In the realm of Islamic literature, a remarkable story has emerged, captivating the hearts of readers worldwide. "The Young Scholar" is a poignant and inspiring tale that delves into the early life of Abdulrasaq, a devout Muslim who would eventually become a renowned religious leader.
Abdulrasaq's unwavering dedication to his faith and his unshakeable morality inspired countless individuals to embrace Islam. Despite facing numerous challenges and hardships throughout his life, Abdulrasaq remained steadfast in his devotion to Allah, continuing to spread the teachings of Islam and touching the lives of all those around him.
The story of "The Young Scholar" is a testament to the power of perseverance and faith. As Abdulrasaq navigates the trials and tribulations of his life, he remains committed to his values and principles, ultimately emerging stronger and more resilient.
This captivating tale has garnered widespread acclaim, with readers praising its unique blend of real-life characters and fictional elements. The author, Masud Umoru, confesses his deep affection for the story, stating:
"The Young Scholar is my first Islamic story, and I never thought I could do so well combining some real-life characters and fiction action. It's really lovely and brain-bursting – I love it!"
As you embark on this literary journey, you'll discover a rich tapestry of themes, characters, and emotions. With easy access to all chapters and episodes, you can navigate the story at your leisure, immersing yourself in the world of Abdulrasaq and the lessons he imparts.
So, take the first step into this unforgettable tale, and discover the magic of "The Young Scholar" for yourself. With its universal themes and inspiring message, this story is sure to resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds.
As you delve into the world of Abdulrasaq, remember the profound words of the Quran: "Verily, after difficulty comes ease." May the story of "The Young Scholar" inspire you to persevere through life's challenges, and may you emerge stronger, wiser, and more faithful.
The Young Scholar Chapter 1
In the year 2002, a young boy named Abdulrasaq left home after the death of his father to reside in a small town miles away from his abode. At 18,, the young scholar was already an Hafeez of the Quran. And he will not rest until he becomes the best among the Muslim ummah [following the teaching of the prophet Muhammed (s.a.w)].
In a small town, there live a few numbers of Muslims with little or no faith in Islam. But things start to change after a young boy named Abdulrazaq arrives.
October 15th, 2002
Nanahauwa – my son, you are embarking on a very long journey for the cause of Allah. Wallahi I wish your mother is so proud of what you’ve become.
Abdulrasaq – Thank you, Mom, you and Dad are the best gift Allah has given to me. After Dad's death, I realized there’s a lot I have to do, to make sure we all meet again happily in the hereafter and so I must embark on this journey and propagate Islam to the other parts of the country.
Nanahauwa – may Allah ease your task my dear son ( she recites some dua’s in Arabic to pray for his son)
Abdulrasaq – Amin…. Allahumma Amin
Nanahauwa – (she entered the house and brought out her son's bag) I will take you to the park. Make sure u keep your belongings well and the money I gave you.
Abdulrasaq – (hugs his mom and kisses her chicks) Allah will take care of me and I’ll never be alone.
Nanahauwa escorted her son to the nearest park and paid his fare so he could have an extra box on him. The journey from Kene to Apelle was more than 5 hours. Abdulrasaq arrived at Apelle at 5pm in the evening, he tried to get an apartment before maghrib but was already too late to carry out such a search. And so he locates the mosque.
The central mosque at Apelle was a lot smaller than the one in Kene. Adulrasaq tries to ask the Hausa men sitting outside the mosque if he could drop his belongings inside and pass the night there.
Mallam Jibril (Hausa man 1) – (mixing Hausa with English) Yaro, you can keep your things safe to sleep.
Abdulrasaq – Jazakallahu Hayran.
Mallam Jibril – Yawwah…
Mallam Sani (Hausa man 2) – Wa antum. Yawwah!
Abdulrasaq – (checked his wristwatch) Ohh! It’s almost 7pm. Have they called the adhan?
Mallam Sani – No.. you can make the call once it’s 7pm and afterward, we will pray immediately.
Abdulrasaq – okay sir. Let me perform ablution and pray Qasr before making the call
Abdulrasaq quickly performed ablution and observed Qasr salat. When it was time to call the adhan, mallam Sani helped him turn on the AMP and connect the speakers. With a melodious voice, Abdulrasaq made the call. Muslims from meters away heard the call because his voice was audible and sweet to listen to and so many Muslims came to the mosque that night to observe Salatul Maghrib and Ishai. The most interesting thing about it all was that they all wanted to see who made the adhan that night and after the ishai prayer that night the Imam called on Abdulrasaq.
Imam Malik - (talking to Abdulrasaq) Come here my son, sit next to me.
Abdulrasaq – (sat close to the imam) Assalamu alaykum sir.
Imam Malik – Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. What’s your name my son?
Abdulrasaq – My name is Abdulrasaq.
Imam Malik – what a beautiful name. Are you from Apelle?
Abdulrasaq – No sir. I’m from Kene
Imam Malik – That’s a very far place from here. Did your family relocate to this town?
Abdulrasaq – No sir, I came here alone and I will be staying here for a long time insha Allah.
Imam Malik – That’s nice to hear. I’m so glad to see a young boy of your age in the mosque. The youth of Apelle have no interest in practicing Islam. You can see the mosque is full of old people. Although few youths came today after hearing your lovely voice and indeed this is a barakah from Allah I feel there are a lot more special things in you. Since you’re going to be around for a long time as you said, I’m making you the next Muazim (the one to make the adhan).
Abdulrasaq – (smiled) Jazakallahu hayran sir. This is an Amanah upon me. With the help of Allah (S.W.T), I will carry out the task effectively.
Imam Malik – May Allah continue to increase you in faith. (He stood up as he prepared to leave)
Abdulrasaq – Amin… Thank you very much, sir. (Masallam)
Imam Malik – Bisallam. (He left the mosque)
It was past 9 by the clock. The mosque was already dried (everyone had left). Abdulrasaq locked the windows and the doors of the mosque, He then located the toilet and had his bath. It was a lovely start for him with his newly held position at the mosque he was confident in himself that he was ready for the work of Allah.
After taking his bath, Abdulrasaq changed his clothes and recited some verses of the Quran. He also wrote down a letter about his journey and how he was welcomed by the Muslims of Apelle. He planned to send it to the post office the next morning so that they could deliver it to his mother. He kept it in his bag and then rested his head on his bag and slept.
In the Middle of the Night – unknown boys broke into the mosque and stole Abdulrasaq’s belongings, they left leaving the doors of the mosque open.
A lot of temptation will come unknown to him and how he will face it is a misery that is yet to be unfolded.
Episode 2
Author's POV
Life always brings forth temptation and more temptation for those with Iman. This same Iman is the only weapon to over the temptation that comes. Allah has not placed a burden on us, so whatever test we are given to face it’s never above us.
Abdulrasaq – (woke up in the middle of the night… using his hands to search for his bags but couldn’t find it) What?? I can’t find my bag and the door is wide open.
This was a very strange welcome to him. I thought the mosque was safe to stay he said in his mind. My money and clothes are all gone, how will I survive now? He asked himself.
He got up to perform ablution and observe Tashahud until it was time to call the first Adhan. After he made the first call, he then observed Nafila and made supplications. After making the second call of prayer, Imam Malik arrived and they waited for a few minutes before observing subhi salat.
Imam Malik – Asalamualakum… Abdulrasaq it’s nice seeing you again. I hope you enjoy your stay?
Abdulrasak – Wa alaykum Salam Sir. Yes sir by Allah’s will. Although early this morning I found out my belongings were stolen. It seems some sneaked into the masjid last night.
On hearing his complaint, Mallam Sani and Mallam Jibril Joined the conversation
Mallam Jibril – Kaai.. what am I hearing? Subhanallah this has never happened
Mallam Sani – subhanallahi.
Imam Malik – This is really disappointing to hear. (the imam called mosque preacher) Malllam Ahmed.
Mallam Ahmed – Ya Amir!
Imam Malik – Please I will need you to inform the Jammah about this news. This is the house of Allah and anyone who has done such an act should desist from it and return our visitor’s belongings unless the wrath of Allah would be on such person.
Mallam Ahmed - Okay Ya Amir. I will announce it right away and also throughout today.
Imam Malik – Thank you
Abdulrasaq – Jaza Kallahu Hayran sir (greeting all the elders with him). I pray Allah to touch the heart of the person. The letter I want to send to my mother is the most valuable thing and as for me, Allah will take care of me.
Imam Malik – I have never seen a boy with such a level of Iman. May Allah continue to assist you (He whispered something in the ears of the other Mallam around and they together raised some funds for Abdulrasaq).
Mallam Sani – Here, Take. Manage this in the meantime to get a place and stay comfortable for the meantime.
Abdulrasaq – Masha Allah! Jazakallahu hayran sir (showing appreciation to his elders) Just Allah has said in the holy Quran “After hardship comes ease”. Allah is certainly with us and his promises are true.
Later that day…
Abdulrasaq rented a place to stay. The house was just a few meters away from the masjid (mosque), so he could easily go anytime to make the adhan and also observe the salat. The place he rented was filled with Muslim couples who hardly prayed in the mosque. He quickly made friends with them and waited for a perfect time to do dawah.
Mummy Khadijah was the very first woman to welcome abdulrasaq. She was very friendly and also one of the nicest. While she interacted with Abdulrasaq, others were busy with their work and paying attention to their discussion.
Abdulrasaq – Mummy Khadijat, Asalamu alaykum
Mummy Khadijat – wa alaykum salam…. How you dey neighbor, be like na you be the new muazim for Apelle.
Abdulrazaq - yes ohh… it’s an Amanah bestowed upon me
Mummy Khadijah – you and all these Arabic wordss only today you do speak many for everybody for the compound. Where you from come self
Abdulrasaq – I’m proudly an indigene of Kene
Mummy Khadijah – That una people tough ohh, hope to say u no be like that
Abdulrasaq – My Allah’s mercy I hope to be the new view of my people. I do know we are very loving people
Mummy Khadijah – Amin ohh, I see say you dey different. All of us na one ohh
Abdulrasaq – (smiled) Yes we are one.
Abdulrasaq continued his duty and remained steadfast in salat. He walked down to the mosque when it was time for the evening salat and his neighbors were really impressed to see such a young scholar who is very religious. None of them know how knowledgeable he is yet but soon they will. Before going to bed as usual, he recited the holy Quran and read a few books and Islamic stories. He made a secret dua and then slept.
Abdulrasaq rendered his assistance whenever needed and in no time he was loved by his neighbors. Although jealousy will always live in humans' hearts, he must be careful for a new enemy will arise from within….
At 2am at midnight
Footsteps… someone wearing a black garment entered the compound, dropped something at the door in front of Abdulrasaq's tent, and flew….
To be continued…..
Episode 3
Author’s POV
We definitely can’t run from what is coming to us. As far as it’s a decree then you must be ready to face it with the help of Allah. Only by Allah we can be counted amongst those “Successful in the hereafter”.
Abdulrasaq – (As usual, he woke up to perform tashahud and make the adhan. As he stepped out of his house he saw a bag on the floor close to his door) Ahh Subhanallah. This is my bag, How did it get here?
This was very surprising to him. He wondered how the person who stole his bag knew exactly where he stayed. He carried the bag inside and dropped it on the floor. He came out and locked his door and walked down to the masjid. After the subhi salat, He told Imam Malik, Mallam Sani, Mallam Ahmed, and Mallam Jibril exactly what happened. They were surprised as well and didn’t know what to conclude.
Imam Malik – Do you have anyone that knew you were coming to Apelle?
Abdulrasaq – No sir
Imam Malik – I’m asking because it feels like someone is monitoring you… Alfa Jibril what do you think?
Mallam Jibril – Ya Amir, That might be true
Mallam Ahmed – The announcement I made throughout the day might have helped. But I never disclosed where Abdulrasaq was staying to anyone because I had no idea of the place he rented.
Mallam Sani – This is just a coincidence wallahi. It seems the person who stole it is a Muslim
Mallam Jibril, Mallam Malik, and Imam Malik – I think you’re right
You have to be careful Abdulrasaq They all said that at once.
Imam Malik – indeed, those who say they believe, do they think they won’t be tested?
Abdulrasaq – Masha Allah
Imam Malik – It’s all a test from Allah. May Allah (S.W.T) increase you in Iman so you can overcome every trial that might come. Our best wishes are with you our young scholar.
Mallam Sani, Mallam Ahmed, and Mallam Jibril all smiled upon hearing the word “Young Scholar”
Abdulrasaq - Young Scholar??
Imam Malik - Yes my son, You’re a young scholar. We are your elders and we can see beyond. We observed you and we could tell you’re very knowledgeable.
Abdulrasaq – Masha Allah… I want to say thank you to every one of you who has looked out for me since I arrived. You all have been my family, May Allah continue to bless you all for everything.
Imam Malik – You are welcome. (Take care of yourself they all said…)
Imam Malik, Mallam Ahmed, Mallam Sani, and Mallam Jibril all left the mosque and Abdulrasaq went home. When Abdulrasaq got home, he checked the bag to see if the letter was intact and when he checked he found it but his money was no longer there. But he was very grateful his clothes were back to him and made dua to thank Allah.
