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Blood On My Hands Chapter 2

  Blood On My Hands Chapter 2 Episode 1

Titled - A New Demon

6 months later

Sofiat's POV (Intro)

Life hasn't been so better as a child. For the past six months, I have been off my mask and lived a good and free life, which is better than the one I dreamt of. The city of Oyo was also at peace since the last incident; My uncle's death and the attack at the general hospital. But not for long, there's always a new demon.

Aunt Hajarat - This is the best trip I've ever been to. (Drinking some chilled lemon juice on the beach)

Sofiat - Really??.. you've never gone for a picnic or a small camp with your friends?

Aunt Hajarat - Nope not at all ... There isn't much fun in our era.

Sofiat - okay! Cool.

Sofiat's POV

I can feel how happy my aunt is spending this moment with me and my new friends (Aishat and Sekinat) None of them knew anything about my real identity and the things I do behind the mask, but they were people I could trust with it as they were so sincere to me as their friend.

Sekinat - It's almost 5 pm!.. I'll need to go home now...

Aishat - Yeah.. me too I need to cook dinner for my family.

Sofiat - (put on a sad face as she wasn't tired of spending time and having fun with them)

Aunt Hajarat - It's okay my girls.. time to go home...

We hopped in the car and I drove them home...

Sekinat - My baby soffie.. I will come see you tomorrow okay? (She waved Soffie goodbye)

Aishat - Tomorrow?? (Thinking) I'm not sure I'd be chanced..  (she faced Sekinat) Please let me know if you're going there okay?

Sekinat - Okay... Fine!

Sofiat - I will be expecting you two .. Tomorrow! (she waved back at them)

Aunt Hajarat - Bye sweethearts (she waved them both as they drove off)

Sekinat and Aminat stay a few meters away, and Aunt Hajarat's place isn't that far from both houses... It's just a stroll walk.

Aunt Hajarat - (Noticed Sofiat's face a bit moody)... What's wrong my baby girl?

Sofiat - It's Rasheed.. he has been asking me out for some months now and I told him No.

Aunt Hajarat - Are you still upset that he betrayed us?

Sofiat - Not that, I don't like him like I used to.

Aunt Hajarat - Tell me who's stealing my baby's heart right now?

Sofiat - (she smiled) Majid the detective.

Aunt Hajarat - That's a lot more complicated my dearie.

Sofiat - Why?..

Aunt Hajarat - His assistant loves him so much and I could see it in her eyes... It's very obvious.

Sofiat - Sarah?

Aunt Hajarat - She's a pretty nice girl...

Sofiat - What should I do aunt...

Aunt Hajarat - Just be yourself and let love lead (She opened the car door and came down) If both of you were together then you wouldn't have to fight much because he would fight for you.

Sofiat - (turned off the engine) (removed her sit belt and then dropped down from the car)... I approached him once and I felt so nervous around him that I wasn't able to say a word.

Aunt Hajarat - (smiles) Even though one is weak in the heart. (She rests her hands on her niece's shoulders) I know how you feel my dear. And I will tell you about my own love story (they both entered the house)


At 9:45 pm

Sofiat - (phone ringing continuously..) (she rolled on her bed) Ohhh... Who is calling at this time of the day?.. (she picked up the phone after she saw the caller ID) Hello Sekinat what's up?

Sekinat - (crying...) Hello, soffie!.. I don't know what to do... I had to call you (she panics as she sheds more tears)

Sofiat - Take a deep breath Sekinat.. and tell me what's going on..

Sekinat - My dad isn't home yet, he's on night shift and there's a break-in news right now that his workplace is on fire. And the security locks are not opening... It seems someone locked down the whole building and set it a blaze!..

Sofiat - SUBHANALLAH!!!.. Please Sekinat calm down.. I promise you everyone will be fine okay?

Sekinat - Please soffie I want you to take me there in your aunt's car. (But before she said the words Soffie had already ended the call)

Sofiat - (Ran out from her room and signaled her aunt)... (Then she picked up her mask and fled immediately...) (Outside the garage, she uncovered her bike and then dusted it.) I miss you baby (She said as she held the Hand clutches and zoomed off)

Aunt Hajarat - (sitting in the secret room and watching the screen of her computers) Are you ready?

Sofiat - (on comms) Yeah let's do this one last time...  (She uses her gun to shoot a small dynamite on each of the doors and presses the timer button to blast them all) Now the doors are blown up, what next aunt?

Aunt Hajarat - You need to blast open every pump in the building to quench that heavy fire...

