Get ready to immerse yourself in a gripping Islamic tale of mystery, morality, and the consequences of one's actions. "The Dead Preacher and His Killer" is a thought-provoking story that delves into the complexities of human nature and the importance of living a righteous life.
The story revolves around two families: the Killer's family and the Preacher's family. The protagonist, an illiterate and impoverished man, finds himself struggling to provide for his family. The constant ridicule and criticism from his wife and others in the community take a toll on his self-esteem, leading him down a dark path.
In a desperate attempt to escape his circumstances, he becomes tempted by the promise of wealth and power through a sinister means: human sacrifice. Utilizing his skills as a hunter, he sets a deadly trap, unaware that his actions will have far-reaching consequences.
But fate has a way of surprising us. The trap set by the protagonist catches the one person who had recently reached out to him, urging him to change his ways and seek a more righteous path. That person is none other than the "Preacher," a man of great wisdom and compassion.
As the story unfolds, you'll be drawn into a world of intrigue, suspense, and moral dilemmas. Through the lens of these two families, you'll witness the devastating consequences of sin and the transformative power of forgiveness and redemption.
Written by the talented Masud Umoru, founder of Bruca's Novel, this story is a testament to the enduring power of faith, morality, and personal responsibility. As you delve into the world of "The Dead Preacher and His Killer," you'll find yourself reflecting on your own values and principles.
So why wait? Click on the episode title now and embark on a journey that will challenge your perspectives, touch your heart, and inspire you to become a better version of yourself. With easy access to all chapters and episodes, you can navigate the story at your leisure and discover the lessons and surprises that await you.
Being on this page, you're just one click away from entering a world of intrigue, suspense, and spiritual growth. I hope you find "The Dead Preacher and His Killer" to be a thought-provoking and unforgettable read!
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 1
Author's POV
Life is a mystery and hence it's difficult to understand. But while we live in this world of mystery, we fight for a successful end. An end where the lights of our graves shine so bright that there's no trace of the darkness. Sometimes I feel like walking on light (a straight path) maybe you have to know the darkness so well before you can appreciate it (light) because strangely the seed for light is darkness. ~ Masud Umoru
Izrail's POV
My name is Izrail, I guess you know what it means?.. "Angel of death". On the day of my ghusl when I chose to bear this name, everyone in the masjid found it strange and they were like; do you know what that means? And I said, "Yes I do".
Izrail/ Erasmus - (standing at the corner of the roadside trying to get a vehicle. He was looking pale) Please help me... (He said to the driver that stopped for him)
Driver - What's the matter?
Izrail / Erasmus - Please, there's a man here with me who needs medical care. He's dying and we need to save him before he bleeds to death (he cried out)
Driver - (viewed through the side mirror and saw a man on the floor with blood on his shirt) Ahhh... What happened to him?
Izrail / Erasmus - I don't know... But we have to help him. We need to get him to the nearby hospital.
Driver - Alright (he hurriedly came down from his car and helped Erasmus carry the man in his car)
Izrail/ Erasmus - Thank you very much... Please drive fast, he's losing so much blood. (He pleaded)
Driver - Okay... I'm trying my best. (He drove at a high speed)
Izrail/Erasmus's POV
Although the road was a straight path, the distance from there to the nearest hospital was a very far one. I was so nervous and tears rolled down my cheeks seeing this innocent man face the pain of death. I reflect on my own wicked life seeing him unable to speak but he forced himself to say "La illaha ilalaha Muhammadu rasullulahi sallalahu alayhim wa salam".
Driver - we are here...(He turned to Erasmus) Do you know anyone of the doctors who could help you out so they can attend to him on time?
Erasmus - No I don't, I have never been here but I will inform the Emergency ward. Thank you so much for your help. (He appreciates the driver)
Driver - You are welcome. May Allah keep us safe. I have to go! (He drove off)
Erasmus - (He didn't know what to respond) (He quickly rushed down to the hospital and called the emergency ward)
The nurses rushed down to assist Erasmus bring in the patient. Since his case was more urgent, they took him (the injured man) to the emergency room.
Erasmus - (sat down on a chair in the visitor's room) (He was having a glimpse of the past)
Injured man - you can't save me, it's too late.
Erasmus - I will try all I can... (Carried him out from the thick bush and dropped him at the corner of the road to wait for a coming vehicle)
Injured man - If you happen to see my family I need you to tell them that I love them so much and I'd be waiting for them in Aljanah. (He counted his words as he spoke in pain)
Erasmus - What do you mean Aljanah?.. I'm not literate. (He finds it difficult to understand)
Doctor - (tapped him on his shoulder) Hey Mr....
Erasmus - I'm sorry, I was lost in deep thought... Are you the doctor?
Doctor - Yes I am... And I'm here to say 'we are really sorry for your loss'.
Erasmus - (mood swings) What do you mean doctor?... I just brought that man in here and you should be doing your job trying to revive him by putting all your effort into treating him.
Doctor - I'm sorry but it's too late.
Erasmus - Doctor please stop this... Don't go any further with that statement, just go back there and do your job, please.
Doctor - I know it's hard to accept.. but you must know that the patient you brought in here was already dead at the time you arrived.
Erasmus - WHATTT??? (I felt so insane hearing this)...
Doctor - you need to calm down!. It's not your fault.
Erasmus - (crying) nooo.. it can't be... Oh my God, please save him. Bring him back to us.
Doctor - You have to take heart, sir.
Erasmus - you won't understand... (He cries)
Doctor - you can talk to me... Are you his only family?
Erasmus - I'm not his family,... I don't even know anything about this man (injured man)
Doctor - Then who is he?
Erasmus - I only know he's A PREACHER and now he's DEAD.
_To be continued...._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 2
Doctor - This is strange! What really happened to him?
Erasmus - I don't know... I met him unconscious in a thick forest and I checked and I saw he was still breathing. I was so afraid, I didn't know what to do. The place was so quiet and no one around there could help me so I managed to drag him to the roadside where I got help.
Doctor - This is really a sad one... You're a good man!... I'll make a post on all my social media platforms so we can find someone who knows him or his family to come to claim his corpse.
Erasmus - I don't know what you mean by 'Social media platforms' but I hope that will help?..
Doctor - Definitely it will my friend. One more thing...
Erasmus - Yes doctor..
Doctor - The man in there, is a Muslim. I could tell from the prayer marks on his forehead and legs
Erasmus - Muslim??... Do you mean Hausa people?
Doctor - If clearly, that's how you understand it, then 'yes'.
Erasmus - That's why I didn't understand the words he was saying to me. (He flashbacks to the last words he said in the car)
Doctor - I could tell you are not that exposed. Well, since he's a Muslim his corpse needs to be buried today. It's the tradition of Muslims to bury the corpse of their Muslim brothers and sisters on the day they die. If no one comes here before 2pm, I advise you to go to the nearest Mosque to inform them of this, I trust they will take responsibility.
Erasmus - Thank you, Doctor... (He was feeling so nervous)
Doctor - If you don't mind, I'd like to take my leave... (He left to attend to other patients)
Erasmus - (feeling worried) (in his mind) How will I deliver the message to his children if no one shows up?.. I don't even know what to say... I'm not educated and I can't communicate fluently. And I don't know anything about Hausa people. (He felt so helpless)
Exactly 2hours later...
(Erasmus was sleeping on the couch in the visitor's ward and then his phone rang)
Erasmus - (woke up in shock and takes his calls) (he was holding a small button phone without a backpack. The screen was blind and he was unable to identify the caller ID) Hello (he placed the phone on his ears to listen)
Abigail - useless man! Where are you? (she shouts at him through the phone)
(She's his wife and the moment she spoke, he recognized her voice)
Erasmus - (calmly responded)... I'm in the hospital
Abigail - (her mind was troubled) Honey, what happened to you? (She became a little more understanding)
Erasmus - I will tell you everything when I get back.
Abigail - I hope it's not something serious?.. (she became worried too)
Erasmus - Don't worry everything is fine!
Abigail - Okay oo. . . When coming, make sure you buy food items. There's no food in this house.
Erasmus - Okay ma... I have heard you. I'll do my best.
Abigail - Ehen ehen... Don't tell me that. Do the right thing Mr man. Your best is not good enough. Make sure you don't return to this house empty-handed. (She raised her voice at him again)
Erasmus - Please Abigail now isn't the right time. I will talk to you later. (He hanged up) (He got up from the couch and asked to see the doctor) (he approached two nurses writing on a register) Please ma... Can I see the doctor?
Nurse 1 - I'm sorry Mr, the doctor is attending to an emergency case right now.
Nurse 2 - Can you tell us what the matter is?