Abdulrasaq cleaned his house and hung his clothes on a small hanger he constructed. His neighbors could sense the joy in him as he was doing is arrangement. He greeted Daddy Khadijat as he was heading to work and also greeted others who left for their place of work. Then the thought came to him that he would definitely need to look for a job in other to survive his stay.
Mummy Khadijah came out of the house to hang her clothes and then called on Abdulrasaq just as she saw him coming out of his apartment.
Mummy Khadijah – Asalamualaykum Abdulrasaq… How you dey na?
Abdulrasaq – Wa alaykum sallam, I’m fine ma. How are you doing and how are your children doing too?
Mummy Khadijah – them they fine ohh thank you… This your voice ehhn they make me feel like say I dey mecca once you they call for prayer
Khadijah came out from their apartment to join the conversation (Khadijah is the eldest child of Mummy Khadijah, She’s 16 and a candidate of Waec/Neco. She has three siblings, her immediate brother Farook, her younger sister Amina, and their last born samad).
Khadijah – Aswear… I never missed salat since you came.
Abdulrasaq – but it’s just yesterday I came here.
Mummy Khadijah – Since when you come ehnn.. That on Tuesday evening when you call for 7 o’clock prayer na everybody start to talk about you.
Khadijah – Yes oo, that night self I go mosque. Since then I no miss salat
Abdulrasaq – Alhamdulilah… Khadijah, I didn’t know you go to the masjid
Khadijah – yes na, they go sometimes but since you come I never miss am
Mummy Khadijah – Na my house me they pray oo
Abdulrasaq – Alhamdulilah.. I’m happy to hear that, May Allah accept all our duas (Amin)
Abdulrasaq – I want to go to the market and get some foodstuff so I will cook small things with firewood, I want to stop buying food.
Mummy Khadijah – That one is good ohh. He will help you save your money
Abdulrasaq – Mummy Khadijah I want to ask you something
Mummy Khadijah – Ask na
Abdulrasaq – Please ma'am, which job do you think I can find around here in Apelle?
Mummy Khadijah – small small job they to do like; kporkpor work (site work), sales boy, driver, teaching, or market work… it depends on the one when you go fit do.
Abdulrasaq – I would prefer teaching… Let me go get these things and we will talk about it when I’m back ma
Mummy Khadijah – No wahala
Khadijah – make I follow you na make I show you around the market.
Abdulrasaq – That can only happen if your mother permit
Mummy Khadijah – Wahala no they that one na, She fit follow you go but make una quick come back ohh
Abdulrasaq – Okay ma. Thank you very much
Mean Khadijah was very happy as she gets set to follow Abdul Razak. Her brother Farook asked to follow them but his permission was not granted so he was left behind. With the help of Khadijah, Abdulrasaq was able to pick the little stuff he needed from the market at a cheaper rate. On their way back something happened…
To be continued…
Episode 4
Author's Quote
"A problem is a chance for you to do your best. We definitely can’t solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. A problem is only a problem if you refuse to look for a solution. Our real problem, then is not our strength, it’s rather the vital necessity of action".
Two of Khadijah’s male classmates stopped Abdulrasaq and Khadijah on their way home. They were behaving like thugs and trying to scare Abdulrasaq. Khadijah’s closest friend Abdulfatai was looking enviously and anyone could tell he was jealous of him.
Abdulfatai – Khadijah, who is he?
Khadijah – Why are you guys blocking our way? Abeg make una shift jor
Abdulrasaq – Asalamu alaykum to you both
Abdulwahab – who u they sallam give? We no won see you near this girl again oo
Khadijah – What’s the meaning of this rubbish you guys are performing this morning… Abdulrasaq please make we dey go
Abdulrasaq – (trying to take a step but is pushed away by Abdulwahab) Hey! Bro… please be easy on me, I’m just a friendly neighbor.
Abdulfatai – Mr. friendly neighbor this is my girlfriend so stay clear from her
Abdulrasaq kept silent while Khadijah replied to them: be like say una two dey mad aswear. Abdulfatai wetin I hear you talk just now?... make I assume say I no hear you she said angrily and dragged Abdulrasaq and they left. Abdulrasaq didn’t say a word until they got home. Khadijah apologized to him for everything that happened on their way back.
Abdulrasaq – it’s alright I do understand…. You know it’s not your fault. Well thank you for the stuff you bought (He smiled)
Khadijah – you’re welcome English man (she tries to tease him)
They both went into their homes. Abdulrasaq prepared breakfast and ate then rested for a while before Zuhri. He hastened up to the mosque to call the Adhan and then observed salat… Ever since he has been calling the Adhan, more Muslims have been coming to the mosque regularly. Most people are already asking questions trying to dig out things about Abdulrasaq. Meanwhile, Abdulrasaq continues doing his dua to Allah to guide him aright and make him accomplish his task.
After Asr prayer, Mallam Ahmed told Imam Malik that he would be traveling to his village immediately and that he had just gotten a call that his father died a few minutes before. Since he won’t be around for the Jumat service tomorrow, Imam Malik Mallam Jibril, and Mallam Sani if any one of them could help do the sermon for Jumat but they both said it was in prompt and they would need to think about it.
Mallam Jibril – I think we should ask abdulrasaq if he can ya Amir.
Imam Malik – Okay, call him for me let's ask him.
Mallam Jibril – (called Abdulrasaq and they asked him) Can you give a sermon?
Abdulrasaq - Yes I can
Imam Malik – We will want you to give the sermon for the Jumat service tomorrow
Abdulrasaq – I will do my best Insha Allah. But it would be my first time to preach in a Jumat Service. Indeed it’s an honour
Mallam Jibril – Masha Allah.
Imam Malik – Indeed these tasks are not coming from us but it is coming from the Most Highly exalted in Might. Go and get ready!
Abdulrasaq – Jaza Kallahu Hayran
Abdulrasaq went home smiling and excited. He met Mummy Khadijah and her children and also two other neighbors; Mummy Habib and Mummy Zainab. They were all discussing when he got there.
Abdulrasaq – Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh [He greeted everyone]
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh {they all responded}…
Mummy Khadijah – Welcome Abdulrasaq.
Abdulrasaq – Thank you ma
Mummy Khadijah – Khadijah tell us wetin happen say he friends won beat you because them see you and her dey waka.. Na wa oo. No mind them oo
Abdulrasaq – It’s fine ma. I have even forgotten about the whole thing. And everyone should.
Mummy Zainab – Mama Khadijah make I rush to prepare food for my baby, I dey come.
Mummy Khadijah – Okay, no wahala we dey here dey wait you
Abdulrasaq – Mummy Khadijah about the question I asked the other time… You know I said I would prefer teaching.
Mummy Khadijah – Yes, You talk so
Abdulrasaq – Is there any school that needs a Teacher?
Mummy Khadijah – which of the subjects do you like to teach?
Abdulrasaq – I can teach Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Islamic religious studies
Mummy Khadijah – wow… be like you know book well well ohh.. But for here no Muslim school so none of the children dey offer Islamic Religious Studies (IRS)
Abdulrasaq – Okay ma
Mummy Khadijah – No worry, Schools dey when go take you. You fit apply for Khadijah school sef.
Abdulrasaq – Okay, Thank you ma. I really appreciate…
He left and entered his apartment. While he was standing outside, Khadijah was just staring at him at first he thought it was normal but later on, he saw she was catching emotions and then he lowered his gaze. In his heart, he feels he needs to keep away from her and also from the women (the mothers) when they are set to gossip.
To be continued…
Episode 5
Aurthor’s POV
As long as we breathe in free air, we eat from what the Lord has created and we could do everything we think of; then, we definitely have a purpose in life and that purpose is our destiny. No matter how fast or slow time might be, it will surely come.
It’s Friday morning, a few numbers of Muslims already heard the latest gossip in Apelle. They heard that young scholar who is not from this town was going to give the Friday sermon. This have never been done in the town of Apelle. Ever since the masjid was built in 1996, Mallam Ahmed has been the Dawah Chairman (Mosque preacher) and he preach in Hausa Language. The news spread like wide fire and everyone was waiting for the time to see who this was because they were in doubt because Abdulrasaq is already the Muazzim.
Unlike few days back Abdulrasaq always come home after subhi and have a short conversation with Mummy Khadijah before going back inside his home to rest. But on this Friday and based on him trying to limit the closeness stay indoors like he wasn’t around. Khadijah came peeping through but she didn’t hear any sound and then she concluded that Abdulrasaq wasn’t at home.
Few hours before the commencement of the Jumat service, Abdulrasaq came out to have his bath and prepare for Jumat.
Mummy Khadijah – (sitting outside her varanda) Asalamualykum Mallam Abdulrasaq
Abdulrasaq – (felt surprise because he never knew anyone was watching him) Wa alaykum salam ma
Mummy Khadijah – I no know say you they house oo, even khadijah check but no hear your sound. Be like you they sleep
Abdulrasaq – (Intending to say the truth but had to tell a white lie) I was deep asleep. I felt like relaxing a little longer that’s why
Mummy Khadijah – Dooh… sorry. Hope say you dey fine sha?
Abdulrasaq – Yes ma. Thank you very much ma. let me hurry up and bath so I won’t be late for Jumat
Mummy Khadijah – Where you dey hurry dey go? Na you won preach?
Abdulrasaq – (Surprised and turned in shock) How did you know?
Mummy Khadijah – Know wetin?
Abdulrasaq – How did you know I’m the one who is going to preach today Friday?
Mummy Khadijah – (felt surprised as well, thinking Abdulrasaq was trying to joke) I no understand you oo
Abdulrasaq – Mummy Khadijah please let me go get ready (he hurried into the bathroom to take his bath)
Khadijah came out after listening to the conversation between her mom and Abdulrasaq.
Khadijah – Mummy I think I heard some people saying a young scholar was going to preach today Friday
Mummy Khadijah – Really? Na means Abdulrasaq no dey joke
Khadijah – Yes, Na true he they tell us oo
Mummy Khadijah – Make I go ready for mosque too oh
Khadijah – Yes o.. Me go soon ready sef
They both went inside their homes to prepare for mosque. Abdurasaq came out from the bathroom hurried up and dressed up in a flash. He put on his best dress and he looked so beautiful. He got to the mosque at exactly 10 minutes to 1 (12:50pm) by then Mallam Sani and Mallam Jibril had already set the speakers and arranged the masjid. Abdulrasaq made the call to prayer and after that, he began to recite the holy Quran from surah Asr–Nas and then started the sermon.
When some of his neighbors heard his voice they recognized him and they murmured among themselves; Na him really they preach ohh, how come?... What happened to Mallam Ahmed?. E be like say Mallam Ahmed no dey town one of them replied. This boy when just come four (4) days ago na come they preach for mosque, he dey use Jax? Na wa ohh.
Others who were familiar with him also relate with themselves;
Khadijah and Her mom
Mummy Khadijah: I no know say Abdulrasaq really serious about the preaching ohh
Khadijah: Yes he was, he's so bold (she kept on admiring)
Mummy Khadijah: He dey very intelligent be that ohh, you dey hear how he dey interpret Qur'an like say na him write am
Khadijah: he could speak and understand Arabic that's why... He's so knowledgeable.
Mallam Sani and Mallam Jibril
Mallam Jibril: Wallahi this boy is so gifted
MMallamallam Sani: Wallahi... I never thought he could preach like this
Mallam Jibril: Look at the mosque! Everywhere is almost filled up with people I've never seen prayed.
Mallam Sani: Allahuakbar! We Thank Almighty Allah for everything.
Mallam Jibril: Alhamdulilah.
They continued listening to the preaching...
Abdulrasaq's preaching that day didn't only make the mosque fill up but it also did two things. The first one was that; it made most people realize their right and their wrong, they felt the words in their hearts as if an angel came down to advise them about Islam. Secondly, four (4) persons converted to Muslims that very after they felt inspired by the words of Allah. A lot of miracles in one day!
The Muslim people of Apelle marked this very day (October 18th, 2022) as the day the Nasr (help) of Allah came to Apelle. And the story of the Young Scholar began to reign in the town and took the headlines in their magazines.
As things got better, the evil eyes and haters of success began to panic. They said to themselves: Do we sit down and let a young boy have so much freedom? No... Then we must put an end to all of this.
To be continued...
Episode 6
For the first time in history, the town (Apelle) witnessed a miracle. Most of the Muslim that heard the Young Scholar's admonition were touched by it and they began to change from their bad ways.
After the Jumat Service
Imam Malik: Assalamualaikum Jammah. Alhamdulilah!! Alhamdulilah Rabbil Aleamin. We Thank Almighty Allah for today's Jumat [The crowd answered: Alhamdulilah] I really want to appreciate our young Scholar here name: Mallam Abdulrasaq for his admonition today. Clearly this is the first time our mosque (masjid) got filled to it's brim. And that's because Allah used this young man here to help us and I want everyone to respect him like he deserves.
[The crowd: Masha Allah]
A man from the crowd stood up and said: I felt so touched with the sermon and I would love if my children can have someone who could teach them the quran and sunnah of the prophet Muhammad (SAW). [He turned his face to Abdulrasaq] If every kid could grow up like you then the world would be a better place.
Mallam Sani: Assalamualaikum.. [replying the man in the crowd] They're many madrasat that children can attend. The parents needs to follow up on their children to ensure they learn well.
Imam Malik: May Almighty Allah assist us and guide all the Muslims to remain steadfast. May we continue to see such crowd coming to observe salat daily.