Sofiat - Ohhh boy! I hope I don't drown people.

Aunt Hajarat - Well just make good use of your environment well... There should be about 12 extinguishers in that building.

Sofiat - Okay... I will try my best to get everyone out safe! (She hurried in and turned off every little flame as she entered)

On the first floor...

The crowd - The Dark Knight!!!

Man 1 - Thank you for coming to our rescue.

Sofiat - You're welcome sir (spoke with a deeper voice to disguise) You all can evacuate the building while I try to stop the fire on the second floor...

The crowd - (came out from the building rejoicing)

On the Second floor...


Sofiat - (Uses her aunt's suggestion as there were no extinguishers left to use) She rescued those set on the second floor and just three persons were stocked on the third floor.

Aunt Hajarat - Did you notice something?...

Sofiat - No... Tell me..

Aunt Hajarat - You've encountered heavy fire on every entrance... It's no coincidence. The person who did this is an insider (an employee).

Sofiat - But why would someone do something like this?

Aunt Hajarat - I don't know but I think they did it to bring you out... And sure we are yet to know this New Demon until you open that last door.

Sofiat - (Opened the door) (the lights were on and she saw three persons standing with arms (weapons). They were dressed in black outfits and the 'middle one' was facing the opposite direction)

(Middle one) - Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!.. Little soffie... The city had been so quiet and dead. 'Causing a little trouble will bring out the mice from its house'.

Aunt Hajarat - (listening through the comms) (surprised as she heard the voice called Sofiat's name)

Sofiat - Who are you?

(Middle one) - Let's just say I'm your new Villain (He slowly turned to face her)

Sofiat - WHAT??? YOU? (SHOCKED to see who is behind it) No... This can't be true!... (She felt disappointed)

To be continued...





Blood On My Hands Chapter 2 Episode 2

Titled - My best friend's dad is a Villian

Sofiat's POV

Unexpected stuff happens in this life. The fact that Knowledge is power, can help you overcome any fear of the unexpected. When you learn, you gain more awareness through the process, and you know what pitfalls to look for as you get ready to transition to the next level. Now that I know my best friend's dad is a villain the only way I can survive this is with wisdom.

Mr Adeyemi - Suprised?.. (he laughed) It's okay to be surprised.. In the same way, I was surprised when I found out who was behind the mask.. little "Soffie".

Sofiat - How did you find out?

Mr Adeyemi - Oh no.. she is curious (he makes jest of her)... Don't worry your best friend doesn't know.

Sofiat - Why are you doing this?

Mr Adeyemi - (Thought twice) To keep my family safe.

Sofiat - Safe from who? Please tell me I will help you out trust me.

Mr. Adeyemi - Just like you helped your family 8 years ago right? (He mocked her)

Sofiat - (felt great pain hearing the insult) I wasn't ready then but now I am...

Mr Adeyemi - Fine... let's see what you got! (Preparing for a fight)

Both Assassin attacked her...

Assassin 1 -  (threw stunt to deceive her... In an attempt to let his partner get a clear shot)

Sofiat - (waiting to catch the punch but was also observant of the partner as he saw him trying to shoot her)

Assassin 2 - (aimed at her head) (missed his target)

Sofiat - (she dodged both and then fled immediately)... (She shot at the glass window and jumped down using a solid rope which she attached firmly to her waist as she had already aimed the rope hook at the walls of the next building to enable her to swing out swiftly)

Mr. Adeyemi - (stood at the window as he watched her escape) It's not over yet Dark Knight!... I will get you.

Aunt Hajarat - (on comms) They were there to kill you.

Sofiat - I had to run... I wasn't ready for such a battle yet. I'm so confused.

Aunt Hajarat - Sure... You made the right choice. (Heard a knock at the door and check the camera) (she called out) Soffie.. you need to come home now, Sekinat is at the door.

Sofiat - Okay... I'm almost there!

Aunt Hajarat - (Leaves the secret room and locks it) (she heads straight to the sitting room and opens the main door for Sekinat)

Sekinat - (Panics) Good evening ma... I'm sorry I came here so late. I called Soffie about an hour ago. It's my dad; His workplace is on fire and I haven't heard from him I needed Sofiat to take me there but she ended the before I could ask her and I kept calling and calling but she didn't pick up. That's why I'm here. My dad and my two siblings are all I have.

Aunt Hajarat - Please Sekinat take a deep breath and stay calm... Let me get you a glass of water.

Sekinat - No no no... I just need to see Sofiat please ma. Let her take me there... Where's Sofia? Is she sleeping?