Erasmus - No, there's no problem. I will just go and get Hausa people to come over.
(The nurses didn't understand what he meant)
Erasmus - (checks his pocket and sees he has no cash left on him) (he Trek down to the nearest Masjid and meets with the mosque committee chairman?) (He narrates everything to him)
Mosque chairman - Inalilahi wa ina ilayhi rajihun. I will inform the Imam about this after the ASR prayer. Insha Allah, we will all go back to the hospital together.
Erasmus - Thank you... I will just wait outside here! Please how long will the prayer take?
Mosque chairman - Less than 15 minutes. We are about to observe salat now.
Erasmus - okay sir (Erasmus waited for them to finish the salat and just as the mosque committee promised, they followed him to the hospital immediately after the salat)
(They arrived at the hospital and met the son of the Dead Preacher. The Imam and his subordinates were surprised to see him. As men of wisdom, they understood what had happened )
Imam - Mustapha, what are you doing here? (Observing his reaction, he could tell he was sad) was he the one?
Mustapha - Ya Amir (he prostrated) Yes (he cried)
Erasmus - (feeling nervous as he watches the scene)
Mosque chairman - This is the man who rushed him to the hospital (he points at Erasmus, showing him to Mustapha)
Mustapha - Thank you for your help and assistance sir (he appreciates it)... Please was there anything you found with the man's father?
Erasmus - Nooo...( He spoke confidently without fear) He only asked me to tell you something.
Mustapha - What could that be?
Erasmus - He Spoke in the Hausa language; that he is waiting for you and his family in Janat firdausi.
Mustapha - 'Al-Janatul fridaus' Okay thank you once again.
Erasmus - I beg to take my leave
Mustapha - Please wait a minute!
Erasmus - (troubled conscience) What?
Mustapha - Take this for your transport (he gave him some money to him)
Erasmus - (grabbed it without counting he pocketed it) Thank you very much, sir. (He appreciates him) (He left immediately and Mustapha continued with the burial arrangement)
('Erasmus' On his way brought out a pocket Qur'an and three Islamic books which he hid inside of him. Clearly, they belong to the Dead Preacher)
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 3
(Erasmus returned home to his family... Before he entered his house he counted the money Mustapha gave him)
Erasmus - Ahhh... Ten thousand naira (he was shocked to have received such an amount of money for rendering help) this guy must be stinky rich (he said to himself)
Abigail - My husband (she sang a joyful song as she saw him coming with money in his hands)
Erasmus - (quickly separates the money and pocket it) Ehn... This is your music! I don't understand Ohh
Abigail - Ahh Ahh! Can't I sing for my husband again? (She held her two sons and said to them in their ears) Go and greet your dad
Tonwe & Pere - (ran to hug their dad, greeted and said) Welcome sir
Erasmus - (carries them up and holds them in his bold arms) How are you, my boys?
Tonwe & Pere - we are fine sir... (Pere asked) Daddy, did you buy something for us?
Erasmus - Yes I did but your mom would give you both when you are going to school tomorrow. (He dropped them off and asked them to go inside)
(Tonwe & Pere obeyed their father's instructions and went inside happily)
Abigail - (mood swings) Which school are you talking about Erasmus? ... Ohhh you don't know that your kids have been at home all these weeks?..
Erasmus - Ahhh why?.. and you are just telling me now. The school is free. Why do you let them stay at home?
Abigail - (she hissed at him) So you don't know that you have to pay for PTA every session. Textbooks you won't buy for them. Then later if they fail you will say after all the money you've spent. Ehnn.. Useless man! (She insulted him)
Erasmus - (felt disappointed again) One minute you are praising me, the next minute you pouring insult on me.
Abigail - (in rage) Why won't I?... I hate it when you forget your responsibility. Put it first and we won't have problems.
Erasmus - Okay my lovely wife I've heard you. (He brought out five thousand naira from his pocket and gave it to her ) I hope this will settle the PTA fees and the foodstuff.
Abigail - Ahhh.. wetin' you hear? (She was surprised) It's like you won the jackpot! My husband, what type of work gave you such an amount of money? You can't tell me it's hunting and selling of meat. (She began to search his body if he hiding something)
Erasmus - Honey stop it now... You're harassing in public. Let's go inside. (The Islamic books fell down from his trousers during the process)
Abigail - (furious) (she didn't care to observe the books) Are you gambling?.. you got this money from gambling? (She flings the money in the air) Erasmus just go back to where you are coming from and return that dirty money.
Erasmus - Ahhh (tired of his wife's nagging behavior)... You sef.. you are not patient at all.
Abigail - No.. I am not patient at all. Thank God you know. If you want to be a useless man then no peace for you. (She was provoking)
Erasmus - Please my wife calm down. You don't even allow me to talk to you.
Abigail - Ehnn.. talk I am listening!. (She turned her face away matching her feet on the ground)
Erasmus - Honey... (He tries to pet her) please face me and let me show you something (he picked the books from the floor)
Abigail - (still vibrating) Don't show me anything. So it's a gamble you are playing when you lied to me that you're in the hospital. I don't blame you.
Erasmus - My wife calm down... I wasn't gambling. You and I know I don't even know how to gamble. (He stretched the books forward to her) Take a look at these books they are not slips.
Abigail - (she turned around to confirm) What's this she asked. (She recognizes the book) What are you doing with Muslim books?
Erasmus - First pick up the money I gave you let's go inside... I will tell you everything.
Abigail - (she was pleased he wasn't into gambling) Are you sure you don't want to cook lies for me?... (She smiled)
Erasmus - No Ohh my sweet wife. Trust me na. (He held her waist and tapped her butt)
Abigail - Uhhhnn (she screamed)... You're naughty. (She said seductively and gave him a nice look)
Erasmus - See you .. Go serve food come for me first... I am famished (he yawned)
Abigail - Na small Eba they oohhh... you will have to manage it. (She held his hands and allowed him to cuddle from behind as they walked into their home)
(They both entered their house and locked the doors... She prepared him his food and they ate together at the same time he explained everything that happened)...
(Mustapha and his brother 'Abdullah' returned from the burial ground. They appreciated the Imam and the other Muslims who assisted in the Janaza and bid them goodbye. While they left with the remaining members of their family)
Mrs. Saeed - My husband just died like that? (Crying bitterly) (her daughter Fatima was consoling her but she was also crying)
Fatima - (crying) It's just as if I knew something bad would happen. I told Dad to rest and not to go for this three days dawah but he didn't listen.
Mustapha - Mum! and Fatima It's okay... I can't talk much since I'm driving but all I have to say is that Allah knows best.
Abdullah - But truly, I don't understand. Why would anyone want to kill a preacher? Because from the doctor's report, shows Dad had a piercing in his chest. He was stabbed.
Mrs Saeed - Ahhh... There shall be no peace for that person that killed my husband. My husband was down to earth, he was loyal, respectful, and kind. Well, Inalilahi wa ina ilayhi rajihun. (She consoles herself).
At midnight...
(Erasmus was lost in a deep sleep. In the physical world, his body was covered in sweat and yet his body was so cold as ice. In the spiritual realm, he saw himself lying dead on the floor. His heart raced faster in fright as snakes fed on his carcass. He could feel the snake bike as he stood watching it. He screamed but no one could hear him...)
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 4
(Mustapha and his family returned back home. So many people came visiting for condolences)
Mustapha - How I wish nothing like this happened. (He felt bad receiving visitors)
Fatima - (Her mood swings) (she began to feel sad again)
(The whole family slept sad that night)
The next morning...
Imam - (came for a condolence visit. He was accompanied by mallams) (he asked to see Mustapha)
Abdullah - (went to his room to call him)
Mustapha - (came out to meet the Imam) Asalamu alaikum sir! Please come inside
Imam - wa alaikum salam... I've been inside with your mom and your siblings. But you were not there.
Mustapha - pardon me, sir! I feel very uncomfortable with visitors because it makes my heart more sadden. So I had to stay inside my room.
Imam - May Allah ease your pain and help you recover from your grief.
Mustapha - Amin ya Allah.
Imam - How is your wife and kids?
Mustapha - Alhamdulilah... They are all doing well.
Imam - okay... I wanted to know if you'd be staying back here with us in the meantime.
Mustapha - Yes I would.. insha'Allah and after some while I'd return back to my own residence.
Imam - Masha Allah.... Also... Would you be able to stand in as the preacher for Jumat on Friday? I know it's not going to be easy because of your present state. But you know besides you and your father, we don't have any other replacement yet.
Mustapha - (thinks about it) I don't know what to say. And I don't want it to look like I'm turning down the work of Allah... So let us all wait until Friday.