He made a closing dua
[The crowd: Amin]
Everyone left the mosque and returned home for the day. Not a single person left without getting to see the face of the Young Scholar. Ohh he's so cute, smart and intelligent. Abdulrasaq felt shy being a celebrity in a small town. While Abdulrasaq walked down home, an old woman passed him by with a very heavy load on her head. She turned to faced him and her looks shows she was in need of help. Abdulrasaq was just about helping her out before he got distracted by Khadijah's friends.
Abdulwahab: Abdulrasaq [He called his name]
Abdulrasaq: [He turned towards them] Assalamualaikum to you two.
Abdulfatai: Wa alaikum Salam bro.. you seem to be a very quiet guy. Abeg come make we rub mind (come let's talk)
Abdulrasaq: I hope there's no problem
Abdulfatai and Abdulwahab: No bro, we just need to know something.
Abdulfatai: I must commend you for the sermon today. You really try.
Abdulrasaq: Thank you
Abdulwahab: Smile na.. you dey fear?
Abdulrasaq: I'm not afraid of anyone except Allah.
Abdulfatai: Hmm.. you're very religious in the outside. Are you the same in side?
Abdulrasaq: You know you don't have right to judge anyone? Allah hate it! So you both need to avoid it.
Khadijah saw Abdulrasaq, Abdulfatai and Abdulwahab from afar and then rushed in to know what's going on.
Khadijah: Hey! What's happening here Abdulfatai
Abdulfatai: nothing madam
Khadijah: You boys are biting more than you can chew oo.. Just don't worry on Monday I will report both of you to the principal. [She hissed and asked Abdulrasaq to go with her]
Abdulfatai: Khadijah, why are you doing me like this now, no vex na.. we just dey talk to Abdulrasaq and praise am for the preaching today.
Abdulwahab: yes o na wetin we dey do be that. Ask am na.
Khadijah: I don't need to ask him. I know you both are liers.
Khadijah: please let's get out from here Abdulrasaq
Abdulrasaq: okay.. [ He took the steps and they left]
Abdulrasaq and Khadijah arrived home. Khadijah's mom hailed him...
Mummy Khadijah: Sheikh Abdulrasaq... I love your preaching wallahi you good for preaching well well. Na so all the women for mosque dey smile dey enjoy your preaching.
Abdulrasaq: Masha Allah... It's not by my power but Allah's grace and mercy. So I say Alhamdulilah Rabbil Aleamin.
Mummy Khadijah: Me and Khadijah principal talk after mosque today. He say make you come see am on Monday.
Abdulrasaq: wow! I didn't know he was a Muslim
Khadijah: yes He is a Muslim.
Mummy Khadijah: just go ready, you don get that job already
Abdulrasaq: inshallah... Thank you very much na.
Khadijah: [starring at Abdulrasaq as usual] Abdulrasaq please can we take a stroll?
Abdulrasaq: [He felt it would be embarrassing to ask her where they'd be strolling to] okay, I'll like that.
Khadijah: with a beautiful smile left home with. And this she forgot to take permission from her mom.
Mummy Khadijah was already figuring out that her daughter was falling in love because of her recent behavior and how she most likely talks about Abdulrasaq with Farooq most times. Trust our mothers they know exactly what is going on in our heart but how to stop it is what they find difficult to help us with.
Abdulrasaq and Khadijah arrived at a lonely path... And then she said to him;
Khadijah: there's something I'll like to tell you...
To be continued....
Episode 7
Author's POV
Love most times can change a person totally. Being so much in love with someone special makes you adjust your previous lifestyle to suit theirs. Even the heart of a wicked soul when touched by love gets soft.
Mummy Khadijah: [Knocking at Abdulrasaq's door] Assalamualaikum
Abdulrasaq: wa alaikum Salam ma... Good morning to you
Mummy Khadijah: hope say u no forget say today na Monday? Go ready oo
Abdulrasaq: Thanks for reminding me ma but I didn't forget. It's why I returned from the masjid a few minutes after subhi. So I'd study a little and then get ready.
Mummy Khadijah: okay. I think say you forget. Them khadijah don dey prepare
Abdulrasaq: okay ma.. I'm almost ready!
Abdulrasaq: thoughts in his mind... [Mummy Khadijah had been like a mother to me since I arrived. Unlike the other neighbors they don't even do like I exit].
Just as he came out he saw Khadijah and her siblings coming out from their gate... For a moment he found himself gazing at her only because he hadn't seen her for two days now. He had a vibe on his last moment with her
Khadijah: there's something I'd like to tell you
Abdulrasaq: okay! Go on with it...
Khadijah: I...
Her dad who was shocked to see her standing with Abdulrasaq at the spot where they hang out shouted her name, Khadijah... Come here
Khadijah: I am sorry I have to go meet my dad.
Abdulrasaq is still in thought... [What did she really want to tell me that night]
Khadijah and her siblings: Abdulrasaq let's go
Abdulrasaq: I'm sorry I didn't notice you were already waiting for me. [He grabbed his bag and backed it on] No I look like a student when I'm supposed to resemble a teacher.
Khadijah and her siblings: lolz... That's funny
Khadijah: do teachers have a specific look?
Abdulrasaq: not at all, I'm just trying to be funny
Khadijah: oh yeah, you are funny
Farooq: Brother Abdulrasaq, please I want you to teach my class (SS1 B) we don't have a good mathematics and physics teacher. If you teach us we'll be better than Arm A.
Amina: Uncle Abdulrasaq, you will teach my class too (Jss 2A )
Samad: my class uncle..
Abdulrasaq: Lolz... You all want me to come to your class to teach you. I haven't gotten the job yet. Even you Samad ..[he rubbed his head and said to him] You are still in your primary and I teach only senior secondary but I can take you for lessons or help you with your assignments.
Samad: okay uncle.?
They arrived at a bus stop junction and then took a vehicle down to the school gate. They arrived at school when the assembly was going on. Abdulrasaq waited in the guest room until the students were dismissed from their classes. Then the principal asked to see him in his office. He was shown the way to the office by his secretary. He entered the office and greeted the principal who offered him a sit afterward.
Principal: Good morning Mr. Abdulrasaq... Am I correct?
Abdulrasaq: Good morning sir... And yes, You're correct
Principal: Khadijah's mom told me about your interest in teaching. And she also said you are a brilliant science student and a mathematician. I don't doubt that you're a Scholar because I witnessed it with my own eyes watching you preach in the mosque on Friday last week. You were really amazing I must comment.
Abdulrasaq: [smiles and takes a deep breath]
Principal: This session started a week ago and You came at the right time. We require a mathematics teacher for SS1 - 3 and I don't know if you would be capable of taking all 3 (three) classes.
Abdulrasaq: Yes I'll be able inshallah.
Principal: don't you think it would be a lot stressful to do? You'd be teaching 3times daily
Abdulrasaq: It's what I'm trained for. I can cope.
Principal: it's fine I don't mean to underestimate you. So let's talk about your allowances
Abdulrasaq: okay sir
Principal: Tell me your charges
Abdulrasaq: No sir, you know I'm new here and I don't know how much you can afford. In other not to sound rude. You should pay me what you feel would be enough for me.
Principal: You're indeed a smart man. Well, don't worry. You can start work tomorrow. First, let me show you the classes and introduce you to all the students
Abdulrasaq: Thank you very much sir. Jaza kallahu hayran.
Abdulrasaq followed the principal and then he was shown around and introduced to the student as suggested. He waited till the school closed so he could return home with Khadijah and her siblings. But before then he observed salat on the school premises and some Muslim staff and students were encouraged to join him. He was really teaching the people the importance of brotherhood in Islam.
Later that evening Khadijah was able to tell Abdulrasaq what she intended to say...
Khadijah: Abdulrasaq... I noticed you've been avoiding me in a way because of how I look at you.
Abdulrasaq: [didn't say a word but stared and listened]
Khadijah: You're a pure boy and I would like to be like you. Just tell me how can I learn all that you've learned. How can I increase my Iman and be a Scholar like you?
Abdulrasaq was going to say a word but he started feeling strange and then he fainted...
Abdulrasaq! Abdulrasaq what's wrong with you, please wake up...
Somebody help!!! She shouted.
To be continued...
Episode 8
Author's POV
In life no matter how pure we could be, we don't get to see the evil around us until we are told to stay away by someone who has seen it deep. Whether we avoid it or not the truth is we end up creating our own enemy.
Abdulrasaq woke up in the middle of the night in a hospital. How did I get here he asked him... He became worried that he hadn't prayed Ishai the previous night and that he wouldn't be able to leave the hospital that morning to make the adhan and observe salat.
His friends in the mosque (Imam Malik, Mallam Sani, and Mallam Jibril) were also worried that something might have happened.. They all have fate and believe that "The Young Scholar" wasn't relenting in his duty.
Abdulrasaq got up to use the restroom and performed ablution inside. He came out and looked for a clean place to observe salat. While he was praying the nurse stood behind him so surprised. She was like Islam was really growing gradually in Apelle. Although this was the first Young boy she had seen praying under a sick condition and praying for hours (3 hours precisely).
She watched him as he observed every rakah and recited the verses with a soft tune. Even though she wasn't hearing the meaning of what he was reciting, she loved it because it was melodious. After Abdulrasaq finished observing Subhi, she approached him.
Nurse: Salamu alaiku...
Abdulrasaq: [smiled] Wa laka.
Nurse: is that the full greeting?
Abdulrasaq: No ma'am. I made it short "And you too" is what it means
Nurse: seriously. Is it Hausa?
Abdulrasaq: No it's Arabic
Nurse: So you can speak and interpret Arabic?
Abdulrasaq: Yes ma'am
Nurse: Wow! Amazing, [she felt excited] (in her thought of saying she would like to learn but she just let it)
Abdulrasaq: Thank you ma.. I'd like to ask
Nurse: Okay
Abdulrasaq: How did I get here?
Nurse: I don't know either but I think I saw when they rushed you in... I think your dad and your mom
Abdulrasaq: [Got so confused] Dad and Mom?
Nurse: I'm not sure who they're to you
Abdulrasaq: they're my neighbors... None of my parents are here. My dad is gone. My mom stays at Kene I'm the only one here in Apelle.
Nurse: sorry about your dad
Abdulrasaq: It's fine... Death is inevitable! (He walked towards a patient on the third bunk after his own bed. He could recognize her as the old woman he tried to help the last Friday after Jumat) What Happened to her?
Nurse: she had an accident on Friday... The load she was carrying was too heavy for her and she couldn't walk fast when crossing the road... According to her children who brought her here, a car hit her while trying to cross the road on Friday afternoon.
Abdulrasaq: so she has been here since Friday?
Nurse: No.. They brought her here same time as you yesterday. They were using the native treatment for her but when they found out she wasn't responding, they brought her here to the general hospital.
Abdulrasaq: (feeling guilty)
Nurse: why are you feeling concerned about her?... Do you know her?
Abdulrasaq: I don't her but I saw her on Friday while she was struggling with the load on her head. I wanted to help her but some boys distracted me.
Nurse: ohhh... If you had helped her, this wouldn't have happened.
Abdulrasaq: (sheds a few tears that dropped on her hands)
As he was about to walk away from her corner. She held his hand. The nurse was shocked to see this happened. She called on him to listen to what she had to tell him. While he knelt down to listen, the nurse rushed to call the doctor from his office.
Old woman: My son, A spell has been cast on but you're a survivor and you'd succeed. You're fair but not everyone likes to know that truth.
Abdulrasaq: mother... I don't understand what you are trying to tell me.
Old woman: There are 3 in the mosque and they're women. Sad about what you preached and one of them is your neighbor. They want you dead!.
Abdulrasaq: [finding it hard to believe because he doesn't believe in fortune seers] Okay mother... Allah will take care of us all.
Old woman: will Allah take of me?
Abdulrasaq: Yes He will if you sincerely say "La illaha illaha"
The nurse and the doctor arrived... The doctor was about to check her and examine if she was okay but she told him there was no need for that.
Old woman: I have fulfill my mission and I have been granted peace.. ohhh my son Thank you for the favor in exchange.. "La illaha illaha".
She gave up the ghost.
Abdulrasaq: Ina lillahi wa ina ilaihi rajihun
Doctor: She's gone... What did she say to you? (He questioned Abdulrasaq).
Nurse: (cried silently,)
Abdulrasaq: That some women want me dead.
Doctor: her last words were la illaha illaha you told her to say that?
Abdulrasaq: No, she said it sincerely so she would find peace in her grave.
Doctor: This is really strange... But she wasn't a Muslim
Abdulrasaq: But she's a seer and she definitely knows why she finds it a favor.
Abdulrasaq asked the doctor what was wrong with him and if he could be discharged before 7am. The doctor told him to wait until the test results were out. While the nurse informed the family of the old woman to check-in.
The doctor left thinking about all that just happened... In his heart he sees Abdulrasaq to be some kind of Angel. He went to his Lab to continue the blood test and when the results were out it showed he was poisoned with a deadly drug.
Doctor: how come he's still alive??...
To be continued...
Episode 9
Author's POV
There's only one who gives and takes life... it is He Allah (SWT) Indeed if you get close to your Lord, you will be unstoppable. So build up your Iman to the extent you fear nothing else but Allah and love Allah with all your heart.