Sofiat - (sneaked in) No Sekinat!.. I was praying for your dad's safety and I'm very sure he's fine. There's no need to go there. He will call you soon.

Sekinat - (surprised about the way Sofiat was speaking like she was so sure he was fine) (her phone rang in her hands, she looked at the caller ID and it was truly her dad) (she picked up and said 'Hello Dad')

Mr Adeyemi - Hello my daughter! (Faked tears)..  I'm fine now, The Dark Knight saved us all.

Sekinat - Ohhh Thank God!... (She tears feeling much better) Are you coming back home?

Mr Adeyemi - No my dear... If you had come with your best friend maybe I would have come home.

Sekinat - Okay let me talk to her if she will... (She held the phone a distance away from her ears and spoke to Sofiat) can we two go pick my dad up?

Sofiat - (Thinks twice) Okay sure

Sekinat - (Held the phone closer to reply to her dad) Okay Dad, she said yes. We are coming...

Mr Adeyemi - I will be waiting...

Sofiat and Aunt Hajarat gave each other a surprised look.

Aunt Hajarat - You both should be careful! (She kissed them on their heads hugged them tightly and waited to lock the door)

Sofiat and Sekinat drove to pick her dad up...


At Uncle Musa's mansion

Badmus - (put up a video conference call) (Yakub, Sparo, vulture, Hartley, JB, Ericson, Rasheed) (Yakub declined the call)

Rasheed - (surprised to see it was Uncle Musa's line) Hello

Badmus - You have no respect 'Da Boss'

Rasheed - please forgive me my lord (recognised the face as a resemblance of his dad)

(The other greeted) - Good day my lord!

Sparo - My lord you've returned

Badmus - Yes I have...  And you all have unfinished business. Vulture, Hartley, and Ericson I need you three to come right away.

Vulture, Hartley, and Ericson - Okay my lord

Badmus - JB I need you to track down Yakub and cause him pain. He declined my call. Get me his family.

JB - Okay my lord...

Rasheed - my lord, I was assigned for that job you gave to JB.

Badmus - 'Da Boss' you know your place. Have you forgotten your real mission? Should I remind you?

Rasheed - Please remind me, my lord...

Badmus - You are to kill my aunt.. so get on with it because you've been paid for it.

Rasheed - (surprised his new boss also wants his aunt dead) Okay my lord (now he wondered what kinda mess he's into) (he spoke to himself after the call) how can I kill the aunt of the one I claimed to love? This doesn't make sense (he knows if he doesn't do as he said then will be hunted)


Majid and Sarah arrived at the crime scene and also Sofiat and Sekinat got there in time.

Sekinat - (Quickly jumped out of the car as he saw her dad) (she ran to hug him) I love you, Dad.

Sofiat - (at first was staring at Majid) (she felt a little jealous seeing Sarah walking close to Majid) Hi she waved at Majid and smiled

Majid - (trying to recognize her) Hey hi! (Came closer) I have seen you before, haven't I?

Sofiat - Ehmm.. yes (she stammered) At the bookshop

Majid - Yes.. Wow, you're the nervous girl who fell on the whole shelf in the library that day. Well, Thank God no one got hurt.

Sofiat - I'm so sorry.. it was a mistake. You startled me when you came closer and I took a wrong step backward and hit the shelf boom. And I was about to fall and you held my hands. I say Thank you.

Sarah - (got tired waiting for Majid) (she interrupts them both) hmm hmm... Sir, we have important work to do.

Majid - Ohh I'm sorry (he replied to Sarah) Please meet my assistant Sarah (he introduced her to Sofiat)

Sofiat - Hi Sarah! (She smiled so happy) (she stretched her hands forward to greet Sarah) I'm Soffie

Sarah - (shakes soffie) It's nice meeting you...

Sofiat - Yeah, it's so nice meeting you too... (she felt uncontrollably love) and You're so beautiful and I love you too.

Majid - (felt so surprised by her reaction) Are you always this nervous?

Sofiat - No... not. You can ask my friend, (she points at Sekinat as she sees her and her dad coming closer)

Majid - okay.. what are you both doing out here?

Mr Adeyemi - They came because of me... (He replied Majid)

Majid - (Thinking Mr. Adeyemi was Soffie's dad) Good day sir. (He politely greets)... (He faced Soffie and asked) your dad right?

Sofiat and Mr Adeyemi staring eyeball to eyeball...

Sofiat - No he is not. He's my best friend's dad.