Imam - Okay.. Masha Allah. I do appreciate your response. I will wait for your feedback. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon you and your household (he made some dua's together with him and left)
(Erasmus's soul struggles in the land of the dead. The witch doctor made sacrifices to ensure he never returns)
Witch Doctor - (holding a small calabash full of human blood) (he raised it up to the sky and made incantations) Erasmus may your soul be trapped in the land of the dead. May it never return!.. (The thunderbolt strokes and he is reassured that his curse was accepted)
Abigail - (tapped his husband lying lifeless on the bed) Mr man... How come you are still sleeping by now?.. (she jokingly said)... I want to go and drop the kids off to school.
Erasmus - (lying on the bed unable to hear what she says)
Abigail - (placed her hands close to his nose to feel the air from his breath). (She felt relieved to know that he was still alive but she noticed how cold his skin was and yet sweating out) This is really strange (she said to herself. But since she confirmed he was still breathing she didn't find it scary. Hence, she left home to drop the kids at school)
Hours later...
(She returned home and still found her husband sleeping just in the same position she left him. Now, she panics)
Abigail - Oga!!.. wake up (she tapped him hard) Your mate are the bush setting traps for their preys and you are here sleeping.
Erasmus - (still not responding)
Abigail - What's this now??... You want to start this morning (she continued tapping him)
Erasmus - (not responding even when the tapping was severe)
Abigail - Ahhh... See this man oohhh.. (she finds it tricky since he is still breathing) (she goes to the kitchen and prepares a very hot water and returns back to the bedroom) Let me see how you will resist this (she soaks a handkerchief in the hot water and used it on his legs)
Erasmus - (didn't respond to this stimulus act physically but in the spirit realm this revived his soul)
Abigail - (screamed out to call on the neighborhood) Ewooohh... Somebody help me!.. my husband oohhh.. ehhh! (She ran outside to cry to create a scene)
In the spirit realm...
Erasmus - (in this spirit realm regained consciousness) (he was following the path of dead bodies walking towards oblivion and then he withdrew himself) What I'm doing here?
Mr Saeed - Erasmus (voice called him)
Erasmus - (recognized the face) You are the Dead Preacher!!...
Mr Saeed - No I'm not. I only appeared in this form to talk to you.
Erasmus - where am I?...
Mr Saeed - you are in the land of the dead. Your soul was trapped by the witch Doctor you consulted weeks ago.
Erasmus - Ohhh I'm dead... (He cries out)
Mr Saeed - No you are not... It's not yet your time to exit the world and so you must return.
Erasmus - But how?...
Mr Saeed - The Dead body you see right there is your way out. (He points at his dead body covered by different snakes)
Erasmus - (felt scared and irritated by the sight of the snakes and the hissing sound they make)
Mr. Saeed - The snakes you see are signs of your impurities... you need to change your ways. The heart you possess is so pure to be thrown into the fire of hell.
Erasmus - (walks towards his Dead body as instructed and sits closing his eyes)
Mr Saeed - Erasmus as you go, always remember Death!... That would help you find your way. Find the light inside of you!.
Erasmus - (lay down just as his body were the ground and so he woke in reality)
In the real world...
Erasmus - (woke up seeing so many faces) (the neighborhood were all present)
Abigail - (Tears rolled down her cheeks) (she rushed to meet her husband as she saw him rising) (careful she said) What happened to you?? You weren't responding... (She explained everything)
(The neighbors narrated how they were also praying and calling pastors to come to pray for him to wake and they had already given up on him before he eventually woke up)
Abigail - For so long, it was like your soul was far gone.
Erasmus - (was quiet for a while and then he spoke out) Yes! My soul was gone. I was in the land of the dead
(Everyone was shocked to hear this)
(At the shrine, a loud voice spoke to the witch Doctor saying he failed. Hence, his soul and every one of his accomplices were used as replacements)
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 5
(Mustapha remembered old times with his father. They've once had a conversation relating to the future he finds himself and this made him consider the Imam's request)
#Flash back...***
Mr Saeed - My son... I have deprived your younger brother (Abdullah) of the time to learn from me. I hope you'd trained him just as I have trained you to be a good preacher.
Mustapha - (Laughed) But dad... I didn't expect you to say that. You know soon I'm going to get married and have children. I owe them that responsibility.
Mr Saeed - A time will definitely come. Even when you're with your family, you will still answer that call.
Mustapha - Why did you say that Dad?
Mr Saeed - You should know that the more obedient we are to the commandments of our Lord, the more the words we speak come to pass.
Mustapha - so you wish for it to come to pass?
Mr Saeed - Yes I do... It's the joy of a father to see his children following his footsteps. That doesn't deprive you of teaching your own children what's best for them.
Mustapha - Okay... But if I married, Abdullah would probably be assisting you.
Mr Saeed - you know now he's still studying... So he has a lot of excuses to give.
Mustapha - (smiles) I understand. You feel you are not too close to him enough to teach him.
Mr. Saeed - (smiled back at his) I'm so proud of you son. I know you can handle everything when I'm not around.
(Mustapha gains consciousness of himself and picks up his phone to call the Imam. He told him he would take the Friday sermon)
(Erasmus narrates his story to his neighbors. Although, he didn't tell them the full details what he spilled out was enough to reflect everyone's thoughts to their Lord in Repentance)
The next day...
Erasmus - (Got up very early. He intends to go see his friend but tells his wife he is going to check his traps in the bush) Honey!... I'll be back soon.. (he waved her goodbye)
Abigail - Why don't you wait so we would walk together?.. (she intends to prepare the kids for school)
Erasmus - (He thought of considering her suggestions but changed his mind again) No... There's not much time for me
Abigail - Okay then... No problem. Go well, my husband. (She prayed for him)
Erasmus - (he left) (After walking a long distance, he entered a vehicle to drop him off) (he got to his destination after a while. He stood in front of the big compound where his friend lives but things were looking so strange to him and so he had to ask a stranger he saw walking pass him)
Erasmus - Please excuse me (he called the attention of a young man)
Stranger - (he gave him listening ears)
Erasmus - (He points to a demolished building in front of him) Please do you know what happened to this house? My friend used to live here.
Stranger - Ohhh you are a friend of Ezemony?
Erasmus - Yes... He was a childhood friend. So tell me what happened?
Stranger - (shakes his head in pity) Last night the whole building collapsed. He died together with his friends who were in the building that night. Only his gateman and his maid who had left survived.
Erasmus - What??.. that's so terrible (he holds his head with his two hands)
Stranger - that's not all Ohh... Hmmm.. all his properties have suddenly crashed down too.
Erasmus - (so shocked with the reveal) (again he is reminded about death)
Stranger - Lastly, rumors are going run the corner that Ezemony and his friends are ritualists.
Erasmus - Hmm... Thank you very much for the information (he was so confused at that point) Indeed I have been allowed to repent I should count myself lucky and take corrections now before it's too late. (He advised himself)
(Erasmus returned home to his wife after spending time on the way thinking about how he would find his path)
Abigail - My husband. You are back so early (she asks him politely)
Erasmus - Yes I am... I have so much to say to now and I would need you to be a little more understanding..
Abigail - Okay my husband.. I will try to control my anger
Erasmus - Okay...
Abigail - Go on with it... I'm all hears...
Erasmus - You remember the story I told you about the Dead Preacher and how I got the books?
Abigail - Yes... You told me you met the Preacher who was stabbed in the chest and he gave you the books to read when you tried to help him before he died. And his son gave you money bla bla bla...
Erasmus - Yes but there was something I didn't tell you... I didn't know how you would react to it. But I can't hide it anymore.
Abigail - What's that?
Erasmus - The Killer
Abigail - what Killer? Ohhh you know his Killer?
Erasmus - Yes I know his Killer. (He finds it difficult to speak now feeling so remorseful)
Abigail - Then speak out!
Erasmus - It was me... I killed him... I killed the Preacher... I'm His Killer!!...
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 6
Abigail - What?? (She stood up in fear) You've become a Killer...
Erasmus - Please listen to me... It's not exactly what you think.
Abigail - What else I can think when my husband Killed an innocent man and still didn't feel guilty (she tears)
Erasmus - (Feeling disappointed) I didn't feel guilty because he forgave me before he died and I tried to save him but I couldn't. Believe me
Abigail - what are you saying?.. He forgave you and so?? you didn't feel remorseful of what you did.
Erasmus - You can't blame me for being forgetful. It's human nature! We are all forgetful. Apart from me forgetting everything that's because I didn't want to be held back. And I didn't know how to confess my sins. (He stood up to calm her down)
Abigail - Please don't touch me (He flings his hands off her) Murderer!
Erasmus - (wasn't pleased) Would you allow me to explain everything to you?