Doctor: How come he's still alive?
The doctor felt so surprised about this incident and so he asked Abdulrasaq to come and see him in his office
Doctor: Your test is complete and the results are out
Abdulrasaq: okay
Doctor: The first test we carried out when you got here shows a deadly substance was added to your food that evening.
Abdulrasaq: (subhanallah) So the old woman was right after all
Doctor: The old woman said something to you?
Abdulrasaq told me three women were sad about what I preached on Friday. And one of them is my neighbor
Doctor: They're sad about what you preached?
Abdulrasaq: They felt I was preaching about them.
Doctor: hmmm... Who do you suspect would be this neighbor?
Abdulrasaq: in Islam, it's not right to suspect... All these are trials from Allah and He only can help me pass them. I live in this life like it's a school, Allah gave us a book to read and learn more about Him and then He gave us trials as tests and someday, we will die and answer the question of the grave. A question that can't be answered by our mouth but only with our hearts. That's an exam we must prepare for, because if we fail then we lose everything.
Doctor: (feeling so emotional) Before now, I knew nothing about Islam. I have heard things about the religion and I have seen it like Buddhist stuff. I never knew they had miracles happening in Islam until I met you. After carrying out a second test I saw the poison was gone and you're healthier than you were before.
Abdulrasaq: Alhamdulilah!!! Indeed I must give thanks to my creator
Doctor: (Smiled..) I'm looking forward to learning more about your religion. With the way I feel right now, I'm certain that someday I'll be a Muslim and a good one.
Abdulrasaq: Inshallah... May Allah will and May you find peace with it
Doctor: Amin... Don't worry about any payment. The hospital bill, I'll take care of it.
Abdulrasaq: Jaza kallahu hayran.. Thank you sir.
Doctor: you are welcome!
Abdulrasaq: May I take my leave?
Doctor: Yes of course
They shook hands and then Abdulrasaq left the office. When he came out, he was the nurse by the door. It was obvious she was listening to their conversation.
Nurse: Are you going home?
Abdulrasaq: yes, I need to go get ready for school.
Nurse: (surprised) Are you still in Secondary School?
Abdulrasaq: [smiled..] no, I'm a new teacher in Pathfinder
Nurse: That's nice... Where do you stay?
Abdulrasaq: I'm sorry... I'm running late, I have to go now
Nurse: please just tell me before you go
He rushed and left without answering her question. The nurse felt so disappointed. It was obvious she liked the Young Scholar, being so cute sometimes creates a lot of temptations.
The Young Scholar finds his way home. His neighbors were all sitting together and every one of them was briefed about what happened to Abdulrasaq last night by mummy Khadijah. When he walked they were all surprised to see him safe and sound. They all seemed happy except one who gave out a fake smile. In her thoughts... [How come he survived it?].
Mummy Khadijah: I was about to come to the hospital to see you before you came.
Abdulrasaq: ohhh... I wanted to say Thanks to you and Daddy Khadijah, especially for taking care of me yesterday, Allah will continue to reward you both. And thanks to everyone who was concerned about me.
Mummy Khadijah: you are welcome. What are neighbors for?... Anyway, I prepared some food for you to eat, should I bring it?
Abdulrasaq: huhh.. [Thinking about the poison (it shows a deadly substance was added to your food that evening )] No I'm late for school, I must hurry up. Thank you ma!.
He zoomed off to take his bath and left for school immediately after he finished dressing up.
With his present state, how will he continue to live with his neighbors?....
To be continued...
Episode 10
Author's POV
Those who love you truly in their heart will always be there for you. They are willing to watch over you and make sure you remain safe they are the ones you can trust a little because only Allah should you give all thy trust.
Abdulrasaq arrived at school 12 minutes late. He apologized for not getting there early and also acted like nothing happened the previous day. Meanwhile, Khadijah was in her class worried. In the absence of a teacher in the class, Her classmates were talking with one another and playing pranks to have fun. She was just alone sitting on her desk, thinking about Abdulrasaq's condition. Her friend Fatima saw her moody and decided to cheer her up.
Fatima: What going on in this your big head?
Khadijah: Fatima please stop I don't have time for your troubles...
Fatima: come on I can't leave you like this you're moody... Is it because of What Abdulfatai and Abdulwahab did to your Neighbor's crush...
Khadijah: (shhhh) Bring your voice down
Fatima: ohh now someone is ready to crush
Khadijah: My friend isn't feeling fine
Fatima: I didn't tell you like that ohh... I'm fine. See me here
Khadijah: (smiling..) You like to play too much. Not you, you know the friend I'm talking about.
Fatima: ehnn now you're smiling.. Tell me what happened to him
Khadijah: He fainted last night while I was asking him to tell me how I could be like him.
Fatima: Hmm, I think the question was enough to get him pregnant...
Khadijah: Fatima you when you're a clown... Talk better thing jor before biology teacher will walk in.
Fatima: okay I know those words are scope to make see that you like him. But tell me are you going to really change because of him?
Khadijah: I don't know yet but I can do anything for him
Fatima: What happens to Abdulfatai
Khadijah: he remains a friend as long as he doesn't cross his line
Fatima: Good... You really love this guy. So now let me help you. So after he fainted what happened,?
Khadijah: my mom and dad rushed him to the hospital because he wasn't responding even after they poured him water. It was as if he died.
Fatima: No he can't die without marrying my friend. When your parent came home were they worried?
Khadijah: no they were not.
Fatima: that means he's fine. You'll probably see him today.
Khadijah: he's the one we are having next on the timetable. This would have been his first class with us
Fatima: come on cheer up! Don't waste all my effort like that.
Khadijah: thanks dearie (they hugged each other)..
15 minutes later... Abdulrasaq stepped into Khadijah's class. Khadijah was so excited and at the same time shocked to see him. She stood up from her sitting and ran to hug Abdulrasaq. He didn't see this coming and that made him so shy.
Take it easy!! Fatima shouted. Abdulfatai was staring angrily. (In his mind he said "I thought this shit was holy" Here he is hugging a girl)
Abdulrasaq: Hey! What's that for (He asked in a low tone)
Khadijah: I'm sorry I hugged you I was just so excited you're okay.
Abdulrasaq: Okay Thank you.. go back to your seat now, so I can commence the lecture.
Khadijah: okay sir (she smiled)
Abdulrasaq: Good morning class!...
He commences the lecture. Being experienced he was able to grab all their attention to what he was teaching. He broke down every solution and even the dullest person in the class could understand. They were so much in love with his teaching. He told them they could be master like him if only they always practiced. Khadijah smiled throughout the period but the good part was she also learnt everything Abdulrasaq taught them.
It was a very interesting day for all the SS1 - 3 students as they were all praising their new mathematics teacher. The news of how good he was reached the principal's office and he was very impressed with The Young Scholar. This is good news to everyone but as time goes on jealousy will grow in the hearts of some teachers.
After the school closed, Abdulrasaq left for the mosque instead of going straight home. He spent the whole day in the masjid and returned home after Ishai. His old friends in the mosque (Mallam Sani, Mallam Jibril, Imam Malik) were very pleased to see him. He briefed them on everything that had happened to him they gave him advice and warned him to be more careful.
On his way home he met Khadijah on his way...
Khadijah: I think I now know what happened to you yesterday... The reason why you fainted...
Abdulrasaq: (In shock waiting to hear what she has to say)
To be continued...
Episode 11
Author's POV
No matter the pain we feel when we get disappointed and hurt by someone, we should learn to forgive and forget. Forgiveness helps free the disease in our hearts and makes us merciful.
(Starting from where Episode 10 stopped)
Khadijah: I think I now know what happened to you yesterday... The reason why you fainted...
Abdulrasaq: (In shock waiting to hear what she has to say)
Khadijah: let's go home so you will see it for yourself
They both walked down together, Abdulrasaq was kept in suspense this time around. As they got closer they could hear voices of people shouting "Evil woman" you want to kill this young boy like that, you thought no one saw you.
Khadijah quickly ran to witness more of these scenes leaving Abdulrasaq behind.
Abdulrasaq entered the premises and everyone kept silent for a while. One of the notable men in the town named Alhaji Bello was the first to speak out. He wasn't a neighbor but a big politician in Apelle.
Abdulrasaq: Assalamualaikum to you all. (He spoke with a loud voice)
The crowd responded: Wa alaikum Salam....
Alhaji Bello: Wa alaikum Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu. Abdulrasaq the issue we are trying to settle here is about you and this woman here (He pointed at the woman who was sitting on the floor)
She bent her head down to the earth, while she shed tears. It seems more like she had been beaten up by the people around her.
Abdulrasaq: okay sir (Abdulrasaq could identify her even though everywhere was dark)
Alhaji Bello: Do you and this woman here have any argument any day or anytime? Or have you in one way or the other disrespect her or even insult her?
Abdulrasaq: No sir... I haven't done anything to her, you can ask her.
The people surrounding the compound murmured... (Hmmm wickedness - small boy when no do you anything na you won kill throwey like that)
Alhaji Bello: please everyone calm down.. (He turned in search of the eyewitness) Where is Zainab? Please come over here.
Zainab: I'm here Sir.
Alhaji Bello: Tell Abdulrasaq and the crowd what you witnessed. (As he was standing he received a phone call from his friend who came to visit him)
They were both politicians and only they had money to buy phones at then.
Hello Zubairu, ask my boy to show you the way here. (He hung up).
Zainab: Yesterday evening when I returned home from Madrasat, I saw mummy Habib turning a substance in Abdulrasaq's food and I passed like I didn't see anything and then greeted her and left. When I returned home from school today, She dragged me to a corner because she suspected that I might know something and thought I changed Abdulrasaq's food yesterday. I told her I didn't have any idea about what she added to his food but she didn't believe me because he survived. She was questioning me when my mom caught us unaware. If not for my mom I wouldn't know what she would have done to me.
Alhaji Bello: Alhamdulilah, Thank God your mom came at the right time. (He faced Abdulrasaq and said), Abdulrasaq This woman here poisoned your food in other to kill you for no reason, if not that God intervene you'd have been dead by now. Tell us what do you want us to do to her. The ball is in your court!
Her husband and her son stood in pain waiting to hear what Abdulrasaq will decide. Mummy Khadijah was feeling really bad and sorry for her friend. Meanwhile, Alhaji Bello friend arrived at the scene.
Abdulrasaq: (Stared at their faces and said...) I knew someone poisoned me because the test report confirmed it. In someway I might have offended this woman here (Mummy Habib) but not intentionally. Right here in the presence of everyone I apologise to you ma "Please forgive me if the examples I made while preaching on Friday was as if I was talking to you directly" I was only doing the work of Allah and giving a reminder to What Allah has written.
Mummy Habib: (Was shocked to hear this statement made by Abdulrasaq).
Abdulrasaq: In life we create our own enemies knowingly and unknowingly. To make peace and spread Islam, I need everyone to let go of this matter and do not slander for Allah hates it. (He held mummy Habib's hand and assist her up ) get up ma'am you've surely commit a grave sin, so seek forgiveness from Allah and change your ways.
Mummy Habib: I'm really sorry Abdulrasaq for everything... Please I hope you'll forgive me?.
The crowd murmured...
Alhaji Bello: Since this is your final decision, so be it. Please everyone go to your various homes.
The crowd marched out and left... Alhaji Bello and his Friend Ahmed Zubairu met with Abdulrasaq while the rest of his neighbors went into their homes.
Alhaji Bello: (speaking with his friend) This is the Young boy I was talking to you about
Ahmed Zubairu: I can tell, with his sense of judgment.
Alhaji Bello: (referring to Abdulrasaq) Do you think it's the right decision to make?
Abdulrasaq: Indeed Allah makes a decision right or wrong. May he make this one right?
Alhaji Bello & Ahmed Zubairu: Amin
Ahmed Zubairu: It's nice meeting you Abdulrasaq (they both shake hands)
Abdulrasaq: it's nice meeting you too sir.
Alhaji Bello: It's late already, we should let you go now. Probably tomorrow we'll get to tell you what we intend to say...
Abdulrasaq: Thank you very much sir for tonight... May Allah reward you.
Alhaji Bello: you are welcome
Ahmed Zubairu: What's the nickname I heard they gave you? I was thinking... (Talking to Abdulrasaq)
Abdulrasaq: (smiled) They call me "The Young Scholar"...
To be continued...
Episode 12
Author’s POV
When we make peace, we spread love. Those who once had a bad plan against us might just Repent and turn a new leave. For as long as love remains strong, hatred is reduced.
It’s a beautiful morning, a morning of peace. Abdulrasaq got up as usual to observe Tahajjud and then left for the mosque to make the adhan for subhi. Every morning after he made the first call, Habib (Mummy Habib’s son) was the first person to arrive at the mosque because he had something to tell Abdulrasaq.
Habib – Assalamualaykum sir.
Abdulrasaq – wa alaykum salam. Brother Habib, you got up so early, Alhamdulillah for that
Habib – Sir I have something to tell you.
Abdulrasaq – Brother Habib you are far older than me, Why are you referring to me as sir
Habib – Age doesn’t matter sometimes, we can be older in age and still be Younger in the brain. You my brother have made me realise a lot after last night
Abdulrasaq – You don’t need to feel I’m superior because of the things I’m able to do by Allah’s will. No one is truly superior but ignorance makes us different, it causes a limit in us.