To complete the statement like you already know, "He's a Villian".

To be continued...





Blood On My Hands Chapter 2 Episode 3

Titled - Emily

Sofiat's POV

Whenever there's light, there's always a piece of dark spot and shadows within. Verily these two opposites (light and darkness) can't exist without the other. I realized that my uncle had stepped on so many toes that upset the cosmic balance and now they're more threats than ever.

Sofiat and Aunt Hajarat having a conversation in their gym rooms...

Sofiat - What's going on?

Aunt Hajarat - Well.. A lot that you can handle alone. You need to continue your training while I try to figure out who Sekinat's dad is working with and also I need to find out how many more adversaries you have.

Sofiat - Okay (she continued her training)

A few hours later...

Aunt Hajarat - Soffie... (She calls her as she walks to meet her) Hey!... Still training?

Sofiat - Yeah... I feel so frustrated Aunt! Of all persons why Sekinat's dad?

Aunt Hajarat - I don't think I have answers to that but I find something that can help us figure it out.

Sofiat - (feels interested to hear) What's it?

Aunt Hajarat - I think Sekinat's dad is being forced to do what he's doing... 


Sofiat - Okay.. I got it now, that's why he said "To keep my family safe".. so who is putting pressure on him?

Aunt Hajarat - Someone very smart enough to cover all tracks and trace like you.

Sofiat - So you didn't find anything?...

Aunt Hajarat - well... I was able to get the scary name and a blur picture of this Villain. They call him "Death stroke" and he has some cult members and they're all trained assassins.

Sofiat - I could tell they learned differently and they were injected with hard drugs to boost their capabilities.

Aunt Hajarat - Yes soffie they're highly dangerous...

Sofiat - I know but not for me.. there's one person I need to warn to keep her safe.

Aunt Hajarat - Who??

Sofiat - I don't know her yet but I will find her tonight.

Aunt Hajarat - Okay.. but I still don't know who.

Sofiat - Do you remember the night I confronted Uncle Musa?..  At the same time, Adams and his gangs attacked the city hospital...

Aunt Hajarat - Yes, Yes I remember.. so what about that night?

Sofiat - You know I wasn't the one that saved the people at the hospital. There was someone like me out there and she risked her life that day to help those people.

Aunt Hajarat - I never knew you weren't the one who saved them at the hospital. So who's this new Dark Knight?

Sofiat - I don't know.

Aunt Hajarat - So how did you know that he's a she?

Sofiat - I don't know, but... My instincts tell me I'm right.


Majid was at home thinking about Sofiat and the funny things she had done being nervous around her but his thought was cut short when Sarah distracted him with a troubling call.

Sarah - Hello sir! Please I need you to come here right away. My leg is stocked to a pit. (She screamed) please help me

Majid - (worried) Where are you?... I'm coming right away.

Sarah - I'm close to a small café on Ife Road.

Majid - I'm on my way.. (he quickly dressed up and zoomed off)..

A few minutes later he arrived at the café.

Majid - (looks around but can't find Sarah) (then puts up a call) Hello... I can't find you.

Sarah - Hello... Please come inside the café, I'm sitting just a few steps away from the door.

Majid - Okay... (walked in) (looked at his left-hand side and saw Sarah waving) (so he approached her table and sat with her)

Sarah - Thank you for coming...

Majid - (surprised) I thought something happened to you... Is this some kind of a date or something?

Sarah - Anyone you call it... For its a date. If I had told you this was why I called, you wouldn't have come with me.

Majid - Of course, I wouldn't and I'm leaving...

Sarah - (grabbed her hands) please don't leave. This means a lot to me.

Majid - (felt pity for her) Okay I'll stay... So what would we be talking about?

Sarah - Okay let's talk about you...

Waitress - (approached their table) What would you both like to take?

They both checked out their catalog and made a request. Coincidentally, Soffie came to the same cafe to chill. And she happily approached them.

Sofiat - Hi Sarah... Hi Detective Majid.

Sarah - (Annoyed seeing Soffie interrupt her conversation) Hi

Majid - (smiled seeing the woman he was thinking of) Hi Soffie... Right?

Sofiat - Yeah. I can see you both are having a great time, I just wanted to say Hi. I'm leaving already.

Majid - (wanted more conversation with Soffie) No Noo... It's fine why don't you just sit with us and then we all have fun together.

Sofiat - No no no (observing Sarah's sad face) I have to go.. my aunt is waiting...

Majid - Your aunt...?

Soffie couldn't give him a reply as she caused serious trouble being nervous...