Abigail - (she cries out) I don't even know. How did I get myself into this marriage? (She was so upset and disappointed) How will people see me now ehn Erasmus?.. The wife of the Killer! Ohhh no...(she screamed) You've killed me, Erasmus!. (She walked out on him)
Erasmus - (dropped himself off on his bed)
(She left refusing to talk to him for a while)
(Mustapha and his family prepared for Jumat, he left home earlier before them because he was the one to take the sermon)
Mustapha - Abdullah... (He called him before leaving)
Abdullah - Na'am... Brother you called me.. (he was so loyal to him)
Mustapha - I would take the sermon alone today.. but prepare yourself. We will be doing this together as long as I stay.
Abdullah - Why didn't the mosque find a replacement?
Fatima - (came out to support him) Yes why must it be you who just lost your father... (She raised her voice)
Mustapha - How dare you raise your voice at me (he scolds her)
Mrs Saeed - (she heard their voices and decided to check them) Fatima (her mom called her calmly) you know your elder brother is far older than you and disrespect him this way?.. Apologize to him immediately.
Fatima - I'm sorry brother (she quickly apologized and kept calm)
Mrs. Saeed - (Smiled at his son) I see you're all set for Jumat's sermon. I'm so proud of you son! You remind me of your father a lot. But I must advise all of you "Do not let the grief you feel alter your words".
Mustapha - Thank you, Mom...
Mrs Saeed - You two should go to your rooms. I will see your brother off to the gate. (She asked Fatima and Abdullah to excuse them).
Mustapha - My wife will be coming later today with the kids.
Mrs Saeed - Okay!.. That would be fine.
Mustapha - (smiled)
Mrs Saeed - You know you don't have to be hard on your siblings because you are far older than them. I get it you are 9 years older than Fatima and 11 years older than Abdullah but still you need to be a little closer to them.
Mustapha - Trust me, Mom... I'm not being too hard on them. Just as you have said the grieve altered our words. But we all get to learn something new again.
Mrs Saeed - (smiled at her son) You need to go now. Don't be late!.
Mustapha - Okay Mom (he left home)
(Mustapha arrived early for the sermon. He did well just as his father could handle things on his own. After the Jumat service one of the notable Muslim men extends his condolence)
Mr. Salih - Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakallahu... Please my sincere sympathy to you and your family..
Mustapha - Thank you very much... Indeed to Allah is the final return.
Mr Salih - It's good to see you again after six years.
Mustapha - Masha Allah... All thanks to Allah! I'm also happy to stand on that podium and view everyone's lovely faces again.
Mr. Salih - Mashallah!... But I wanted to ask
Mustapha - Okay sir... Go on with it
Mr. Salih - I heard the man that brought your Dad corpse to the hospital wasn't questioned. Is that true?
Mustapha - Yes .. He's just a hunter who tried to save my dad's life. Why else would he be questioned?.
Mr. Salih - Hmmm... So you don't think he has a hand in your father's Death?
Mustapha - No I don't... I can't have such suspicion of a kind man like that. The doctor told me how he cried and was in great pain knowing My dad didn't survive.
Mr Salih - Hmmm.. What if he pretends?
Mustapha - (the word went deep in )
At Erasmus's home...
Abigail - (cried and slept off for so long) (she woke up so late at night and was shocked to see the day was already dark) (she panics thinking the kids were still in the school) Ohhh my God... (She shouted)
Erasmus - (rushed down to meet) What honey? Did you have a bad dream?
Abigail - No the kids..
Erasmus - Ohhh... They are sleeping... I helped you pick them up from school and prepared dinner.
(She felt more comfortable and they continued their discussion)
Erasmus - I'm so so sorry my wife (he cried) You see how hard and complicated this is.. that's why I couldn't tell you or anyone how it happened...
Abigail - Tell me... How did it happen? Why did you kill the Preacher?
Erasmus - it's because of you...
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 7
Abigail - Me?? Explain...
Erasmus - Let me tell you how it all started. Let's go back to the beginning!....
Erasmus POV
When one of my neighbors bought a new car, I saw the way he tried to seduce my wife to get her on his bed. I never suspected that it was his intention until I overheard him say it. I tried to warn my wife to stay away from him but she disobeyed me.
Erasmus - Honey I don't want you to go with Silas. He shouldn't drop you off.
Abigail - I don't understand you oohhh... you don't have money to give me and yet you said I shouldn't enter a free ride.
Erasmus - That's because he doesn't have good intentions.
Abigail - Ohhh I see... that's why you burnt the clothes he bought for me and the kids?.. I don't blame you. When last did you think of buying me clothes or the children.
Erasmus - You know I'm trying my best. I do get you some nice things you know na.. (He jokes with her to convince her)
Abigail - (wasn't in the mood for jokes) Buy who nice things?... You poor man. You don't have anything to offer me let me tell you.. take a look at those clothes you burnt, the quality is far dense. You can never afford such (she walked out on him and left in the neighbor's car)
Erasmus - (felt so humiliated) (he cried sitting all alone for hours) (then he became so desperate to get money) (he got up and cleaned himself up and left to see his wealthy friend Ezemony)
Ezemony - Erasmus my guy ... It's been a long time.
Erasmus - Ebuka please show me the way to make money.. my wife just gave me the insult of my life.
Ezemony - My friend, what did she do to you?
Erasmus - (Narrates what happened)
Ezemony - Hmmm... That's a big insult, man. But you know that's not a problem. Money stop nonsense...
Erasmus - I don't want to lose my wife to one stinky neighbor all because of money.. my friend please you need to help me out.
Ezemony - (stood up) Come with me, Erasmus... You've come to the right place.
Erasmus - Really??.. you will help me? (feeling excited)
Ezemony - yes of course... Let me take you to my company. (He stood up and took his car keys and asked Erasmus to follow him)
Erasmus - (followed him in his car.. it became strange to him when they were just entering deep in the bush path) Ahhh... This is your company, it seems you haven't built it yet.
Ezemony - Erasmus you are a funny man. We are here (he asked him to come down)
Erasmus - (saw the red flyers with skeletal head and bones) (he then understand the company he has been brought to)
Ezemony - All that you desire in this world would be yours if you fulfill a single task.
Erasmus - (scared as he saw the witch doctor slaughter a native fowl) You've brought me to a witch Doctor?
Ezemony - Yes my friend. You need to treat the sickness of poverty.
Erasmus - (speechless)
Witch Doctor - Welcome Erasmus!
Erasmus - (surprised... He knows my name) Good day sir (he prostrated)
Witch Doctor - Welcome my son.. tell me what you desire and it shall be yours
Erasmus - I wish to become rich enough to take of my family. I don't want too much wealth, I just want to be comfortable.
Witch Doctor - (smiled) (he makes some incantations) Erasmus it will cost you a small price...
Erasmus - Please name it!
Witch Doctor - Your first child would be used as the sacrifice and all you wish would be yours.
Erasmus - No way... I can't (he stood up angrily intending to leave)
Witch Doctor - (Laughed crazily) If you step out of here you won't last a second and your soul will be a sacrifice to Ogugu.
Erasmus - (got frightened)
Ezemony - Baba... This is my friend, he loves his family so much and he can't use any of them for sacrifices. Please Baba give him another option.
Erasmus - Yes Baba... Another option. Let my family be out of it.
Ezemony - Help us Baba.. (he pleaded on his friend's behalf)
Witch Doctor - (make more incantations) I shall give you a very simple task and you shall renew it every year.
Erasmus - Thank you, sir. Please tell me
Witch Doctor - All you have to do is to kill with this knife (he stretched a red knife over to him) do not clean the blood stain on it and return back within three days.
Erasmus - Ahhh... This is also difficult oohhh
Ezemony - (Hit him on his lap and told him to shut up) Okay Baba.. he will do as you say
Erasmus - (didn't have an option but accept the new option)
(He and his friend left the shrine. He wasn't comfortable with what he had got himself into. His friend encouraged him that it was a very easy task for him to carry out since he's a hunter and so he thought it)
Erasmus - (Prepare a trap in the bush the following morning. He sets the knife on a tree tied to a rope on the floor. If upset by a prey, hit directly on the chest) (he became more frequent to an extent that his wife became suspicious)
Abigail - What's going on this day?.. you always rush down to check your traps and yet you come home without any meat.
Erasmus - Bush meat has been scares for now that's why I'm constantly checking my traps. But very soon I guess everything would be better.
Abigail - Hmmm... Erasmus!..
