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Unbreakable - A True Love Story (episode 1-7)


Image used to illustrate
Unbreakable love

The day was quite cool even with the scorching sun, glowing and burning down the dry leaves on the mango tree beside the dining hall. I was sitting on the wooden bench, which was constructed beneath the tree. The tree had no fruits since it wasn't mango season. Sitting under the tree was just for leisure time. I normally enjoy the cool evening breeze and it was actually a quiet place to relax if only there was no one in the dining hall. Sure, the noise from the dining hall spoils everything—"no"peace of mind." Well, today was quite different because this is the wind of love #Unbreakable_bond coming forth.

Image used to illustrate
Love in the air

What will life be without love?

I really don't have the exact answer for that question. All I know is that life is all about love; if we could love and help everyone, the world would be free of problems. Since life isn't balanced, we can't predict what is in store for us. Like I couldn't predict I would fall in love with him ❣️. He's so handsome, one of the cutest guys in school, then approaching me on a weird day. We haven't spoken to each other before and this was the first time so I had to form #No_Emotion. He said to me, "Hey! ... Can I talk to you for a moment, 'Beautiful_one'... Wowwwww.. so polite and cute💕💕 .. I blushed at once. As He was talking, I kept staring at his lips👄.. it's rear for a guy to have pink lips, and I felt giddy while he spoke. I admire everything about him and now I'm starting to see reasons why most girls really like him. Is this my chance of having him all to myself?? Does he feel or crush on me??... How can I know all this when he was just interested more in his studies and occasionally, I heard he doesn't get involved in ill speech; he was so decent. And me, I was kind of a naughty girl How can I be more close to him became a puzzle I'll have to solve.





 Unbreakable: A True Love Story (episode 2)

Image used to illustrate
Unbreakable love

It's a new day today; I was getting dressed for chapel service... Remember yesterday was Saturday? (we did have quite a long chat for the first time spent together, it was like he was in the mood to have fun with someone, but I wondered why he chose me out of all my friends who were also his close friends; Mary Jane, Iyanu, Temitope, Anie glory and others.) I had to clear my head of those thoughts of him and focus on my Lord, you know. I need to keep the Sabbath day holy... 

I hurriedly left the hostel for chapel, escaping some unnecessary errands #Slangs_Nabbing. On my way, close to the clinic area, I met him. #Lust not again. He smiled at me and didn't say a word 💔. This guy kept melting my heart like snow white 😂... I remember how I wrote about him last night in my diary... 

"14th March, 2015 - A day I will always remember; we did interact so well and my puzzle was a bit solved for I could tell you liked me too. Yeah, it doesn't seem right at the moment to start dating now, most especially for me; I'm just 17, and also, exams are around the corner and I need to focus more... I planned on becoming a prefect, you know; my grades will have to speak for me on screening day... You're always going to be on my mind and I'd do everything to make you my king 🤗.. sweet kisses and have a lovely night's rest".

I didn't include his name on the write-up that night because I didn't want any of my friends to learn of my crush on him... I kept it as a secret and not even my school mother knew the whole thing. But what I noticed from this day was that whenever I'm blessed with a chance to see him, the day always seems to be better and the more often I see him, the more my heart is reaped off💕💕.





Unbreakable: A True Love Story (episode 3)

Image used to illustrate
Unbreakable love

Time ran faster than expected; I had achieved almost all I ever wanted and there was only one thing left and that's him... Turning 18 tomorrow, I guess I'm ready to get tied up. So many of my mates were already in their various relationships but I'm still single and not searching because I've found him, the only man that I craved for. Sure, this time I knew nothing was stopping us from being together since we've been connecting the past few years. We've had great moments that I skipped... most especially "The Last Night" before I left school last year after our final exams for SS2. We both spent memorable moments together... We played like we were lovers, happy, even dancing and singing together. He was growing fond of me day by day... I could see in his eyes his expression of love for me and care and I was glad I finally got his attention. A wish is all I need.

On the night before my 18th birthday, he wrote me a letter. It reads:

"Hello sweetheart, for so long I've wanted to write to you but I've held back my pen and kept my words to my heart. I have always felt the wind of love blowing whenever we are together, I knew there was something different about you because you've always been special.

Tomorrow is your big day and I do have a surprise for you. For tonight,, I'll break the good news to you about how I feel about you. Sure, I'm crazy about you and I know you feel the same way because your friend told me, Don't be mad at her.. I did force her to say it all because I suspected. Well, I always want the best for you and I'm ready to be yours if I'm your best. I know you're aware I'm still single... I learned you askeded that several times from my friends but it's okay if you decide not to choose me; I will still be your one true friend for our friendship is unbreakable..".

I shed tears after reading his later that night and wasn't really comfortable anymore. I kept reading the letter again and again; this time I was so eager for the next day to come.





Unbreakable - A True Love Story (episode 4)

 The day I have longed for is finally here... It's my birthday... I couldn't wake up early as usual, that's because I slept late trying to predict what the day would bring forth. So many thoughts running through my mind (Imagination) I didn't even know how I slept that night, I just found myself running and screaming in daylight.. such a weird morning for me, with No peace of mind for a celebrant in my school, most especially when you have a friend like Amenawo 😂😂.. she's such a bully, bathing me up with enough bucket of water like I'm a newborn again doing baptism 😅.

Well, it was like a common tradition for friends to pour you water on your birthday and celebrate your day with you. 

On the other hand, I was glad my birthday fell on a Saturday and as a senior student now I won't undergo much stress apart from this morning's inspection... We were meant to keep everywhere tied but now the place has been messed up all because of my birthday. So much noise came out of my dormitory as I kept screaming and begging my friends to give me a break and eventually they calmed down and realized all the havoc they'd caused us—water flowing in the rooms like there was a burst pipe, some beds were wet in the process and now we have to put everything back in order before the inspection. I quickly asked the junior student to tidy up everywhere before the arrival of our house mistress. We had to pulse the celebration in the meantime, but trust me, "It's not over yet.".