Sofiat - (Mistakenly hit a man as she was stepping backward and then a fight broke out)

Man 1 - Watch where you are going (he slapped Sofiat on her back and pushed her away)

Sofiat - I'm sorry... (She pleaded)

Majid - (stood up trying to react but Sofiat held his hands and they were so close to each other that they could hear their heartbeats)

Sofiat - Don't worry I'm fine...

Sarah - (looking so disappointed and regretting why she had called for a date) (she stood up and tried to leave but Sofiat held her back and apologized)

Sofiat - Sarah I'm sorry.. I don't mean to ruin your day...

Majid - (from this moment Majid knew Sarah was in love with him) (he held her back also and apologized) (now things get more complicated for him)...

While everyone thought things were all settled, the Six gang badge in the café ... They were six known nuisances in the town for six months they'd been on a low and now they were back to have fun.

Jane (the female among the six gang) - Wow I see lots of Jewelry on people here... Rich kids. (She screamed like a lunatic)

Stanley - Ohhh yeah.. let's party!. (he brought out his gun and point to the air) (and his gang too)

Majid - (intended to confront them but was defenseless)

Sofiat - (can't think of a plan to save everyone at this point) (she thought if she made any smart move then she would reveal her identity)

Jane and Fred - (collecting jewelry, necklaces, and gold from the people in the café)

Sofiat's POV

The show was almost over when the person I intended to meet showed up. I was impressed with her moves, she was brave and strong. She took down all six gangs and saved the day. The people in the café praised her thinking it was the real Dark Knight, she was wearing exactly like my suit.

Sofiat - (Suprised as she kept starring at the savior of the day)

Majid - I have been dying to meet with the dark knight assassin.

Sofiat and Sarah - Me too (they said it at the same time)

Sofiat - I get to go before more trouble comes... (Excused Majid and Sarah and follow the track of the new Dark Knight)

Majid and Sarah also left a few minutes later.

Sofiat - (meets with the new Dark Knight at a safe corner)

Dark knight - I noticed you've been following me... Why?

Sofiat - I wanted to talk to you...

Dark Knight - About What?

Sofiat - I'm the real Dark Knight... And for the moment, it's not safe playing me because someone very dangerous wants me.

Dark Knight - I'm not scared of anyone. (She removed her face mask and shook her hair off her face)

Sofiat - Wowww... You're a beautiful damsel.

Dark knight - And you too (she stretched her hands forward)

Sofiat - Ohh.. (holds her hands for a handshake) I'm Sofiat and you are?

Dark Knight - I'm Emily...

To be continued...





 Blood On My Hands Chapter 2 Episode 4

Titled - Death stroke

Continued from the previous episode...

Emily - So soffie tell me about this person who wants to kill you?

Sofiat - They call him Death stroke and I still don't have any clue about him or where he came from.

Emily - Death stroke... Sounds familiar

Sofiat - Really? Do you know anything about him?..

Emily - From what I heard he seeks Vengeance for the mysterious death of his family.

Sofiat - What happened to his family?..

Emily - I do not know. But soon you and I will find out. (She extends her hands forward for another handshake)

Sofiat - Are you saying we become partners?

Emily - Something like that...

Sofiat - I do feel it's going to be cool but... I don't want it. I'm sorry. I don't want you to get into trouble because of me.

Emily - I'm not going to get into trouble okay...

Sofiat - Okay... Emily! I have to go now, it was nice seeing you my dark knight.

Emily - Same here! (She waved goodbye)


Sofiat's POV

I returned home with a smile and a frown. I was happy I got to meet with Emily who impressed me with her bravery and fearlessness. And I was sad my love story was crashing.

Aunt Hajarat - I heard you on comms... you met with her, right?

Sofiat - Yes (smiling as she was remembering how she fought with the six gang) She's amazing!

Aunt Hajarat - She helped you cover up your secret and now Majid will never suspect you are the dark knight even if he finds out that you are my niece. But there's something you shouldn't have done tonight.

Sofiat - What's that, Aunt?

Aunt Hajarat - Revealing your real identity to a stranger you just met. And you weren't wearing the face I made you.

Sofiat - I'm sorry aunt... I just wanted to earn her trust. And you know since Uncle Musa's death I haven't worn that face because I wanted to live a free life just like everyone.

Aunt Hajarat - My baby girl, come here let me tell you something...