Habib – you’re so wise and knowledgeable. I’m 25 years old and you’re just 18 and you’re upright, polite, humble, kind, and every good quality you got. While me I’m the complete opposite. I’m a thief, a disobedient child, and very arrogant.
Abdulrasaq – (Abdulrasaq saw Habib was very emotional and serious about all he was saying) Why do you call yourself those bad names? What do you really want to tell me?
Habib – I hope you’ll find a place in your heart to forgive me if I tell you what I did?
Abdulrasaq – Insha Allah... May Allah grant me the heart to bear it. You can tell me and I will definitely forgive you because Allah loves it.
Habib – (okay) I was the one that stole your bags the day you arrived and stole your money. I didn’t go, but I went with two of my friends (Abdulrasak and Yusuf) sorry not you but he bears the same name as you. (we call him Razzy)
Abdulrasaq – Okay... but you later returned it
Habib – I was surprised when I saw you rented the vacant apartment at our place so in order for you not to see it with me, I had to drop it at the front of your door at midnight the following morning.
Abdulrasaq – It’s fine, and I’ve forgiven you and your friends. In fact am happy for you, you are one step becoming a great person. You know you alone can make a difference in your Family. As the eldest child, you can guide your siblings on a good path.
Habib – Do you think so?
Abdulrasaq – Yes I know so. A mistake that makes you humble is better than an achievement that makes you arrogant. If your mom can also be humble then things will be better for you all
Habib – How can we be humble?
Abdulrasaq – That’s simple. Simply believe in Allah and follow his commandments. Indeed if you read the Quran you will see that Allah describes the successful people as the humbly submissive ones.
Habib – You really know so much... you’re really a scholar as they say and I envy you in a good way.
Abdulrasaq – (Smiled) It’s a good thing to envy a good character and good practice. There’s no obsession with worshipping your Lord.
Habib – Thank you for everything sir
Abdulrasaq – No more sir, call me ‘’Young Scholar’’ I’m beginning to love the name.
Habib – (smiled) Okay my Young Scholar.
Abdulrasaq – Masha Allah. Let’s get ready! It is time to make the second call (Adhan).
Habib – Okay Young scholar (They both smiled).
Abdulrasaq made the second adhan. About 15 minutes later, they prayed subhi salat. He and Habib didn’t have any other conversation after subhi because he had to narrate what happened to his friends (Imam Malik, Mallam Ahmed, Mallam Jibril, and Mallam Sani). He always tends to learn from the way they act. They are his elder so they definitely have more basic knowledge.
Imam Malik – Indeed Allah is with us. Do not worry Abdulrasaq our Young Scholar
Abdulrasaq – That’s Suratul Taubah (Repentance) Quran 9 vs 40. And I think today is all about it.
The neighbors came to appreciate Abdulrasaq for his wise decision after he returned from the masjid. He was getting prepared for work when they knocked at his door.
Mummy Habib – Please Abdulrasaq I hope you have forgiven me for everything
All the neighbors came out for her sake to beg on her behalf. (Please forgive her they pleaded)
Abdulrasaq – Mummy Habib, some things are meant to happen to change us. You all should know that the seed of light is darkness. And I believe if you truly Repent Allah will place you higher.
The neighbors were inspired by the words of the Young scholar and they were grateful to Allah that he was in their midst. Little by little Islam grew in the heart of the people. Khadijah couldn’t help herself falling for this saint in their town. As every time he spoke a word, it was always meaningful.
Later that evening...
Habib came with his two friends. Razzy and Yusuf to come and apologize to Abdulrasaq.
Habib – These are my friends Rasak and Yusuf.
Razzy & Yusuf – we apologise for what we did to you, bro.
Abdulrasaq – (Thinking of a good plan to drag them closer to Allah) How will I know you guys are truly repenting?
Razzy & Yusuf – you can trust us.
Abdulrasaq – I only trust those who fear Allah. I have one task for three of you.
All three at once – What could that be?
Abdulrasaq – Nothing more than we going forth to strive for Allah, We all will be doing dawah every evening after asr...
Razzy & Yusf – What???
To be continued...
Episode 13
Razzy – don’t you think that the task might be too much for us?
Yusuf & Habib – Rasak is right... please young scholar
Abdulrasaq – Hey brothers, the task isn’t for me but for Allah and anything you do for Allah is mainly is for yourselves
Yusuf – How??
Habib – What do you mean?
Razzy – Tell us, Young Scholar
Abdulrasaq – Take this example; When you celebrate Eid Fitr (The Big one) you kill a ram, that ram you kill is a commandment of Allah (SWT) and you earn a reward for doing it but the meat is for you to eat. You had given nothing to Allah but you benefit from it. Allah has made us know that the ones we share with our neighbours are the ones that truly belong to us.
Yusuf - That really true... Masha Allah
Razzy & Habib – Masha Allah
Abdulrasaq – I guess you all understand it!
They all Answered – Yes we do
Abdulrasaq – Alhamdulilah. Brothers, I hope I will see you tomorrow during Asr?
They all Answered – Yes Insha Allah
Abdulrasaq – Insha Allah. Let’s redeem our time for the days are evil.
Yusuf – You just quote a bible verse.
Abdulrasaq – That’s the essence of being a scholar, you have to be vast in ideas about things.
Yusuf – Smiles I’ll put in all my best Inshallah
RAzzy & Habib – Insha Allah. We will too
Abdulrasaq – Okay Brothers, I have to go now...
They all Answered – Masaallam
Abdulrasaq – Bisallam
They squeezed each other's hands and went on separate ways. Abdulrasaq and Habib returned home together. Meanwhile, Khadijah was very worried that Abdulrasaq didn’t return home on time. By the time he got home, She had already slept.
Mummy Khadijah – Asallamu alaykum Abdulrasaq
Abdulrasaq – Wa alaikum salam ma
Mummy Khadijah – how you dey na?, Khadijah don ask of you tire oo
Abdulrasaq – I’m fine ma. Where is she?
Mummy Khadijah – She don go sleep oh, you no dey see time? Na to 11 be dis ohh.
Abdulrasaq – Yes it’s late already!
Mummy Khadijah – yes ohh. Goodnight oh na sleep i dey so [she backed her down and used the locks]
Abdulrasaq – Good night ma.
The next morning,
Khadijah woke up with a moody face. she felt she was losing Abdulrasaq’s attention and she needed to get it back but at what cost?
Khadijah – Farooq, take care of samad. While I rush down to buy bread. (she came out of the house and saw Abdulrasaq return from the Masjid)
Abdulrasaq – Asallamu alaikum Khadijah, your mom told me you were asking of me last night.
Khadijah – Wa alaikum sallam..(She refused to talk to him and she left to buy her bread excusing him.)
Abdulrasaq – (Suprised at her reaction) Did I do something wrong? I guess not
Throughout the day Khadijah remained moody and refused to speak to Abdulrasaq. On several occasions, Abdulrasaq tried to talk to her but she snubbed him. Abdulrasaq gave up trying because the emotion weakened his heart. After school closed, He left for the mosque as usual. After the Asr prayer, Alhaji Bello and Ahmed Zubair came to see Him.
Alhaji Bello – Asalamu alaykum Mallam ABdulrasaq
Ahmed Zubair – My Young Scholar Asalamu alaykum (Hailing Abdulrasaq)
Abdulrasaq – Wa alaykum salam,,, wa alaykum salam sir
Alhaji Bello – we told you we would see you the next day but we couldn't because of our tight schedule
Abdulrasaq – No problem sir I understand.
Alhaji Bello – There’s a big political event coming up on the 5th of October and we want you to be the Muslim guest speaker
Abdulrasaq – Wow.. that’s a big task. I’m Just a young boy. Why do you choose me?
Ahmed Zubairu – We didn’t choose you Allah chose you
Alhaji Bello – It’s a very big event where Pastor and other religious bodies come together to enlighten the world
Abdulrasaq – It doesn’t really sound like a place to spread Islam. I’m sorry I can’t accept your invitation. Maybe you should talk to Mallam Ahmed he would be available.
Ahmed Zubairu – who is Mallam Ahmed? (asking his friend)
Alhaji Bello – He is the mosque preacher.
Ahmed Zubairu – Ohh no wonder you referred him (talking to Abdulrasaq)
Abdulrasaq – yeah... relate it with him first. If he says No, then I’ll give it a thought
Alhaji Bello – Thanks for saying that (He shock his hands)
Abdulrasaq – I have to leave now, I have a dawah to catch up on...
Alhaji Bello – Thank you for your time Mallam Abdulrasaq
Ahmed Zubairu – Thank you Young Scholar
Abdulrasaq – Alhamdullilah... All thanks to Allah.
Ahmed Zubairu – Our path will cross again...
Abdulrasaq – Insha Allah
He left to meet with his new Dawah crew (Habib, Razzy & Yusuf).
Habib – What took you so long?
Abdulrasaq – was in a brief discussion. I think everyone is ready now
Razzy & Yusuf – Yes we are!
Abdulrasaq – Wow! Cool, Let’s move...
To be continued....
Episode 14
Author’s POV
Humans are forgetful in nature and that’s why Allah sent us the Quran as a reminder to mankind. Hence, man needs to be constantly reminded and warned to stay on the right path and increase in faith.
6 months later...
With the help of his three friends, Abdulrasaq was successfully building up a new Apelle. The Muslims are being reminded about Allah constantly and gradually their iman increased as Abdulrasaq and his friends continued to go round. Khadijah on the other hand gathered a group of girls and started the sister’s cycle and held it firmly.
Early on a Saturday morning, Abdulrasaq hung out with his new friends (Razzy, Yusuf, and Habib) a few hours after Subhi, they were sited under a mango tree discussing their success and the next step to take.
Razzy – Alhamdulilah... At first, I was like what did I know that I could preach to someone but as time went on we all learned how to build our confidence
Yusuf – Indeed we have guided our soul and so Allah has raised us high and granted us more knowledge
Habib – My Family is so proud of me wallahi. And no one mocks us anymore. Anytime my mom sees me she smiles and asks for forgiveness from Allah. But she accepts her fate that what she did made the change happen.
Abdulrasaq – It’s called Qadr. (decree)
Yusuf – Masha.. you know on the other hand things were easy for us because we were wrongdoers and so many people knew how stubborn we were and they feared us and so when we changed because of that fear they listened to us Allah definitely did all the miracle
Abdulrasaq – All the Praise and adoration is due to Allah the Lord of the world. Now that we have successfully reminded the people of Islam, Our next step is to build the children in the way of Islam.
Habib – How can we do that?
Razzy – I guess their parents will handle that aspect
Yusuf – Let’s hear what the young scholar thinks...
Abdulrasaq – Just like the way Khadijah formed a Sister’s cycle we could probably do the same for the men.
Yusuf – That’s a very good idea and I think it’s the best from the angle I’m viewing from.
Habib – Okay... How can we go ahead with this plan?
Abdulrasaq – Well, it’s not that easy. But we have to find out from Khadijah how she was able to do it alone. Her techniques are what we will have to follow.
Razzy – You are more close to her than us... maybe you could help us out.
Abdulrasaq – We’ve not been close like we used to, but I’ll see how it goes.
[Habib and his fiends Yusuf & Razzy, were now very sound in Islam knowledge. And they could preach very well even in the absence of The Young Scholar.]
Abdulrasaq went home while Habib and his friends went on a stroll. When he got home, he found Khadijah plaiting Amina’s hair.
Abdulrasaq – Asalamu alakum
Khadijah – Wa alaykum salam
Amina – Asalamu alaikum sir
Abdulrasaq – Wa Alaikum salam Aminat, How are you?
Amina – I’m fine sir
Abdulrasaq – that’s good, please can you give me and your aunt 10 minutes? We have a very important discussion
Amina – Okay sir... [she excused them both]
Abdulrasaq – Khadijah, I know you don’t want to talk to me but I want you to know that I’m proud of you
Khadijah – [she smiled this time around..] why are you proud of someone who is keeping malice with you
Abdulrasaq – you know you don’t have to call it malice because somehow we do communicate with our eyes.
Khadijah – don’t tell me you do stare at me? [she wanted to hear him say yes]
Abdulrasaq – No I don’t, but sometimes I think I get carried away
Khadijah – Okay...[she blushed]
Abdulrasaq – do you know what I intend to tell you the night I fainted?
Khadijah – No... Please tell me. I’ve been waiting to hear it
Abdulrasaq – You’re feeling so excited already.
Khadijah – Yes I am
Abdulrasaq – You remember you said you would like to be like me, to Increase your Iman
Khadijah – Yes
Abdulrasaq – I wanted to tell you that the best way is to love Allah more than you love anyone.
Khadijah – Just that [Not what she was expecting to hear]
Abdulrasaq – And I see you achieved a lot in the past few months you avoided me. Tell me how did you build the sister’s cycle?
Khadijah – ohhh [she smiled] it wasn’t easy but with the help of Allah and Fatimah also assisted me a lot. You know most Islamic towns have the sister’s cycle existing. And bringing up the idea most girls find it important my mom met with the older women and we were all set to go.
Abdulrasaq – Amazing.. that’s really awesome. But I’m more interested in how you get the push?
Khadijah – What push?
Abdulrasaq – What made you get the idea? Were you doing it to impress your mom?