(Two days passed and no one had fallen for the trap. He became so worried and waited. As fate may have it, On the third day A Preacher walked up to him. And then Destiny finds it way to connect both)
_To be continued...._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 8
Abigail - Why did you do all of this because of me?... You know I said those words out of anger. I can't commit adultery, I'm disciplined and I love my self-respect.
Erasmus - Sometimes we have to mind the words we tell each other. I'm your husband, you shouldn't have disobeyed me in such a manner.
Abigail - I'm sorry but I didn't ask you to go stain your hands with blood.
Erasmus - From what I explained did you think I really intend to stain my hands with blood?... I was threatened that I would be killed.
Abigail - So you think the Devil will just give you money for free like that?
Erasmus - I know
Abigail - So now that you've Killed the preacher, you are still not rich.
Erasmus - That's because I didn't return back as I was told. Before the Preacher died, we met each other at a T-junction.
Abigail - Tell me everything...
Erasmus - (sitting under a tree)
Mr Saeed - (Tapped him from behind) Hello my friend. I didn't recall your name the last time we met.
Erasmus - Good day Preacher. My name is Erasmus. (He shook his hands)
Mr Saeed - Ohhh sorry my bad. (He apologized for forgetting his name) I was just passing by and I saw you looking so worked up. I hope everything is fine with you
Erasmus - Everything is fine sir.
Mr Saeed - Mere looking at you, I could tell. A lot is going through your head right now, maybe I can help.
Erasmus - (Heartfelt disturbed) Yes Preacher... I have gotten myself into something unforgivable! Because of my desire for money.
Mr Saeed - There's nothing unforgivable. And for your case right now, I believe u haven't committed the evil act yet.
Erasmus - How did you know?
Mr Saeed - Because you still don't have the money... Let me tell you my friend 'Life is not about wealth and family'. Life is about You and how you live it!.
Erasmus - (listened carefully)
Mr Saeed - You need to live a life of Peace. This deed you've done can be undone. If you do what is right. Always guide your soul.
Erasmus - I'm surprised at the way you preach. You don't dress like a pastor at all.
Mr Saeed - I'm not a pastor...
Erasmus - Then what are you?..
Mr Saeed - I'm a Servant of Allah! A Preacher. (He brought out some Islamic books and gave it to him) this is a gift from me to you. Your belief in it will save you from any danger.
Erasmus - (received it with all his heart without knowing what he has been given) Thank you, my Preacher. I'll keep it safe!.
Mr Saeed - Okay... I'll have to go now.. Always remember my message to you... "Guide your soul from destruction". (He left)
Erasmus POV
I waved him goodbye and he waved at me too. I never knew that was a farewell greeting from him. I sat back thinking about my life and had faith in the books he gave me. And so I ran back to the forest intending to destroy the trap but I was too late.
Erasmus - (stopped in surprise as he saw the trap had hit someone down) (He screamed and ran forward to rescue who) (behold it was the Preacher)
Mr Saeed - (smiled at him) (As he tries to catch his breath)
Erasmus - (cried) This is an unforgivable act and I was too late to get here. I should have told you what I did. I never knew you would pass through this path.
Mr Saeed - Don't beat yourself up, my friend. Indeed this is what Allah has destined to happen.
Erasmus - Please I hope you will find a place in your heart to forgive me.
Mr Saeed - I forgive you, my friend. My heart is clean from hatred. This is why Allah made me the prey. If it were to be someone else, they wouldn't have forgiven you because they wouldn't know you regret your actions.
Erasmus - (crying regrettably) I'm sorry... I have to save you. But first I must remove the knife and clean out blood to nullify the sacrifices.
Mr. Saeed - Do what you must do right...
Erasmus - (Removed the knife from his chest cleaned the blood out and threw it away in the bush)
Mr Saeed - (lost so much blood in the process) (since the wound was fully opened, blood gushed out continuously and his clothes were soaked)
Erasmus - (screamed out) Somebody help!!!. Please!! Anybody (he cries)
Mr Saeed - (grabbed his hands as he felt the pain of death) Take the last book on me in my pocket. Do not worry. As long as that book is with you, nothing bad will happen to you!
Erasmus - (Collected the Qur'an from his pocket and kept it in his own pocket) (still crying) I will do my best to save you.
Mr Saeed - Tell my family I love them so much and we'll meet again in Al-Janatul fridaus' tell my son Mustapha.
Erasmus - Okay my Preacher. I will grant your wish but hop on my back let's go. I will save you! (He carried him on his back and left the thick bush)
(There was no one close by to help them so Erasmus struggled on his own to get him to the roadside. He eventually got help. A driver picked him up to the hospital but it was already too late. And that takes us back to the beginning!).
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 9
Abigail - (after listening to the whole story) In fact I don't know what to say right now. I feel so sad. May God forgive us.
Erasmus - Amen... (feeling so tired) It's late already!.. let's get some rest.
Abigail - Yeah I'm so tired really.. I managed to listen to it all.
Erasmus - you should be happy that tomorrow is the weekend.
Abigail - Yes... Good night my husband
(They both slept off feeling so tired)
(Mustapha was overthinking about what Mr Salih told him caused him to have a terrible dream)
(Mustapha saw his dad in a sad mood)
Mustapha - (surprised as he saw his dad) Dad is that really you? (He asked but he didn't answer)
Dead Preacher - (turned away and appeared at another place)
Mustapha - (so scared) Dad are you trying to tell me something?
(It began to rain heavily and the ground became slippery)
Dead Preacher - (Stood quietly under the rain and then Someone came out from nowhere to stab him)
Mustapha - (screamed) Nooooo... (She ran and fell down several times before he could get there) (he held his dad on the floor and cried) Why?? (He cried out and asked the killer)
The Killer - (Laughed aloud crazily)
Mustapha - (Recognise his face and screams) You...
Nafisat - (his wife cleaned the sweat on his head and adjusted him properly)
Mustapha - (woke up shivering) (he saw his wife holding a soft cloth) You are awake?
Nafisat - Yeah (she smiled at him) I noticed you are having a fever. And you also had a bad dream from the way you were turning on the bed disturbed.
Mustapha - Yeah... I saw my dad! It seems he was trying to tell me something. I think the person who killed him is the man that brought him to the hospital.
Nafisat - SUBHANALLAH!.. it's just a mere dream. I guess someone made you have such a thought
Mustapha - Yes my wife. Mr Salih a notable Muslim in our community put the thoughts in me.
Nafisat - You see now... That's what triggered the dream.
Mustapha - What's the time?
Nafisat - it's past 3am... You need to get back to sleep.
Mustapha - Same as you... I'm not sure you've had some rest yet.
Nafisat - Yes I have (she smiled)
Mustapha - come on lie with me...
Nafisat - (dropped the soft clothes and bow she was holding and joined her husband on the bed)
(he kissed her softly and they lay together for the night)
(Erasmus also had a terrible dream. The night was full of different nightmares all pointing to the fact that the witch Doctor and his friend Ezemony died mysteriously)
Erasmus - (woke up sweating) (he checked his time it was already 5am the morning) (he looked his side and realized the Qur'an and the Islamic books were just by his bedside)
Abigail - (Woke up as she realized her husband was sitting on the bed) Honey!... You are awake?
Erasmus - I had a nightmare.
Abigail - (she sat with her ears wide open) What was it about?
Erasmus - In my dream, I saw the witch Doctor and my friend dead .. with some other strange faces dead too.
Abigail - Hmmm...
Erasmus - And truly my friend Ebuka is dead. I went in search of him yesterday before I told you everything.
Abigail - (she looked at the Qur'an at the bedside) That means the Dead Preacher's book has been keeping you safe.
Erasmus - Obviously...
Abigail - What do we do now? Should we go and tell them the truth about you and the dead preacher?
Erasmus - I think we should wait and let fate decide. If I would go to jail for my sins, I would like to do something first
Abigail - (surprised) something like what?
Erasmus - (picked up the Qur'an) I would love to learn what is in this book.
Abigail - I'd love to learn it with you!.. but we need to find a teacher.
Erasmus - Do you know anyone?
Abigail - I think I do...
(They both hold each other's hands wearing lovely smiles as they sit on the bed together)
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 10
(They both hold each other's hands wearing lovely smiles as they sit on the bed together. His wife continued with the discussion)
Abigail - My grandparents were Muslims... That's why I know a few things about religion. so I know exactly who can teach us. His name is Mallam Hamza. He has an institution where he teaches children and adults how to recite the Holy Qur'an, it's called a "Madrasat".
Erasmus - Okay... But how would I learn being an illiterate?
Abigail - (she eyes him) Haven't you seen people who didn't go to school become pastors?
Erasmus - (he thought of it but again he disagrees) This one is different. It's more difficult than English.
Abigail - (She hits him hard) You have started again Ohh... Bad spirit don dey worry you again.