Sofiat - Okay (she sat closer to her and rested her head on her shoulders)

Aunt Hajarat - In life when you wish too much you don't get it. For a person like you, You have so much responsibility on your shoulders the moment you put on that mask, the city entrusts you to keep it safe. That's a great responsibility and they can't appreciate you for all you are doing but with the little time you spend with the people around you be grateful because not everyone has such a gift.

Sofiat - Thank you, Aunt (she tears)

Aunt Hajarat - Your friends came here earlier.

Sofiat - Really?.. (she raised her head) You didn't tell me.

Aunt Hajarat - That's because they're coming back.

(The doorbell rang...) (Knock Knock)

Aunt Hajarat - just at the right time... You go have fun while I help you cook dinner.

Sofiat - Thank you, aunt... (She kissed her forehead) (she left to open the door)

Sekinat - Sofiat where have you been?.. since last night you didn't show up? (She hugs her as she is still talking)

Sofiat - I'm sorry Sekinat I've been a little busy.

Aishat - (hugs soffie) How are you doing?

Sofia - I'm fine.. how are you two doing?..

Sekinat - We are fine. My dad said thanks for last night.

Sofiat - Ohhh.. okay.

Aishat - I heard the Dark Knight also showed up today to help the people in the café.

Sofiat - Yes yes yes .. I was there. The Dark Knight was pretty amazing!

Sekinat - I guess this is your first time seeing the dark knight. Because you've never spoken about her in this manner before.

Sofiat - Hmm yes... I was lucky today.

Aishat - Awnnnn.. I wish I had been there too.

Sekinat - Me too... I haven't seen her.

Sofiat - So you two wish to see someone who shows up when there's trouble? Then let's get into trouble.

Aishat - You are not serious Soffie (she laughs out loud)

Sekinat - It's funny really... (They all laughed together and took a walk)


At Uncle Musa's mansion

Rasheed - Good Morning my lord... (He porstraits)

Badmus - D Boss'... You've failed to execute your mission. I can figure out there's some sort of connection.. now tell me.

Rasheed - Your cousin's sister is alive and she's someone I love so much and that's why It's hard for me to carry out that mission.

Badmus - I see... And you never disclosed this to my father?

Rasheed - No my Lord. I just wanted to keep her safe.

Badmus - (shakes his head in pity) You need to be dealt with and then you will know who you've disobeyed. (He gave signs... Hartley and Vulture took him to a dungeon and had him beaten up)

Ericson - My lord, from my findings I think we have a super threat on us.

Badmus - Hmmm... A super threat?.. Do you mean the dark knight?

Ericson - No my lord...

Badmus - Then who else could be a threat to us? Tell me...

Ericson - They call him Death Stroke.

Badmus - (He kept silent for a while then he took a walk into the secret room and watched his Assassin's training.) (Smiled) Eric, do more diggings and tell me what death stroke has to face this (He looks amazingly at his Assassin's)

Eric - Okay my lord..(he left)


At Mr Adeyemi's Home...

Mr Adeyemi - (He heard footsteps) Sekinat are you home? (The footsteps got closer and then he fled knowing that someone was after him) (he ran into the woods and breathed deeply) (he found a place to hide and rest for a while but what was chasing him got hold of him on his throat and he couldn't alter a word)

Death Stroke - (Deep scary voice) You thought you could run from me? (He raised him 4metres above the ground with his left hand tight to his neck)

Mr Adeyemi - (I tried to speak but couldn't.) Ugh, ugh... (He shakes his head to say no)

Death Stroke - (Deep voice) I told you I will give you the carcass of your wife and your kids to feed on if you fail me.

Mr Adeyemi - (choking to death and bleeding from his nose and mouth)

Death Stroke - (Deep voice) I won't stroke you to death today (he got his hands off him)

Mr Adeyemi - I'm sorry Master... (He coughs out blood) I won't fail you again. (He cries with his head on the floor bowing)

To be continued...





Blood On My Hands Chapter 2 Episode 5

Titled - Girl's Night Out

Mr Adeyemi - (returned home...)

Sekinat - Dad.. where have you been? I was looking for you.

Mr Adeyemi - I went for a stroll outside (trying to hide from the light so Sekinat wouldn't see his bruises)

Sekinat - (noticed a blood stain on his white sleeves) Dad are you okay?

Mr Adeyemi - Sekinat I'm alright.. You should go to bed now (Reacts angrily)

Sekinat - Okay... (She went to her room knowing something was wrong)


At Aunt Hajarat's Place...

Aunt Hajarat - Soffie I think you have so many nemesis this time. I checked your uncle's mansion activity log and found it reopened about 3weeks ago.