Khadijah – No Abdulrasaq, I was doing it to impress you
Abdulrasaq – How can? You weren’t talking to me
Khadijah - I know I have avoided you for so long. Believe me, it was unbearable for me. Do you know why?
Abdulrasaq – No, Tell me?
Khadijah – Because I love you...
Abdulrasaq – [In shock]...What??
To be Continued...
Episode 18
Inspector Segun - The law has found you guilty. You're responsible for the death of Precious Anord the daughter of Mr Anord Simon.
Abdulrasaq - What??
Mummy Summaiyah – What?? Which one be all this problem?
Mummy Khadijah – What is really going on na? Who is behind all of these?
Abdulrasaq – I didn’t kill anyone
Inspector Segun – When we get to the station you will explain yourself better… officer take him away
Yusuf – Officers you guys must be mistaking something…
Inspector Segun – what do you mean young man
Yusuf – Our friend here hasn’t committed any of this crime
Inspector Segun – Is that what he told you? I don’t have time for silly argument.... officers handcuff him let’s leave.
The two officers grabbed Abdulrasaq on the waist and the other one brought out handcuffs from his belt handcuffed his hands (Abdulrasaq) and took him away. The women were speechless at this time and they began to cry. Khadijah returned from the market and met them in a very sad state, it was more like they lost someone.
Khadijah - What’s going on here? Why are you both crying (Talking to her mom and mummy summaiyyah)
Mummy Khadijah – They took Abdulrasaq (crying..) Them don carry the innocent boy
Khadijah – I don’t understand, who took him?
Mummy Summaiyyah - The police came here this morning and they said Abdulrasaq is responsible for the death of Precious Anord.
Khadijah – What?? Another lie again? Who is planning all these things? (Feeling so furious and at the same time in pain). In her mind she says “why does the man I love have to go through all of these things? And just when I think things were going to get better between us”. She sat down and then tried to console her mother and mummy Summaiyyah.
Abdulrasaq was detained and kept under custody. He was asked to find a lawyer who would help with his case. Meanwhile, Habib and his friends went to inform the Imam about the recent situation.
Yusuf - Asalamu alaikum sir ya Imam
(Habib and his friends) They all Extend the Salam to the Imam
Imam Malik- Wa alaikum salam jammah
Yusuf - Please we need your help... Our friend Abdulrasaq had been detained
Iman Malik - Let's go to the station right away.
They hurried down to the police station. Imam Malik asked Yusuf to inform Alhaji Bello they all arrived at the police station simultaneously.
Imam Malik and Alhaji Bello - Please we want to see the DPO (talking to the policemen in the reception)
Officer John - Ahhh Good day Alhaji... Come with me let me take you to my oga
They followed him and they all entered his office when they got there.
DPO - Ahhh Alhaji Bello, Good day sir
Alhaji Bello - Good day to you my DPO
Imam Malik - Good day sir
DPO - what brings you to my office?
Alhaji Bello - Our Young Scholar has been accused of so many crimes that he knows nothing about... Please sir we need you to look into this matter and make sure your boys carry out a concrete investigation.
DPO - What is his real name?
Alhaji Bello - Abdulrasaq
DPO - Oh Abdulrasaq??.. Looking at the charges held against him... There's nothing I can do at the moment. Let's hope his lawyer can defend him in court....
Imam Malik - Oh no (with a sad face)
To be Continued...
Episode 19
Author's POV
If we equally have the opportunity to choose what we really want, no one would choose a bad storyline and thus we will accept challenges to come as far as it would be a great ending after enduring all.
Khadijah and her siblings left for school on Monday. On getting to the school premises, every student where standing outside the gate. A few students were asked to come in for questioning likewise some teachers.
Khadijah - (Asked one of her teachers she met outside the gate) Good morning ma, please ma what's going on here?
Mrs Uche - The school is on lockdown because of the death of a fellow student. Precious Anord (may her soul rest in peace)
Khadijah - But why are they carrying out an investigation after accusing Mr Abdulrasaq of the same crime?.
Mrs Uche - That's a good question... According to sources, The diseased Dad (Mr Anord) thinks there's more behind his daughter's death. And he believes Mr. Abdulrasaq has no hand in it.
Khadijah - Alhamdulilah, Thank God. I hope they find the real culprit.
Mrs Uche - I hope so. I am really so disappointed with this whole thing going on. It shows our school isn't safe and if the government should take more action they'll shut it down.
Khadijah - They shouldn't shut it down oo... Me I want to graduate oo. I can't enroll in another school again.
Mrs. Uche - (Laugh) Don't worry my dear you will graduate.. The worst won't happen.
Khadijah - I hope so ma... I pray everything gets back to normal.
Mrs Uche - Amen... You will need to take your siblings back home. As you can see there's no school today.
Khadijah - What about tomorrow?
Mrs Uche - we don't know yet but if the police are done with their search they will evacuate the premise.
Khadijah - Okay, Thank you very much ma. I'll be on my way.
Khadijah returned home with her siblings.. her mom was surprised to see them back so early.
Mummy Khadijah - What happened? No school today?
Khadijah - Yes ma... The school is on lockdown
Mummy Khadijah - why?? Wetin dey happen?
Khadijah - it's the same matter... The school is on lockdown because of the murder of Precious Anord. The police surround the school based on investigation.
Mummy Khadijah - This same matter?
Khadijah - My Teacher told me The girl's father is the one that asked them to investigate. The father believes Abdulrasaq was accused wrongly.
Mummy Khadijah - Hehh??... So the father believed him (Abdulrasaq). Thank God oo
Khadijah - Yes oo and with this investigation I hope they are able to catch the real culprit.
Mummy Khadijah - I hope so but police they do one thing?... They fit not see anything. Those people (police) na f9.
Khadijah - Mummy you're so funny
Mummy Khadijah - Yes oh my daughter. Come and help me pick this beans (she handed over a tray full of beans to Khadijah)
Khadijah - (Collected the tray) Mummy, we need to help Abdulrasaq oohh
Mummy Khadijah - There's nothing we can do.. I don cry I don tire. Na only God fit help am.
Khadijah - that's it Mom, we need to pray for him. Everyone of his neighbours let's come together and pray for his sake, there's nothing more powerful than that mom.
Mummy Khadijah - you talk true oo... I just realized that the same suggestion that Abdulrasaq would have made. I think the Young Scholar wants to see how much we truly care about him.
Khadijah - we must not let him down.
Mummy Khadijah - Insha Allah... Pick that beans fast, I need you to carry food to him, he would be so hungry right now.
Khadijah - since yesterday. I hope they didn't lay their filthy hands on him.
She hurried to complete her work and she got set to bring the food for Abdulrasaq. Meanwhile Abdulrasaq was locked in a cell so he could pray (observe Salat ) anytime he wants. Inside his cell there was this one notorious criminal.
Criminal - you pray more than five times daily, that's more the prayer for a Muslim believer.
Abdulrasaq - everyother prayers are referred to as nafila... In hard time we must learn to be more steadfast.
Criminal - you are a strange person... Who are you and what's your name
Abdulrasaq - My name is Abdulrasaq Mohammed... What about you, what's your name?
Criminal - My name is Malik Khan.
Abdulrasaq - you're a Muslim
Criminal - yes I am. ... I heard they call you the Young Scholar, why?
Abdulrasaq - (smiles) Soon you'll get to know...
To be continued...
Episode 20
Author's POV
It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change. - Queen Elizabeth II
Malik Khan - why were you brought here?
Abdulrasaq - I was accused of a crime I didn't commit.
Malik Khan - that's really painful... I pray Allah vindicates you.
Abdulrasaq - Amin... You have a good heart. Tell me why were you brought here?
Malik Khan - unlike you, I am a bad guy and I'm the leader of a cult group "black axe" we went for an operation and it was fatal because one of us was betrayed and many lost their lives in the battle. I was caught and jailed that's how I got here.
Abdulrasaq - Allah has definitely given you another chance to change your ways and I think you need to find out why?
Malik Khan - You think so? I don't know if Allah would forgive me for my sins. I have assassinated many souls.
Abdulrasaq - Are you a Muslim?
Malik Khan - Yes I am a Muslim
Abdulrasaq - Then know that Allah is the most compassionate and most merciful
Malik Khan - Masha Allah... I never had anyone to remind me about Allah as a Muslim.
Abdulrasaq - Now you have someone who has reminded you and advised you to find your Lord and Repent to Him.
Malik Khan - Alhamdulilah... I do know a little about Islam but I have been so busy chasing worldly life and remaining a thug. Seeing you pray I felt so ashamed of myself and thought back about my life and how I got to this stage.
While they were discussing, a young lady named Aliyah came to visit. She walked in and stood at distances were the lights weren't reflecting at her.
Aliyah - Malik... So it's true??.. (crying)
Malik Khan - Aliyah is that you?... How did you find me?
Aliyah - Why did you do this to me? I didn't see this coming...
Malik Khan - I'm sorry Aliyah, Please Forgive me. I'll get out of here soon and I'll change for good, I promise you.
Aliyah - I don't care anymore Malik, you're an assassin, a cultist. You're even the leader. That's why your ways are so creepy. You disappoint me.
Malik Khan - My love please don't say that... I'm really sorry I'll make things right, I'll make it up to you.
Aliyah - it's too late for that... I came to let you know that you will never see me again.
Malik Khan - please don't do that... I know you're carrying my child. I saw your test results. And most importantly we love each other so please don't give up on me.
Aliyah - I'm sorry Malik... My parents won't accept you and they can't see me pregnant. Bye Malik (she cried and left)
Khadijah walked in as she was leaving...
Malik Khan - (feeling so broken)... I hope she doesn't do something silly
Abdulrasaq - Insha Allah
Khadijah - Assalamu alaikum
Abdulrasaq - Wa alaikum salam... Khadijah it's so good to see you.
Khadijah - (feeling so emotional) how are you?... I hope they didn't touch you or beat you up?
Abdulrasaq - No dear I'm fine.. I hope you're fine too?
Khadijah - How can I be fine when you are here? I missed you and I have been having sleepless nights. (She tears)
Abdulrasaq - I'm so sorry...
Khadijah - I brought you food... Take (she stretches the food closer to him)
Abdulrasaq - (he collected it) Thank you... How are your mom, dad, and siblings?
Khadijah - They are all fine and my mom extends her greetings...
Abdulrasaq - Okay... I do appreciate it!
With so much excitement and confidence in her, Khadijah whispered to Abdulrasaq...
Khadijah - I think I have found a way to get you out of here...
To be continued...
Episode 21
Author's POV
Clouds and darkness surround us, yet Heaven is just, and the day of triumph will surely come, when justice and truth will be vindicated. Our wrongs will be made right, and we will once more taste the blessings of freedom - Mary Todd Lincoln
Khadijah - You've made me realize we can achieve everything if we put our trust in Allah and when we call to Him, He will answer
Abdulrasaq - Yes you're right. (He quote the verse in the Qur'an [Qur'an 2: 152])
Khadijah - Masha Allah... So the deal is we will have to gather to make dua for you.
Abdulrasaq - I would appreciate that... It's a good idea and I see how confidence you are right now.
Khadijah - (smiling...) I have to go now.. my mom and our neighbors will be waiting (she went back home).
Abdulrasaq shared his food with Malik Khan and they both sat on the floor and feast on it.
Malik Khan - She seems to like you very much, are you both dating.
Abdulrasaq - No sir she's just a friend.
Malik Khan - Okay.. I wish you both all the best when the time is right.
Abdulrasaq (smiling) Thank you very much. (He sat on the floor and rested his head on the bars)
With the fate and the intention the people have to come together in the congregation and make dua for a brother (Abdulrasaq) serves as a stepping stone.
Mummy Khadijah - Yusuf and Habib, Khadijah don come ooo. Let's start...
Yusuf - we are coming ma
The neighbors gathered together and mentioned the name of Allah to begin.
At the school premises
More secrets began to open as the students who once came out to testify against Abdulrasaq couldn't keep lying to themselves.
Angela - Precious is my good friend, now she's dead because of how silly we were. I can't do this anymore
(as she came out, other girls who were also being manipulated came out to speak the truth)
Mariam - I was also forced to write a letter, I'm not having an affair with my teacher and he is innocent.
Ngozi, Stella, and Ada - we were threatened by our teachers to tell a lie. Mr Henry seems to have Mr. Abdulrasaq since he came to this school.
Inspector Segun - (Took record of every confession made).
Mr. Anord - Officer do you see now?... If I didn't ask you guys to carry out a proper investigation, you would have arrested an innocent soul. Now the truth is coming out.
Inspector Segun - We appreciate the fact that you called our attention but you should know that justice will always be served.
Inspector Segun - Young lady please tell us what you about this issue and we will keep you safe. (Speaking directly to Angela)
Angela - Mr. Abdulrasaq is innocent of everything we accused him of... We have been having an affair with two of our teachers Mr. Mathew and Mr. Emeka and then Mr. Henry found out and blacked mail us all.
Inspector Segun - Sergent you heard those names she just mentioned, go and bring them out.
Sergent Paul and other detectives and officers went around and they were able to find just Mr. Mathew and Mr. Emeka.
Inspector Segun - Young lady are these the men you're talking about?.
Angela - Yes sir
Mrs. Uche - this is so disappointing... How could you be involved with this indecent act?
