In the darkest hour of the night when no one could ever walk but sleep, strange spirits comes out to start their day. The sky is total black out and the moon and the stars hide their faces for the scary part of the night is here!.
They will kill you if they find you awake, not even the creepy little creature can escape their wrath.
Whose "wrath''? The wrath of the white spirit.
This is the story of the land I live in and there's no one amongst us who's unaware of the powers possession by this strange creature of the dark "The White Spirit".
My name is Henry Last Trap and I'm the last of my kind. My own existence was unknown to me but I heard stories of others like me, we were called "the cursed ones". Their reason behind the naming was unknown to me but I think if I get to know this then I'll know who I truly am.
All my life I've been neglected by everyone around me, No one wants me close to their children nor their home. I had no friend and I had no place to call home. I sleep on the street, trees and anywhere I find myself before night fall. I always hear the screaming and evil sounds of the night and I know the Legendary story of the "white spirit" were true. I've always been lucky to escape their "wrath'' But I never knew destiny will bring me closer to the only thing that can kill me!. Soon it came.