Sofiat - Who do you think reopened it?

Aunt Hajarat - Not who do I think, I know exactly who... It's Badmus!

Sofiat - Badmus?? he didn't return to Canada?

Aunt Hajarat - No he didn't, he stayed back. Your uncle had really left a demon to follow his trail.

Sofiat - Badmus was a good guy when we were still growing up together.

Aunt Hajarat - The Badmus you know then isn't the same person you once flow with.

Sofiat - Draco is dead.. Adams is in prison he can't carry on with his dad's legacy.

Aunt Hajarat - Smiles.. your uncle had 14 deadliest men... Two are dead and one is in prison. So Badmus still has 11 deadliest men ready to execute the mission for him.

Sofiat - Wow!..

Aunt Hajarat - That should be the least of your worries... Your friend's dad works for Death Stroke and he's the only one who can tell us about the person behind the mask.

Sofiat - I need to get him before he gets me.

Aunt Hajarat - Well for today let's all have a normal day...

Sofiat - I agree with that!.. You know I need to get dressed for the party..

Aunt Hajarat - What party?

Sofiat - I arranged for a girl's night out party with Sekinat and Aishat. They invited other girls to join us at Stylizes Clubhouse.

Aunt Hajarat - you didn't tell me about it.

Sofiat - We made plans yesterday night when we were together. And I came in late at night. You were fast asleep.

Aunt Hajarat - Okay fine... Go get dressed and be careful.

Sofiat - Thanks aunt (she appreciates her for her permit) (She hurried up to get dressed)


A few hours later...

At Stylizes Clubhouse

Sekinat - (As she stepped in she looked around) Wowww!... I love the lights...

Aishat - (looked around too staring at the beautiful wallpapers) This place is cool .. I didn't expect so many people to show up.

Sofiat - (smiling) I know you are going to like it...    Well since I paid in advance for everyone, you should know we are gonna have lots of guests here.

Sekinat - Soffie..  don't tell me 'no'... I think you are in search of a new boyfriend.

Sofiat - No not at all.. I just want to enjoy the moment with my friends while it lasts. And there's someone I sent an invitation to.

Aishat - Who could that be?

Sekinat - is it Majid or a new boyfriend?... Because I think you have found someone already.

Sofiat - You both guess wrong... it's a new friend of mine (she looked at Emily as she clears her way from the crowd coming towards her)

Sekinat - (Wondering who as she tries to observe who was coming)

Emily - (Approached Sofiat with a smile) Hey, hi!

Sofiat - Hi!... Thanks for coming over.

Emily - Thanks for inviting me over... The place is nice! (She looked around)

Sofiat - Emily... Meet my friends, Sekinat and Aishat (She introduced them to Emily)

Emily - nice meeting you both.

Sekinat - Yeah.. same here!

Aishat - I love your hair, Emily.!

Emily - Thanks! (She smiled)

Sofiat - What are you girls waiting for?.. come on let's dance (she dragged them over and they all stuck together in one circle and kept dancing)

After dancing for some minutes, All four girls were approached by four different guys who asked to dance with them.

Emily - (refused to dance with the boy that approached her)

Sofiat - Don't feel shy Emily, it's just a dance..

Emily - No, I don't like him. (She looked around herself and picked one cute guy)

Sekinat - (dancing and staring at who Emily picked) Wow she got taste.

Aishat - (dancing with a guy named Victor)

Victor - So what's your name?... (she asked Aishat)

Aishat - humm my name is Aishat and what's your name?

Victor - I'm Victor.

Sofiat - (approached Aishat) Sorry to interrupt, Aishat come let's hang on the table over there (she points) and have some drinks and food.

Aishat - Okay (she let go of victors hands) I'm sorry I have to go now (she said to him)

Victor - Okay, maybe next time.  I'll find you.

Aishat - (left to meet with her friends at the table)

Sofiat - Bar man please get us some non acholic wine and drinks.... (She instructed) (she also ordered food from the guest house)

Barman - (Served them drinks and wine)

Sofiat - The bar man did leave a drink for me?..

Sekinat - No... But there's a wine here for all of us.

Sofiat - No no no I need to meet him personally to get mine (she left to meet the bar man and returned to the table) hmm this tastes a bit different and sweeter.

Aishat - let me try some.

Sofiat - capital letter 'No'... You've drank yours.

Emily - Soffie.. you shouldn't have bothered getting an extra drink.

Sofiat - It's not extra... I paid for it already. So he should have served what I asked for.