Mr. Emeka - is the devil's work
Mr. Mathew - (In so much fright and regret) I can explain. Henry made us go too far with this. And I didn't mean to harm anyone. I am responsible for the death of Precious Anord. I gave her a concussion to flush her pregnancy that Saturday evening I didn't know it'd take her life. I'm sorry
Anord - so you're the murderer?.. I will kill you with my Bear hands (furious... trying to get hold of Mr Mathew)
Sergent Paul - (held him back) Calm down Mr. Anord. Let the law take action.
Inspector segun - Take them away sergent... When we get to the station you both would write your statement.
Sergent Paul - you have the right to remain silent. Whatever you do or say will be used against you in the court of law.
Inspector Segun - Please do any of you know if we can find the other Culprit "Mr. Henry"?
Mrs. Uche - I have no idea.. I know nothing about him
Inspector Segun - if any of you get any information about him please inform us.
Principal - Okay Inspector... Thank you for the work well done.
Inspector Segun - Thank you for your time. The school can start running again since everything is clear now. If there's any suspicious activity going on don't forget to inform the police before it escalates and becomes uncontrollable.
Principal - once again thank you very much, inspector... (He turned to Mr Anord) Accept my condolences Mr Anord, may the lord give you and your family the heart to bear the loss.
Inspector Segun - (they entered their van and drove off)
The wind of freedom is blowing closer and soon the young Scholar will be vindicated...
Heyyyy! Young Scholar I've been searching for you.. a voice whispered in his ears
Abdulrasaq - (opened his eyes to see who was... He turned around but didn't see anyone but Malik Khan Who was sleeping) Who's there?
To be continued...
Episode 21
Author's POV
Clouds and darkness surround us, yet Heaven is just, and the day of triumph will surely come when justice and truth will be vindicated. Our wrongs will be made right, and we will once more taste the blessings of freedom - Mary Todd Lincoln
Khadijah - You've made me realize we can achieve everything if we put our trust in Allah and when we call to Him, He will answer
Abdulrasaq - Yes you're right. (He quotes the verse in the Qur'an [Qur'an 2: 152])
Khadijah - Masha Allah... So the deal is we will have to gather to make dua for you.
Abdulrasaq - I would appreciate that... It's a good idea and I see how confident you are right now.
Khadijah - (smiling...) I have to go now.. my mom and our neighbors will be waiting (she went back home).
Abdulrasaq shared his food with Malik Khan and they both sat on the floor and feasted on it.
Malik Khan - She seems to like you very much, are you both dating.
Abdulrasaq - No sir she's just a friend.
Malik Khan - Okay.. I wish you both all the best when the time is right.
Abdulrasaq (smiling) Thank you very much. (He sat on the floor and rested his head on the bars)
With fate and the intention the people have to come together in the congregation and make dua for a brother (Abdulrasaq), which serves as a stepping stone.
Mummy Khadijah - Yusuf and Habib, Khadijah don come ooo. Let's start...
Yusuf - we are coming ma
The neighbors gathered together and mentioned the name of Allah to begin.
At the school premises
More secrets began to open as the students who once came out to testify against Abdulrasaq couldn't keep lying to themselves.
Angela - Precious is my good friend, now she's dead because of how silly we were. I can't do this anymore
(as she came out, other girls who were also being manipulated came out to speak the truth)
Mariam - I was also forced to write a letter, I'm not having an affair with my teacher and he is innocent.
Ngozi, Stella, and Ada - we were threatened by our teachers to tell a lie. Mr Henry seems to have Mr. Abdulrasaq since he came to this school.
Inspector Segun - (Took record of every confession made).
Mr. Anord - Officer do you see now?... If I didn't ask you guys to carry out a proper investigation, you would have arrested an innocent soul. Now the truth is coming out.
Inspector Segun - We appreciate the fact that you called our attention but you should know that justice will always be served.
Inspector Segun - Young lady please tell us what you think about this issue and we will keep you safe. (Speaking directly to Angela)
Angela - Mr. Abdulrasaq is innocent of everything we accused him of... We have been having an affair with two of our teachers Mr. Mathew and Mr. Emeka and then Mr. Henry found out and blacked mail us all.
Inspector Segun - Sergent you heard those names she just mentioned, go and bring them out.
Sergent Paul and other detectives and officers went around and they were able to find just Mr. Mathew and Mr. Emeka.
Inspector Segun - Young lady are these the men you're talking about?.
Angela - Yes sir
Mrs. Uche - this is so disappointing... How could you be involved with this indecent act?
Mr. Emeka - is the devil's work
Mr. Mathew - (In so much fright and regret) I can explain. Henry made us go too far with this. And I didn't mean to harm anyone. I am responsible for the death of Precious Anord. I gave her a concussion to flush her pregnancy that Saturday evening I didn't know it'd take her life. I'm sorry
Anord - so you're the murderer?.. I will kill you with my Bear hands (furious... trying to get hold of Mr Mathew)
Sergent Paul - (held him back) Calm down Mr. Anord. Let the law take action.
Inspector segun - Take them away sergent... When we get to the station you both would write your statement.
Sergent Paul - you have the right to remain silent. Whatever you do or say will be used against you in court.
Inspector Segun - Do you know if we can find the other Culprit "Mr. Henry"?
Mrs. Uche - I have no idea... I know nothing about him
Inspector Segun - if you get any information about him please inform us.
Principal - Okay Inspector... Thank you for the work well done.
Inspector Segun - Thank you for your time. The school can start running again since everything is clear now. If there's any suspicious activity going on don't forget to inform the police before it escalates and becomes uncontrollable.
Principal - once again thank you very much, inspector... (He turned to Mr Anord) Accept my condolences Mr Anord, may the lord give you and your family the heart to bear the loss.
Inspector Segun - (they entered their van and drove off)
The wind of freedom is blowing closer and soon the young Scholar will be vindicated...
Heyyyy! Young Scholar I've been searching for you.. a voice whispered in his ears
Abdulrasaq - (opened his eyes to see who was... He turned around but didn't see anyone but Malik Khan Who was sleeping) Who's there?
To be continued...
Episode 22
Author's POV
Walk on the earth in humbleness and patience for everything in life will come and go. Life on its own is Time. - Masud Umoru
May 20th, 2003
"Inspector Segun and the others return to the station with their patrol... Information reached them that the last culprit, Mr. Henry, was apprehended at a nearby station while trying to escape from Apelle".
Detective Sam came to inform the Young Scholar about the good news...
Detective Sam - Lucky you... Your freedom has come. Mr Abdulrasaq is a young man who is concerned about his soul and struggling to survive. I really feel for you, for all you had to go through. The criminals have been apprehended and everyone knows you remain the innocent preacher of the town.
Abdulrasaq - Thanks for your compassion officer... It's good quality, you got it there.
Detective Sam - (smiles) You have better quality than I have. (Trying to open the prison lock) The DPO sent for you and I'm pleased to inform you that all charges against you have been dropped.
Malik Khan woke up and heard the sound of the gate as the detective tried to open the prison bar.
Malik Khan - My Young Scholar, you're leaving me.
Abdulrasaq - Insha Allah (By God's grace)... Our paths will definitely cross again, so don't worry my friend.
Malik Khan - Say hi to Khadijah for me...
Abdulrasaq - (smiles) Okay I will .. before I go, I need you to know that the two most important things in this life are the words of Allah and his prophet Muhammed (s.a.w). So follow it with all your heart and do not become among the disobedient.
Malik Khan - Masha Allah... May Allah continue to spare our lives, my friend. I promise to take a new life. I cherish the advice you give and I will hold it firmly.
Abdulrasaq and Detective Sam head to the DPO office which wants to see Abdulrasaq before he leaves.
DPO - Mr. Abdulrasaq, we've cleared all the charges against you after the thorough investigation carried out by Inspector Segun and his detectives. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused you, we were only following the law. Since we've caught the culprits they've made confessions. You're now a free man.
Abdulrasaq - Thank you, sir... Can I go now?
DPO - Yes you can... Go to the Reception and they'll attend to you. If you had something seized from you they'll give it back after filling the form.
Abdulrasaq - Okay sir, (he walked out)
Getting to the reception, he saw Khadijah, Mummy Khadijah, and some neighbors were already waiting for him...
Mummy Summaiyah - Alhamdulilah rabbil Alamein... Nothing Allah cannot do when you have all your belief in Him.
Mummy Khadijah - And we have definitely learned a great lesson from you... The trials, the patients.. oh Allah Ar-Rahim
Daddy Habib - Those who have lost faith in Allah thinking you've gone rogue, are now ashamed.
Abdulrasaq - Oh my people, do not see the preachers and scholars as people of perfection. They can be emulated but only the good things you record from them and do not make them the reason you serve Allah.
Khadijah - (Hearing those admonitions, she felt like the luckiest woman on earth) In her heart she fell in doubt. No... She replied herself, He's not the reason I serve Allah.
Daddy Khadijah - You have spoken so well... You've made me believe that age doesn't matter regarding wisdom. It's good to have you return back to us.
They all returned home happily...
Having neighbors who care for each other and remind each other about the words of Allah exalt His name and glorify Him for everything is a rare blessing.
The Young Scholar is indeed back home and free from trouble once again. The news about the real culprit spread across the city and everyone is pleased to find out the Young Scholar is innocent and he earns his respect as always.
At home, the neighbors had a good time after Ishai. The women cook a delicious meal to welcome the Young Scholar. They all ate together while giving admonitions. Khadijah gave him a lovely smile as always, in her heart she felt peace again.
To be Continued
Author's POV
Life is deep and hard to explain most times. In some situations we find ourselves, we just lose the sense to decide and live as we are told.
March 5th, 2015
It's almost 12 years since the Young Scholar left the town of Apelle. The growth of the small town "Apelle" has been tremendous following the impact of the Young Scholar. Islam has spread across all corners of the city and the story of Abdulrasaq remains in the hearts of the people.
Most people wonder how one boy can change the lives of so many in a short while but then they reflect back to the favors of Allah and their vision reflects back twice at them and so they understand that everything happens by the will of almighty Allah.
Those who were very close to him miss him so much that they never knew he would stay this long away from the town... Some even tried to find him in Kene as the means of transportation and communication improved. In this time now they exist social media, everyone can easily connect with one another but still, the Young Scholar was untraceable.
While everyone else benefits positively from their memories with the Young Scholar. Khadijah is heartbroken and torn apart.
Amina - Hey! Big sist. You've been patient for so long, waiting for the Young Scholar and turning down many suitors. What if he doesn't come back?
Khadijah - keep shut!! Amina. I have warned you never to say that word to me again. (Spoke angrily)
Amina - (held her mouth with her two hands). I'm sorry sist.
Mummy Khadijah - My Daughter, your sister is right. You've punished yourself for so long. You need to move on with your life.
Khadijah - Mum, I can't... Abdulrasaq is the one I intend to spend the rest of my life with and I know he would definitely come back for me.
Mummy Khadijah - But this is 12 years apart... Does he really care??
Khadijah - He does (She remembered her last moment with him and burst into tears) He told me that I am the only one who has caught his attention and when the time comes to choose a soulmate, He will choose me.
Mummy Khadijah - If he did say that, He only did so to make you feel better.
Khadijah - No... He feels the same way about me
Amina - Mallam Abdulrasaq is a noble person he would probably find someone by now. Everyone wishes for a good man like him. It could be the reason why he's not coming.
Khadijah - (tears pouring down her chicks) How could he??.. This is unfair. I just don't know how to feel right now...
Mummy Khadijah - You just have to do the right thing my daughter and make us proud. Your dad isn't happy seeing you this way. Your friends are all married; Fatimah, Aishat, Summayah... And you are my first daughter, accept Yakub's proposal and be happy again.
Khadijah - (crying on her mother's lap) Mom I really don't know what to do. If that will make you and Dad happy. Then fine I'll accept to marry him.
Amina - Subhanallah!!... Alhamdulilah rabbil Alamein.. Sister cheer up. That guy is really nice ohh you will love him.
Mummy Khadijah - I will inform your dad about it. Don't worry my daughter, Allah will make things better. (She wiped her daughter's tears). It's alright okay.
Later that evening, Yakub came to see the family and Daddy Khadijah told him that the daughter had accepted his proposal and he should get everything ready for their Nikkah.
Daddy Khadijah - Yakub... My daughter is going through an emotional trial. And still, I'm entrusting her over you because I see the good in you. Please she's a woman (created from a very fragile rib) you need to be patient with her.
Yakub - I do understand sir and I thank you so much for the advice. I'll do my best to take care of her. I truly love your daughter Khadijah.
Daddy Khadijah - I know everything will be fine once you both get married, she will definitely love you.
Yakub - (Smiled) Insha Allah... Thank you very much, sir. (He called Khadijah with his handset to signify he was leaving) I'll have to take my leave now...
Daddy Khadijah - Okay farewell... Take care of yourself and greet your parent for us.
Khadijah - (got up to see him off)
Yakub - Hey habibat... Can we talk for a while before I leave?
Khadijah - Yeah sure...
Yakub - first, I want to say thanks for accepting my proposal. Words can't express how I feel right now. I want the best for you, I want us to live happily together. I want you to concentrate on us. That would help you heal.
Khadijah - Thanks for the advice
Yakub - You're my habiba.. I bought some clothes for you and hijabs too.