Erasmus - No na... my wife don't say that.
Abigail - No wetin?.. you are already discouraging yourself again. See better caution yourself oo. (She adjusts to the edge of the bed)
Erasmus - (Realised his wife had a point) Okay.. you are right! I think I understand your point. It's true.
Abigail - Just go and get ready!... I'm going to get the children ready, we are all going to the Mosque. (She came down from the bed and stood to reply to his question)
Erasmus - (surprised) Why? Is that where Mallam Hamza is?
Abigail - No... But to learn these inscriptions of the most high, we must observe something.
Erasmus - What's is it?
Abigail - Gushl..
(Mustapha woke up feeling so weak and tired. Ohhh Yeah! He made love with his wife and they had intimacy. She was so happy because it's been a very long time since that happened. He got up to quickly shower and observed gushl Janabat before subhi salat)
Nafisat - (Did the same thing (as Gushl Janabat) and thereafter she woke the rest of the family and they all observed salat together)
Mustapha - (Lead the salat) (After the salat he asked Abdullah to give a short tefsir while he attended to a call) Hello! Asalamu Alaikum
Jamiu - Wa alaikum salam. Brother!.. How are you doing?
Mustapha - Alhamdulilah. And you?
Jamiu - Alhamdulilah. Sorry for calling you these early.
Mustapha - Ohhh no need to be sorry. Hope there's no problem.
Jamiu - There's no problem at all. I just wanted to inform you that a Gushl is going on for a new Muslim family.
Mustapha - Really?... That's amazing! How many are there?
Jamiu - A husband and his wife with two of their kids age range 5 - 7 years.
Mustapha - Masha Allah!..
Jamiu - We were thinking about delaying the bath. Would it be better if we should ask them to wait till Zuhr's time so they can observe Jammah with us?
Mustapha - No... There's no need to delay it! Carry out the Gushl let them say the Kalimat and observe two Rakat with them.
Jamiu - Okay... Jaza kallahu hayran brother.
Mustapha - Wa antum fa jaza kallahu hayran.
Jamiu - (hanged up the call )
(Jamiu, The mosque chairman, and some Muslim men and women who were present that morning helped with the Gushl bath for Erasmus and his family and as they made the Kalimat, they were all welcomed to Islam)
The mosque chairman - (lead Erasmus and his sons in the two Rakat)
Mummy Anan - (lead Abigail in the two Rakat in the female section)
After the Two Rakat, They were given the privilege to pick from three different Muslim names each.
His two sons - (picked Ibrahim and Sadiq)
Abigail - (picked Sherifat)
Jamiu - (asking Erasmus) between these names; Abdulrasaq, Yaqub, and Abdulnafiu. Which one do you prefer?
Erasmus - None!..
Jamiu - (Surprised) Do you have any name in your mind before now?.
Erasmus - Yes I do (Thinking about the words of the dead preacher)
The mosque chairman - please... Tell us!
Erasmus - Izrail..(The Angel of Death)
The mosque chairman - (surprised looks) Do you know what it means?
Erasmus - Yes I do.
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 11
_Years later_
(Erasmus/Izrail and his family now work hard to gain knowledge. On the bright side, he didn't have to struggle to feed the family but things just kept working out for him)
Erasmus - Wallahi!... I never knew I could one day be able to read. Just look how easy it became after learning the Qur'an, I learned the English letters and I can speak English fluently, spell, and also interpret a few portions of the Qur'an.
Abigail - Masha Allah.. it's amazing!.. What Allah has done for us in a short while.
Erasmus - indeed Allah is the greatest!.
Abigail - You've been an amazing husband ever since we both stuck together to work things out. And I do regret the times I ran insults on you.
Erasmus - No my dear... You only pushed me toward my destiny. Now see how we are now. See all we have achieved together these past years. You were my push and I am really grateful you are my partner for life.
Abigail - Awwnnn that's my Sweetheart!.. My engineer.
Erasmus - I have to go to the shop now...
Abigail - Okay.. That reminds me, Your son Ibrahim is coming home today. He said he has seen a better half and he's bringing her home for your blessings.
Erasmus - Wowww... Alhamdulilah!.. should I still go to the shop?
Abigail - Yes my husband... don't get too excited you have to go to work. There are lots of car owners waiting for you to fix their cars so Godspeed.
Erasmus - (smiled) Thank you, honey!.. I love you.
Abigail - I love you too!.. (she waved him goodbye)
(Mustapha and his family visit home after many years)
Mrs. Saeed - (rushed down to hug her grown-up girls Muminat and Maryam) Awwnnn... I missed you two...
Muminat - We miss you too Mom. (Hugged her grandmother from behind)
Maryam - (kissed her grandmother's forehead) I miss everyone. (She hugged her tightly)
Nafisat - (surprised seeing Abdullah and Fatima) Did you all plan these holidays together?
Fatima - Yeah sure your husband did.
Mustapha - Well... It's a good thing that this place is an estate and it will definitely contain everyone and their spouses.
Mrs. Saeed - I know what you are trying to do Mustapha... (She tears up remembering her husband's wishes)
Fatima - What is he trying to do?...
Abdullah - Keeping the bond in the family.. giving us a chance to eat together in one place and tell each other educating stories.
Mrs Saeed - It's all about the sweetness of knowledge... Your dad's wish you're fulfilling...
Mustapha - (smiled) Yeah!... May Allah have mercy on his soul.
Mrs. Saeed - come here my boy I would like to have a word with you...
(Mustapha and his mother took a stroll around the vicinity. While the rest of the family gist together on how lovely it is to have such a reunion)
Mustapha - (trying to apologize for bringing back Dad's memory into her mind again) I'm sorry Mom I don't mean it this way okay.
Mrs Saeed - Ohh come on my son.. I know. I love what you do. It's a good thing for a son to fulfill his father's good wishes. And I know you would have done the same for me if I was the one who took your father's space.
Mustapha - You are sure Mom? But still, I'm sorry for reminding you.
Mrs. Saeed - Yes I'm sure Mom... Having a word with you doesn't mean you are doing something wrong. I only wanted to spend some time with my son alone. You know even without you doing any of these, you always remind me of my husband.
Mustapha - (smiled) you always said that...
Mrs Saeed - Because it's the truth. Abdullah is now a better man and a good Preacher just as your dad wanted.
Mustapha - You know Mom.. truly, none of these is my doing. It's all the mercy of Allah. And even though we will experience some tragic moments in the future, we will surely overcome by Allah's will because you and Dad are the reason we have all of this knowledge and we are doing our best to impact this very knowledge in the lives of our children and the lives of the people around us.
Mrs Saeed - (shed tears of joy) come here .. (she opened her hands for a warm hug)
Mustapha - (hugged his mother) You know I'm a man now I don't need to get too emotional... (He said jokingly)
Mrs. Saeed - (hit him on his back) Na*ghty* boy.. you'd always be my baby". You can't outgrow it!.
Mustapha - (laughed)
Mrs. Saeed - Okay then... it's time to get back together with everyone (family)
Mustapha - okay mom... There's something I'd love to tell everyone...
Mrs Saeed - Okay.. let's go (she held his hands and hastened up)
Izrail POV
It's been 15 years since the incidents that led to my destiny. Learning the Qur'an, I got to reason a lot of things and work towards my real occupation "Automobile repairer" Thus I excelled at this more than hunting and I was able to provide for my family and train my two kids at the best schools learning both Islamic and western education.
Ibrahim - Dad!.. I'm home (he stepped out of a sparkling clean Highlander)
Abigail - Ibrahim! (She screamed out his name and ran to embrace her son)
Erasmus - (just arrived home) (he saw the car and he was shocked and surprised) Ibrahim... You're back?
Ibrahim - Yes Dad.. (he portrays to greet his parents)
Abigail - it's good to see you... I thought you said you were coming with your fiancée?..
Ibrahim - Yes... That's her! (He points at Muminat)
Muminat - (She stepped out from the car and walked towards them) Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakallahu!.. Good day sir/ma (she greeted them politely)
Erasmus & Abigail - Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakallahu.
Abigail - (Filled with joy, she stared at the beautiful hijab girl) Please come inside (she welcomed her warmly into her home)
(Erasmus smiled joyfully as he entered his home. He never knew that which he hid from is just at his doorstep)
No matter how long you run from a thing you owe an apology, it will always catch up with you — Masud Umoru
_To be continued_
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 12
Erasmus/Izrail - Welcome my daughter... (He welcomed her properly as he intended to ask a few questions)
Muminat - Thank you sir.. (her smile was as bright as the sun)
Erasmus/Izrail - Please honey, go and bring that wine to my room let's have it together to welcome our special guest.
