr. Commissioner
Commissioner: Hello, Good day Sir! 

Dad: Good day. Any Update about the dubious boys? (Boss)   

Commissioner: They had been no news about the Boss and his crew where about. The Police are still carrying out their investigation and our CSI are in the move to track Farad’s Phone to trace their location. 

Dad:  Okay… I hope that will help 

Commissioner: Definitely! But we advice your children remains indoors until this is all over. Because there might spy among their friends.  

Dad: Okay Thank you Mr. Commissioner…  I’ll talk to them about it. [He ended the call]

Dad didn’t want us to worry much since there are lot of security guards and escort to watch over us his kids. He just wanted a nice time with his family. Having been away for 2months my dad misses his lovely wife Mrs. Zakiyah. 

Dad: Come here my sweetheart (stretching his hands towards miss Zakiyah) 

Step Mom: Awwnn… my husband I’ve missed you. (She held his hand and touch his chick) 

 They both watch us (their kids) as we played together in the sitting room. Although Priscilla was busy with her phone and I and Zara listened to Naomi was telling us a very interest story.

Dad: Things are a lot better now. The kids have never had such pressing issue before. This shit happened because of the relationship between Farad and Zara we have no option but to let the public know the truth about that would set us free and end any black mail.  

Step Mom: Incredible! You politicians, you guys always think fast. You’re such an intelligent man my husband. 

They both hugged each other tight and Mr. Zubairu Kissed his wife forehead saying the words “I love You”. Farad and Zara on the other hand had their own romantic conversation. 

Mr. Zubairu invited some Journalist over to his house. #punch & #Vanguard reporters.
The whole families sat together as the live broadcast commence. Dad and Step mom narrates our story (Zara and Farad) for the media. While some viewers grumble over the love attached, others were amazed and overwhelmed with joy to know how true love works. Zara and I also revealed the recent predicament and how our love was attacked by a dangerous criminal who planned on blackmailing us.  Naomi and Priscilla made comments to round everything. They let the world know the importance of true love.
This was really a great relieve for the family though people might see this awkward but it was necessary. 

The Boss and his crew watch the live broadcast at their end.. The boss was so disappointed at his boys for letting Farad get away and now they’ve shut down their means of blackmail by going on a live broadcast.  

The Boss: Looked at his phone angrily as it rang. He picked it up. [Hello!] what’s the next plan my lady…
   Who could she be?

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