Sekinat - It's okay..

Emily - Fine!... It's getting late. Almost noon time to go home.

Aishat - Yeah.. I'm feeling sleepy already. Thanks, soffie.

Sofiat - you are welcome sweetie.. (she responded to Aishat) So Emily, What's your direction so I can drop you off?

Emily - Don't worry about me... I will find my way. Just take care of your friends. They're lovely!. (She left)

Aishat & Sekinat - Bye Emily... (They waved at her)

Sofiat - Okay girls let's go... (They left the club and returned home)

On their way home, Sekinat told her friends about her dad and his recent behavior. Sofiat knew something was fishy but couldn't ask further questions.

After dropping her friends off, Sofiat returned home. In the car, before she came down she felt some serious pain in her abdomen and then the pain disappeared again.

Sofiat - Aunt I'm home... (She wasn't feeling herself, she noticed something was wrong with her) (She started to lose her breath and gasped for air) Aunt please help me she screamed as she fell to the ground...

To be continued...

Blood On My Hands Chapter 2 Episode 6

 Titled - The Antidote

Thursday April 12th, 2012

Aunt Hajarat - (Walked into the hospital and observed something was wrong)... (She hurriedly rushed down to her niece's ward)

JB - (injecting Sofia with a dangerous syringe to stop her heartbeat within the next 48 hours).

Aunt Hajarat - (burst in and saw the Assassin with the empty syringe in his left hand) Ah (she opened her mouth down)

JB - (winked his eyes through the mask and fled)...

Aunt Hajarat - (screamed...) Doctor!!!

Doctor - (Heard the screams and came as fast as he could) What's going on Mrs. Hajarat?

Aunt Hajarat - There was an Assassin here and he held a syringe in his hands. I think he injected my niece (she cried aloud as she spoke)

Sofiat - (lying on the bed unconscious and started shaking again..)

Doctor - She's falling into a coma again (he hurried positioned her body well and examined her properly)

Nurse 1 - (held Sofiat's head softly and adjusted the pillow) Sir she's shocking... The poison is circulating in her body.

Doctor - We don't have an Antidote for Ricin. (Disappointed as he looks at the pain his friend Hajarat is going through)

Nurse 2 - Please ma you need to stop crying and pray... Only God can save your niece right now.

Doctor - (walked to meet Hajarat)... I'm so sorry Hajarat. (He was so speechless on what else to say, so he left)

Aunt Hajarat - (crying and feeling so sad) (she stood up and stared at her niece's face)... Oh my baby

 Soffie.. my poor girl going through all this pain (she wiped and slept on her hands)

A few hours later...

John - (walks into the hospital pretending to be the doctor) (he injects Sofia with an antidote and then walks out the door before Aunt Hajarat woke up)

Aunt Hajarat - (felt the presence of someone leaving and then she woke up) (she saw her niece was stable and she felt frightened thinking she was dead) Doctor!!! (She screamed again)

Doctor - (Rushed in) (he was a lot more frustrated with the way things are and then he ran some tests and discovered everything was Okay with Sofiat)

Aunt Hajarat - Doctor is my niece Alive?

Doctor - (Surprised) Yes!.. The poison is gone. But it affected her badly and so she's still in a coma.

Aunt Hajarat - Thank God she's Alive and stable again. Alhamdulilah! (She was Thankful to God)

Doctor - This is a Miracle! (He felt relaxed and then he walked out)

Aunt Hajarat - (Wondering who could have come in when she was asleep) (She decided to find out more) (she came out of the ward and started looking at every face to see if anyone would give a suspicious look)

John - (Saw Aunt Hajarat coming and stood up immediately)

Aunt Hajarat - (Noticed his looks and followed him)

John - (Came out of the hospital and stood at a hidden corner)

Aunt Hajarat - (Followed him) (A she approached him she said) Who are you?

John - My name is John and I only came to help...

Aunt Hajarat - (Smiled) I knew it was you who came in while I was sleeping...

John - Yes...

Aunt Hajarat - What did you do?... What did you give to her?...

John - It's an antidote I made many years from now... It's a bit complicated and this is the least you must know.

Aunt Hajarat - Thank you for saving her...

John - She's my friend and I owe her. (He stretched his hands to give her more Antidote) You will still need this someday.

Aunt Hajarat - (Collected more of the antidote from John) Thank you so much (she looked at the antidote and looked up again but John was no longer there) (she was surprised and wondered how he disappeared)...


Present Day

Sofiat - Aunt please help me she screamed as she fell to the ground...