Abigail/Sherifat - okay my husband.. (she quickly went inside to get the wine and also served the delicious meal she prepared for her son and his fiancée)
Ibrahim - I hope you feel comfortable my dear?
Muminat - Yes I am.. I'm extremely fine!. Just a bit shy.
Ibrahim - It's good to be shy my habibat. (He smiled at her)
Abigail/Sherifat - (she served her son and her fiancee)
Erasmus/Izrail - Ahh where is my own food now...
Abigail/ Sherifat - My husband be more patient... Your guest first.
Erasmus/Izrail - (Smiles) Okay my wife. . . So my Daughter... What's your name?
Muminat - My name is Muminat
Erasmus/Izrail - Are you from this village?
Muminat - Yes Sir... But I didn't grow up here...
Erasmus/Izrail - Ohhh you grew up in the city?
Muminat - Yes sir...
Abigail/Sherifat - Please honey let our guest breathe.. don't suffocate her!... You have that responsibility.
Erasmus - (laughed)
Abigail/Sherifat - (served her husband and herself)
Muminat - (Smiled) No ma it's okay ma.
Abigail/Sherifat - Let's eat first... We can talk about that afterward. Once again you're welcome Muminat.
Muminat - Thank you very much ma. I really appreciate the warm treatment. And this meal is so delicious! Ma you're so natural. I love this delicacy.
Abigail/Sherifat - (blushing) Awwwn thank you for the compliment, my beautiful daughter.
(They all ate and discussed their next move. Muminat told them about her family but Erasmus never imagined it would be the same family he hid from all these years)
Mustapha - (spending time with his brother discussing the family issues)
Abdullah - You know brother... Allah is really marvelous. When my wife gave birth to Nurudeen.
Mustapha - yes...
Abdullah - I held him (Nurudeen) at the hospital, he was so little and I was like. When will he grow?.. How fragile he was. How long will it take him to walk, I never wanted to see him hurt.
Mustapha - Mashallah! Allahuakbar (He was excited listening)
(Fatima came to meet them in the middle of their conversation)
Fatima - Assalamu alaikum my brothers..
They both answered - Wa alaikum salam to our Princess Fatima.
Fatima - Awwnnn... I'm supposed to be called Queen Fatima now. I'm a mother of four.
Abdullah - Ehhnn!... Your husband will call you Queen don't worry...
Mustapha - For us... You are our Princess.
Fatima - (Smiled) Well... I'm glad I still have my title of being pretty.
Abdullah - That's awesome my dear..
Fatima - Big bro!.. I came to inform you that your daughter is back...
Mustapha - it's quite late I hope she had prayed?
Fatima - Yes she has... She came with her fiance and according to her, they prayed together at his place before coming back home.
Abdullah - (Saw Muminat coming with her fiance) There she is ...
Fatima - Ohhh yeah!
Abdullah - (talking to his brother) I thought you've met with her fiance before?
Mustapha - No I haven't. But my wife has spoken with him several times.
Abdullah - okay
Ibrahim - (prostrates as he met with them) Assalamu alaikum sir... Assalamu alaikum ma...
Muminat - Assalamu alaikum!..
Mustapha - Wa alaikum salam... (He held Ibrahim) stop prostrating man. Just say the Salam.
Ibrahim - I'm sorry Sir...
Mustapha - (smiled) Here we go again!... My daughter told me you're a Hafiz of the Qur'an. Hmmm... Ibrahim?
Muminat - (Smiling look at her fiance and her dad)
Ibrahim - insha'Allah I am.
Mustapha - You are full of surprises.
Fatima - (held Muminat.. and asked her in her ears) Is it true?
Muminat - Yes he is...
Mustapha - (recited some verses and asked him to complete It)
Ibrahim - (completed every verse)
Abdullah - Wow... This is really amazing!
Fatima - I'm telling you. (She was feeling excited)
Mustapha - And you said you were not born Muslim?
Ibrahim - Yes. My dad converted about 15 years ago.
Mustapha - Hmmm... What's the name of your dad now?
Ibrahim - His name was Erasmus but now he's Izrail.
Mustapha - I remembered!
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 13
Mustapha - I remembered!... The name Izrail was a strange name to pick for a newly converted Muslim and even then Jamiu and I discussed it over and over again. Well, I hope to meet your dad someday to ask him why (He teased Ibrahim)
Ibrahim - insha'Allah very soon.
Fatima - (Push Ibrahim from behind) Tell him, dear.
Abdullah - (Waits to listen)
Mustapha - What do you want to tell me?
Ibrahim - insha'Allah tomorrow I'll be coming with my parents for the introduction and insha'Allah we can decide on when we could fix the Nikkah.
Mustapha - About that!.. I am okay with any decision you make to get things fast my son-in-law.
Muminat - Thank you very much
Ibrahim - (smiled) Thank you very much sir (he was so so happy)
Muminat - (held his hands) You need to hurry up to start going home. It's late!
Mustapha - Ohhh that's true... I hope the distance isn't that far?.
Ibrahim - No. . . I will just get a taxi by the roadside.
Mustapha - Okay... Extend your greetings to your family...
Abdullah & Fatima - (Wished him well before he left)
Ibrahim - Okay. Thank you very much, sir (left with Muminat)
Muminat - Dear, when is your brother coming back home?
Ibrahim - I don't know yet but soon I guess. . . Sadiq is full of surprises.
Muminat - (smiled) I wish he was present for tomorrow...
Ibrahim - I wish so too because he would really be of help to me.
Muminat - okay... insha'Allah
Ibrahim - (Reached the road spot where he could get a taxi) (he said to Muminat) You need to go back home now... I'll be fine from here. And thanks for coming to pick me up and also thanks for escorting me here.
Muminat - Okay my Habibi.. May Allah be with you.
Ibrahim - And you too my habibat. (They waved each other goodbye)
(Erasmus and his wife joyfully celebrate together. It's their greatest joy to know that their first child is set to get married)
Abigail/ Sherifat - (heard the knock at the door) It seems our son is back. Let me go get the door. (She hurried to the doorpost and opened it)
Erasmus/Izrail - it's okay my dear.
Ibrahim - (hugged his mom)...
Abigail/ Sherifat - what did you do that for?
Ibrahim - can't I hug my mom again? (He smiled at her) I'm just so excited Mom...
Abigail/Sherifat - I understand. Your dad and I are enjoying ourselves.. come and join us. ( She dragged him over)
Ibrahim - Okay!...(surprised). Wow!.. You both are really wonderful couples. Just a few minutes after I stepped out, you did all these.
Erasmus/ Izrail - Yes my son. We haven't really had such fun in the past. Now we did this because of you. It's the joy of parents to see their children taking bold steps in starting their own family.
Abigail/Sherifat - Yes my son.
Ibrahim - Thanks, mum... And Thanks so much, Dad... I love you both (they hugged each other)...
The next Day...
(Erasmus and his family hurried up in preparation to visit their in-law for the introduction. Sadiq showed up in time to assist, making sure everything went smoothly)
Ibrahim - It's so good to see you here bro
Sadiq - (smiles) You are always welcome my bro.
Erasmus/Izrail - Please hurry up oohhh before the owner of this car calls me.
Abigail/Sherifat - (laughed) Honey you're funny man. You know already took his permission, so that won't happen.
Ibrahim - Don't worry Dad we are all set and the drinks and wine are in the truck.
Erasmus - Okay people!.. hop in let's go... (He starts the engine)
(They all entered the vehicle and drove off. Mustapha and his family were set to receive their guest. They wait outside the door to exchange pleasantries before stepping indoors.)
Abigail/ Sherifat - (looking so gorgeous in her beautiful wears) (Ibrahim introduces her to Muminat's mom (Nafisat) and her grandmother (Mrs. Saeed)..
Sadiq - (got along with Maryam)
Maryam - (Feeling excited getting a chance to meet with him)
(Everyone was interacting well with one another without noticing Mustapha and Erasmus starring at each other)
Erasmus /Izrail - (Frightened)
Abdullah - Daddy Muminat what's the matter? (He noticed his mood swings)
Mustapha - (points at Erasmus) That's 'The man who Killed Dad'.
(Everyone turned in shock to see who..)
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 14
Muminat - What's going on here?
Maryam & Sadiq - (Pulsed their conversation and watch the whole drama)
Mustapha - This introduction can't take place anymore because the man standing in front of me Killed your Grandfather. (He points at Erasmus)
Nafisat - (holds her husband's hand) Honey! You have to calm down. You know this is a big accusation to make.