 Unbreakable - A True Love Story (episode 5)

Image used to illustrate
Unbreakable love

A few moments after we tidied up the whole place, our house mistress stepped in, and from the look of things she could sense something was not right. She asked, What's going on here?? We were all quiet at once but Amenawo is always there to reveal what happened. She's so bold, I'm not sure she's scared of anyone (Omo warri girl—Warri no dey carry last). Ame replied, It's her birthday," pointing directly to me. Our housemistress joyfully asked, whose birthday is it? Ame replied again... birthday! Here she mentioned my name but it's a puzzle for you all to find.

The inspection was carried out as usual, and we were now in the dining hall waiting for food... I was really very hungry today and the food wasn't ready yet. The hall was filled with so many students. "It seems the whole school came out today to eat." Staff were in the hall waiting too and with the look on everyone's face that day, it was very clear that we were all very hungry. 

There was only one person I hadn't seen yet and just when I had that thought, I saw him coming in from the back of the hall (Owena section). I smiled. He has already set his plans for the day so smart. I really admire him a lot.

A junior student walked towards me and gave me an envelope saying a senior sent her to me. I asked her who the senior was but she said she didn't know him and she only followed his order. I collected the letter and knew it was coming from him though but I had to ask because at then, other guys had been posting me but I kept ignoring them. I didn't want to open the envelope at that moment but I was tempted to know what was inside. 

I opened the envelope and saw a small letter with no name. He wrote on the back of the letter, "I just want to stress you a little." I turned to the front and I could read the other part without doing a little mathematics coding. He wrote "6 9 18 19 20. 9 . 23 9 12 12 . 19 1 25. 8 1 16 16 25 . 2 9 19 20 8 4 1 25. 19 23 5 5 20 8 5 1 18 20., 9. 8 1 22 5. 1. 19 21 18 16 18 9 19 5. 23 9 20 8. 25 15 21. 9 14. 25 15 21 18. 8 15 19 20 5 12" I had to sit down and stress myself like he wanted, After I got the answer for it, I ran to the hostel to see the surprise he sent, only to find out it was...

  • Who knows what the coding says?





Unbreakable - A True Love Story (episode 6)

Image used to illustrate
Unbreakable love

 Life has given me something I always wanted and I'm so grateful for this gift. Ohh, what a guy!... Tears run down from my eyes to my chin. Even the tears were happy seeing the surprise he left for me - A big cake with lots of Icing (that is exactly how I like it!), two bottles of wine #Eva and Pure Heaven "What exactly was he thinking?," What will I do with two wine?", Two Birthday frames "so lovely - it was as if he made them by himself" Wowwwww. This is breathtaking!. I wasn't expecting a lot of gifts because we're both students and he shouldn't have spent so much to prove his love... I know already and I believed every damn thing he says.

I was hungry already and the food wasn't ready yet so I was just about to cut from the piece of cake and take a bite when I saw another black leather... I was like "What can this be?" I checked and saw a pack of biscuits 4 sachets of Milk and Milo with a little piece of written letter. I read silently;

"Hey dearie,

I know you'll be hungry. I planned every bit of this day since 2 weeks ago and I'm sure my plans will work out 98% correctly. The cake and the wine are for you to party with your friends and the biscuits and milk are meant to sustain you until the food is ready!.

My wish is to make today (your birthday) the best of your days.

- Love you always.. kisses.

 I was like wow this is so so romantic. I opened the biscuits and started eating I couldn't wait any longer. After eating I went back to the dining hall but he was no longer there, I waited maybe he would show up for the launch. My friends came to sit there with me and they were all teasing me with his name. Now everyone is quite aware of our relationship and they are jealous of us because we were the perfect match. We waited for hours, so I decided to send a junior student to him after launch while we planned on how to surprise him too. He came. We surprised him with a made-up birthday party and he was so happy with the way my friend treated him. But that wasn't all.... At late nights, I was called out on "Social Night" to pick a boy to dance with and I picked him. That was our first dance' when we danced I was certain this love will last forever 💖





 Unbreakable - A True Love Story (episode 7)

Image used to illustrate
Unbreakable love

Last night was lit (Most Exciting). The whole day was really something I never wanted to end and if I have any chance to visit the past, I will visit that moment again and again until I'm stuck in time.. lolz (exaggerating). 

Today (Sunday) seems to be another beautiful day. I didn't go to chapel, I was feeling a bit weak. Later in the day, We met in the dining hall for Golof rice and he bought drinks for me and my friends.. after the rest of the students left the hall, we had lunch together enjoying our drinks and rice like it was still my birthday!. He told us funny tales and we kept on laughing and he never stopped teasing me. I could read his lips those words he used for me were all his true feelings inside.

We continued talking not noticing the day was getting dark, and it was time for food again and I had to leave and go to the hostel to get ready for prep. He left too saying our day will always be fun if we do see each other. - This was really a true promise.

Every day was just a gift/present for me, Always happy, laughing together and having fun always. "Love Birds" was the name we were given. Our love was strong and unfailing... It's a sign of "True love" but I was worried. Ever since we've been together, there hasn't been any dispute between us. My friends found this unusual and they brought up the issue and I became more bothered. How I wished I turned deaf ears to what they were saying - they said: 'It's not normal for two couples not to have a dispute or fight, if everything keeps going straight then something is wrong. They will need to check such a relationship it's either the guy doesn't love the girl or vice versa' with the way they were serious about their saying I had to believe them. But what is really wrong?, We are doing just fine and now I'm going to do something unspeakable. Will this be the end of the Unbreakable Love?





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