Sitting depressed in class like I always have, I looked round and for the first time in class that day a smile found its way to my lip, isn't it funny? The robotic lifestyle people live? It's like a programed video game playing out on a screen, an everday ritual... Wake up, say a short prayer(I wonder if this prayers crosses the roof), take a bath, eat breakfast, for some persons their place of work and others school then back to their homes. For me, its being bodily present to receive lectures(long boring lectures,🙄 and Assignments) with the class so noisy, after lectures back to my abode waiting for the dawn of a new day to continue the ritual, mtcheeeeew! Wondering how a girl's life at the age of 22 can be this boring?
My name is Celestina and I am an orphan who grew up in an orphanage, I love to be addressed as Tina but some of my siblings at the orphanage (we term ourselves siblings at the orphanage) call me Cele which I didn't find any offense to until my College year, that was when I found out that Cele is a white Garment church in a short form. I never knew my parents, the sisters at the Orphanage said I was found when I was about 11-12months old on a cold morning in front of the orphanage smiling and giggling. My life isn't boring because I grew up in an orphanage, no no no... The orphanage is one of the loving place you can be, I seem boring because of the biggest Insecurity I have, and what could my insecurity be? *Smiles* I am a beautiful girl of twenty-two with every physical trait the world likes to see in a lady, brilliant, average height, oval shaped face, pointed nose, fully shaped lip, eye ball well fitted in it's socket, long hair and endowed with Barca and Chelsea like it's termed in my Country. I will admit that God really created me with great features but the question have always asked and pondered on and still asking is Why God took His time to create me this beautiful and made me a stutterer!
Being a stutterer in a Country like mine is like you living everyday of your life with an invisible knife stuck to your forehead waiting to be visible whenever you open your mouth, this insecurity made life uninteresting and boring for me, Yes it is that bad! I can't even say a complete sentence without stuttering, I stutter on every word and feeling(happy, sad, Angry, worried, sick)... This confined me into being solitude when am outside, I don't talk outside or answer questions in class(even when I know the answers which most times I know). Because of my stuttering, I was not adopted and that explains why at the age of 22 I still come from the Orphanage to school everyday. The Orphanage became what people call a home to me, a place where I can be myself and not scared of people finding out that I am a stutterer, a place where I mingle with people that truly enjoys my company and a place where I work and earn.
I Celestina just like my name has two syllables 'CELE' and 'TINA' so also does my world has too sides... Cele is the depressed, introvert that people see outside and Tina is the lively and hidden side of me at the Orphanage, Tina is the treasure I have in me that I would like to show the world but don't know how, not until I met JOHN...