Ibrahim - (confused) (He walked to meet his dad) Dad?? (He called him as he noticed he wasn't himself)
Abigail - (shed tears) (in her mind; why now?.. why this very day? And why did my son end up falling in love with the same family we've been running from)
Abdullah - (was standing speechless not knowing what to do or say)
Erasmus - (regained consciousness as his son touched him) Yes my son (he responded to Ibrahim's call)
Mustapha - Tell everyone what you've done. (He yelled at Erasmus) Nothing is hidden under the sun. You think I won't find out?... I only let it go for fifteen years. And now, fate brought you right to my doorstep.
Muminat - (crying) This can't be!...
Ibrahim - Is it true that you killed my fiancée's grandfather?
Erasmus - Yes it's true!...
(Ahhh... Everyone raised their voices screaming 'why'. Fatima and her mom 'Mrs Saeed' came out to find out what was going on)
Ibrahim - How could you?.. Why ?.. I heard he was a preacher. You killed a Preacher Dad. (He was disappointed)
Mustapha - I know it was you!.. after having that nightmare, I called the doctor to check if there was more than one fingerprint on my dad's shirt but it turned out to be just yours Mr. Izrail. Now I see the reason for your name.. 'Killer'.
Erasmus - Please forgive me!... Your dad was a good man and he's the reason I'm a Muslim. Please sir give me a chance to explain to you how it happened.
Mustapha - You will explain yourself in jail, Mr Izrail. (He picked up his phone to call the police)
Mrs. Saeed - (held his son's phone) Stop Mustapha. Give him a chance to explain to you.
(Mrs Saeed and Erasmus recognize themselves)
Mustapha - Why will I stay to listen to what he has to say when I know he would lie to make himself look innocent. (He asked his mom)
Abigail - My husband doesn't tell lies.. he was just a victim of a circumstance that he can't easily spill. He told me everything. Wallahi this whole thing happened because of the Decree.
Ibrahim - (feeling sad) (he can't afford to lose the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with)
Muminat - (also feeling sad... She felt embarrassed and ran inside to cry)
Maryam - (Followed her inside to console her)
Sadiq - (has fate in his parent that they were good people and there's a good explanation. He wants to hear what really happened) (why he listened, he prayed Allah to intervene)
(Erasmus narrates his story to the entire family and seeks for forgiveness)
Erasmus - Wallahi... This whole mistake created a new person and I bore a name that would continue to remind me of Death. Because the Qur'an given to me by your father saved me from death.
Mustapha - (heard stories of his dad. He knew what his dad was capable of doing) You mean my dad forgave you for killing him?
Erasmus - Yes he did. This is the very reason my life turned for the better. Look around you. Look at Ibrahim and Sadiq... They are Hafiz of the Qur'an is that not a mercy of Allah on me my family?
Abdullah - Indeed it is.. And Allah knows best.
Mustapha - (smiled thinking about the greatness of Allah). You know I thought my dad wasn't able to achieve one thing in his lifetime as The Preacher. But Allah is so great!. He achieved it even at Death.
Nafisat - (curious) What's that, my husband?
Abdullah - He was able to bring an entire family to Islam with his Death. Takbir!!
They all responded - Allahuakbar!! Kabir!
Mrs. Saeed - That's not all... This man is in front of you. (Pointing at Erasmus) is the man who saved Abdullah from dying.
Abdullah & Mustapha - (surprised) dying??.. how?
Erasmus - I happened to be at a beach where your mom came with Abdullah. He entered the water without a life jacket and was drowning and I rushed to save him.
Mrs Saeed - This is exactly how life is... Everything has been designed and inscribed in a book. One good turn deserves another.
Abdullah - Masha Allah!...
Mustapha - (spoke to Fatima in her ears) Please go and call my daughter.
Fatima - (went inside to call Muminat)
Mrs Saeed - Please Mr. Izrail stand up... Alhamdulilah. We all have to keep these within the family. May Allah grant us the heart to bear it all and guide us alright...
Muminat - (came out with Maryam) (she was crying seriously)
Mustapha - (holds his daughter to his chest and pets her) It's okay my dear. Let the party begin!
_To be continued..._
The Dead Preacher and His Killer Episode 15
Author's POV
We all are guilty of one crime or more. The reason for punishment is for us to earn a scar that would remind us of our bad deeds whenever we try to do something worse or at close range.
(The sins of Erasmus were overlooked and the family makes preparations for the Nikkah ceremony)
Erasmus - (held his son Ibrahim) Please forgive me for the embarrassment I caused you. Indeed I always knew that someday my sins would catch up with me.
Abigail - Please my son's (she brought Sadiq forward) Forgive us for everything.
Erasmus - I feel so ashamed.
Ibrahim - It's okay Dad. I understand what it's like... And trust me. Sadiq and I are not mad at you both for anything.
Sadiq - Wallahi... Life goes on!.
Ibrahim - (Held his dad's hands) For sure, I can't control the grief you feel for being exposed publicly. But you have to thank Allah that the Nikkah wasn't canceled and this is a thing of joy.
Sadiq - We pray Allah forgive us and spare our lives.
Abigail & Erasmus - Amin...
Ibrahim - So now, let the fun continue...
Erasmus - (smiled) Thanks so much, my sons.
Sadiq - You're welcome Dad.
Ibrahim - (Getting set to leave) Mom please take care of Dad okay... Sadiq and I need to get something important in the market. (He winked at his parents and left)
Abigail - (tries to cheer her husband up) Come honey there's something I'd like to show you when they are gone.
Sadiq - (shut the door as he left with his brother)
(Erasmus stands like a log of wood as his wife holds him seductively and shows him to the room. It was the best way to clear whatever was going on in his head)
Curtains ...
On the Nikkah Day...
(Everyone invited came early for the Nikkah ceremony. The Imam and the Muslim committee conducted the whole occasion successfully and the new couples (Ibrahim & Muminat) fulfilled half of their Deen)
Sadiq - (clearly... smiled as he witnessed the whole process being side by side with his brother).
Abigail - (Whispered to his ears) You're next!..
(Nafisat did the same to her daughter Maryam)
Mrs. Saeed - (was the most excited person at the scene) (she gives so many thanks to Allah for making her witness the Nikkah ceremony of her first granddaughter.) Congratulations to you my blossom! (she hugged her warmly as they returned home.)
(The two families were present at the Estate of the bride's family. Erasmus left the crowd and went to a lonely path in between the gardens. Mustapha followed him (unaware of Erasmus) so he could talk to him.)
Mustapha - (walked down to meet Erasmus standing alone) Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakallahu bro
Erasmus - Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakallahu.
Mustapha - I hope you're doing good my friend?
Erasmus - Yeah (feeling shy)
Mustapha - What happened last week... How I reacted, how you felt and everything, it was something meant to happen.
Erasmus - Wallahi I know.
Mustapha - I know you know that but at times our hearts might get swollen when the devil manipulates our minds.
Erasmus - You're very correct! But Alhamdulillah I'm fine
Mustapha - That's why I came to meet you. We are almost the same age. And I see how well we could bond in the future with this union of our children. (He extends his hands for a shake)
Erasmus - (smiled) Thank you very much, sir. I feel more relief with you here
Mustapha - I'm glad!... (He smiled back at him and offered him a glass)
Erasmus - (Collected the glass of wine) I'm really impressed. You, your dad, and every one of your family.
Mustapha - (Smiled) Alhamdulilah. You also have a great family you know that?.. I'm also impressed.
Erasmus - Thank you!.
Mustapha - The words I said to you (At times our hearts might get swollen when the devil manipulates our minds.) are the words of my father. His wisdom has guided this family to this state.
Erasmus - The Dead Preacher?? He's words haven't only guided your family but he's the reason I am alive. He's the reason I'm a Muslim and he's the reason I pushed myself and my family harder to learn and seek knowledge. Even being the Killer.
Mustapha - Allah doesn't make mistakes in bringing together people of different tribes and reasons. (He thought about the names and laughed)
Erasmus - Why did you laugh my friend?
Mustapha - I thought of the name "The Dead Preacher and His Killer". It would be a perfect title for your story.
Erasmus - Wow! I kind of like it.
Mustapha - it's cool!.. My daughter Maryam presented the title to me last night. She is a writer and she wants to add it to her collection maybe.
Erasmus - (smiled) Well I think it's gonna catch on!..
Mustapha - (Holds his glass high and ask for cheers) Cheers to a new journey of friendship
Erasmus - (hit both glasses) Cheers!
(They continued in happiness. With the smiling faces and the love in the air; everyone is toasting to a new life of change, a life of peace and unity. This is clearly the way we can attain happiness even in the absence of wealth we have to do our best and hope in Allah that he would guide us aright. . .)
The End.
The Dead Preacher and His Killer