Khadijah - Hey! let me see them please (she put on a smiling face)
Yakub - Here (he handed the poly bag to her)
Khadijah - (brought the gowns) wow! This is beautiful... And the hijabs too I love, how did you know my size and colors?
Yakub - I do pay attention and Amina told me some things...
Khadijah - Awwwnnn... Thank you very much. Jazakallahu hayran.. I really appreciate this
Yakub - Don't mention my habiba... There's more from where that came from.
Khadijah - (she blushes)
Mummy Khadijah stares from the window, she feels happy for the child seeing her blush again after a long time.
Khadijah returned home after Yakub left.
Mummy Khadijah - It's good to see you smile again.
Amina - Yes ohh... We all care about your happiness and you deserve the best.
Khadijah - Thank you, mom... Thank you Amina. (She hugged them both).
Before she slept that night, a lot of thought was going through her mind.
Khadijah in her mind (I really have waited for a long time... Abdulrasaq is never coming back, focus on Yakub) she tries to convince herself and forget about the Young Scholar but then she sees Yusuf, Habib, and Razzy coming happily from afar.
Khadijah - Why are you all smiling??
Yusuf - We are smiling because the light has come to shine on us again.
Khadijah - What light??
Habib - The light that glows in the heart of the people
Razzy - The Light of Young Scholar...
Khadijah - I still don't understand what you all are trying to say
Yusuf - It's clear Khadijah. It's clear! The Young Scholar is back.
Khadijah - Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo... It can't be (she screamed and tears)
To be continued...
Author's POV
People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories, and of the subconscious mind.
Amina - Sister Khadijah what's the matter?... I heard you screaming
Khadijah - (she turned around and saw she was still on her bed) It's a dream... it's just a dream. Please Amina what's the time?
Amina - The time is 4:30am... You had a nightmare, What is it about? Tell me.
Khadijah - Never mind my dear... I just need to observe Fajr before Subhi. (She got up to perform ablution)
Amina - Okay.. if you say so. But I hope you're fine?
Khadijah - Yes my dear.. I'm fine. I hope you will join me to observe Fajr?
Amina - Yes I will (she replied happily)
They both observed fajr and Subhi, after which they started their normal morning routine (chores)
Throughout the day, Khadijah kept on illustrating and seeing The Young Scholar's face everywhere she went. When she went to the market she kept on following a man in a white turban and Jalabia thinking it was Abdulrasaq but when he turned towards her direction she saw he was a different person entirely.
Khadijah - I'm so sorry... I thought you were someone else.
Stranger - okay... No problem. Salamualaikun
Khadijah - Wa alaikum salam. (She took a deep breath as he walked away) What's wrong with me??
She heard people screaming "Young Scholar... Young Scholar... Young Scholar. His name is all in my head.
I can't think straight anymore. (She closed her ears and walked away)
Later that evening Yakub came visiting...
Yakub - Asalamu Alaikum Habiba (smiling lovely at her)
Khadijah - Wa alaikum salam sir... Good evening and welcome. (She put a smile on)
Yakub - How was your day? I hope it was pleasant?
Khadijah - Yes it was fine thank you, sir. How was yours?.. I want to say thanks for last night.
Yakub - (smiled) You're welcome... I want us to go out...
Khadijah - To where?... You know it's late already...
Yakub - To somewhere lively... Like an eatery or a dinner date. What do you think?
Khadijah - I do not go out at night... And my parents know that.
Yakub - We are getting married... I've spoken to your dad and he permits it. So now I'm asking you my Habiba. Won't you go out with me? Please, we won't take long...
Khadijah - Okay... Fine. I just don't know but I think maybe this will help me somehow.
Yakub - Thanks my darling.... I love you!.. (he looked directly at her eyeballs and waited for her to reply)
Khadijah - Thank you (She smiled)... Stop staring at me, sir.
Yakub - You're my world, if only you know how I feel inside?.. You are so unique and I can't wait to make you mine. (He quickly carried her while she looked away.)
Khadijah - Hey! Superman, drop me. Where are you taking me to?
Yakub - It's okay Khadijah... I came in my car and it's close by.
Khadijah - Really?... I didn't know you had a car...
Yakub - That's because you haven't found time to know more about your husband?
Khadijah - I'm so sorry my mind hasn't settled. But you won't understand what I'm facing.
Yakub - Come on I'm not a baby (he opened the car door and dropped her on the seat carefully) you are going to tell me when we get to where we are going. (He passes around and enters his driver's sit)
Khadijah - Okay sir... Where are we going?
Yakub - We are going to somewhere we could talk. Just put on your seat belt. We are about to hit the road!
Khadijah - please easy ohh.. drive carefully.
They arrived at Yakub's house... And he introduced Khadijah to his family. They all welcomed her well. They were pleased to see her.
Khadijah - Why did you bring me here?
Yakub - you need to know my family. And if I had told you this where we were coming you would probably disagree.
Khadijah - Yes I will disagree... Because I'm not ready.
Yakub - What??.. but you accepted the proposal already.
Khadijah - Yes I did. But you should have given me time.
Yakub - There's no time Khadijah. I'm not getting any younger the same thing with you. Now is the time.
Khadijah - okay... Fine. I have to go back home now.
Yakub - This is your home Khadijah. Just like I said your dad permits you to sleep here.
Khadijah - I don't believe you... I'm going to call my dad right away. (She picks up her phone and dial her dad's number)
Yakub - you're free to confirm.. let me get you something to eat and then we will continue our discussion..
Khadijah - (holding her phone tightly to her ears) Hello Daddy... Asalamu Alaikum
Daddy Khadijah - wa alaikum salam... How are you doing?... I hope you're being taken care of?
Khadijah - Yes Dad. But did you tell Yakub not to bring me home tonight?..
Daddy Khadijah - Yes my dear. I need you to be familiar with him and his family... you need to start picturing a future with him. Please my daughter be on your best behaviour.
Khadijah - okay dad.. Thank you, sir (she hung up).
Yakub - Do you see now that I'm not lying?
Khadijah - stop praising yourself sir (she tries to joke with him) look at your long nose...
Yakub - hmm... Someone is looking for my trouble... (He handed a glass of orange juice to her)
Khadijah - is this not too cold?..
Yakub - Not at all.. just take a sip, you'll like it.
Khadijah - (Sipped the drink) Thank you very much for everything, sir... I really appreciate it!
Yakub - (shifted closer to her, holding her close to her ribs as she sat) I love you, Khadijah... And I need to feel my love in your soul... I need you to feel!!... (He kissed her slowly)
Mummy Yakub came to interrupt the process as she made a sign... They both stopped and spaced up.
Mummy Yakub - hmm hmm hmm... My daughter-in-law. You're welcome.
Khadijah - Thank you ma...
Mummy Yakub - come let me show you to your room. (She helped her up and took her to the room prepared for her)
Now she faces a new reality of life.. she sees things are a lot more complicated now. She can't disappoint her family and Yakub's family. Maybe this is my fate, after all, The Young Scholar isn't coming back. She said to herself.
20 Hours earlier...
Abdulrasaq - Khadijah... Khadijah... (He called her name as she was chasing the man on white Jalabia) Where's she going?... he asked himself.
Is that not the Young Scholar? A lady in the crowd asked... Yes, he's the one another one replied. The Muslims amongst those in the crowd rushed down to embrace him...
We've missed you so much...
To be continued...
Chapter 2 Episode 3
20 hours earlier...
A Muslim woman selling provisions in the market offered Abdulrasaq a sit... While the children and the rest of the crowd kept hailing him
Crowd - Young Scholar! Young Scholar! Young Scholar!....
Mama Oyibo - It's okay... Ahh make Una give am space first. (She addresses the crowd)
Mama Oyibo - Please sit my Mallam... It's been a very long time.. almost 12 years now. Where have you been?
Abdulrasaq - Truly it's been a long time and I didn't intend to stay away this long. But I had to for some reasons best known to me. No day passes by without me being held back in thought that I might lose something I cherish and miss a lot. Apelle is my home now and I'm back to stay.
Mama Oyibo - hmmm... This is really touching.. but I hope you were able to finish up what held you till this time?
Abdulrasaq - Yes ma. And I'm back... How is the family?
Mama Oyibo - They're fine... We are all happy to see you. And I hope you remember us?
Abdulrasaq - Yes of course... Can't forget in a hurry...
Mama Oyibo - (Offered him a drink and sausage) here... Take this one take a step down.
Abdulrasaq - Jazakallahu hayran... But you shouldn't have to worry about offering me a meal.
Mama Oyibo - Na dat small thing you dey call meal?... E no reach the dawah when you do for us. You changed our lives. See how Islam has grown.
Abdulrasaq - It's not by my will... It's a promise of Allah that must come true. I am only a warner and a reminder to people who believe and also to myself.
Mama Oyibo - Thank you very much... May Allah continue to bless you. And ease your task.
Abdulrasaq - (smiled) Amin... Thank you ma... And Thanks to everyone for welcoming me with all thy heart (He faced the crowd and then He stood up) You all make me feel like a superhero, I really do appreciate this. Together we will fight for the cause of Allah and May He bestow his mercy upon us.
Abdulrasaq left the market and went to the masjid to greet his people. He got to find out that a lot has happened these past years.
Abdulrasaq - Asalamu Alaikum sir... (He sallam to Mallam Jibril and Mallam Sani)
Mallam Sani - Abdulrasaq.. wa alaikum salam (he stood up to welcome him)
Mallam Jibril - Wa alaikum salam (tears in his eyes as he felt guilty for ignoring him when he was on trial) You've grown
Abdulrasaq - (Smiling...) How are you all doing?
Mallam Sani - Alhamdulilah... We are fine
Abdulrasaq - What of My Amir... Imam Malik?
Mallam Jibril - you didn't hear what happened?..
Abdulrasaq - No.. I hope he's fine?
Mallam Sani - (humm... He signed) He's with Allah.
Abdulrasaq - (Tears) When did this happen?...
Mallam Sani - Two years ago...
Abdulrasaq - Ina lillahi wa ina illaihi rajihun... May Allah have mercy on his soul. (They replied: Ameen ) He was a father to me... So painful I didn't get to say goodbye.
Mallam Jibril - He was a father to us too...
Abdulrasaq - What of Mallam Ahmed?
Mallam Sani - He's fine... He's our new Imam. You'll get to see him once it's time for Salat.
Abdulrasaq - Masha Allah...
Mallam Sani-Yusuf is our new Dawah chairman, Habib is the mosque chairman, and Razaq the muazzim...They are doing this job perfectly. This was the person you left us with and it's why everyone is so grateful for all you did.
Abdulrasaq - Masha Allah... may Allah continue to reward them for holding on while I was gone.
Mallam Jibril - Now that you are back, what do you intend to do to help us again in the aspect of Islam?
Abdulrasaq - (Smiles...) Allah guides. And He will still guide me on what next.
Mallam Jibril - Inshallah..
Abdulrasaq - Is time for Salat...
Mallam Sani - Yes... And Razaq is here to make the Adhan.
Razzy - (Entering the masjid... He looks up and sees Abdulrasaq) Young Scholar (he eyes wide open as seems surprised) Is this really you? (He ran to hug him)
Abdulrasaq - it's me, bro... it's me. I'm back.
Razzy - It's good to have you back... mehnn... We've missed you so much... (he dragged his hands) Come and make the Adhan so everyone will know you are back.
Abdulrasaq - (smiles) No bro.. you should do that. It's your task and I need to perform ablution.
Razzy - Come on... Can't I share my task with my loved one?... I'll wait till you finish your ablution.
Abdulrasaq - (Smiles) Next time Razzy I'll make the call. Probably be tomorrow morning... Insha Allah.
Razzy - If you say so... Habib and Yusuf will be so happy to see you... (He proceeds and makes the call for Salat)
After the Asr Salat, Yusuf and Habib saw the Young Scholar... They embraced each other and talked about how much they missed him. Most of all Yusuf reminds him of someone who missed him the most and how she kept turning down all her suitors. Abdulrasaq felt so bad hearing this and he couldn't wait any longer to see her.
They discussed together for a very long hour and they had to stay and observe Maghrib and Ishai before they thought of leaving the masjid.
As they approached Khadijah's new place, They saw a car zooming off...
Abdulrasaq - Does Daddy Khadijah now own a car? (He asked)
Yusuf - No at all.. that must be one of Khadijah's suitor's vehicles.
Abdulrasaq - Ohhh... Do they still keep coming?
Habib - for now, I think it's just one...
They got to the house and then knocked and Sallam...
Aminat - wa alaikum salam (she answered from inside and came out to see who it was) Subhanallah!! (She screamed... Mummy oohh come and see who came oo) (tears roll down her chicks)
Mummy Khadijah, Daddy Khadijah, Faruk, and Samad all ran out to see who it was...
Faruk - Young Scholar??
Mummy Khadijah - Am I dreaming??
Abdulrasaq - (smiling... ) No you're not... How are you all doing? And Where is Khadijah?
Everyone kept silent... These questions are indeed big to answer...
To be Continued...
Chapter 2 Episode 4
Author's POV
“Life is no different than the weather. Not only is it unpredictable, but it shows us a new perspective of the world every day.” ― Suzy Kassem
Abdulrasaq - Why is everyone silent?... Is Khadijah sleeping?.
Mummy Khadijah - Yes, she was feeling so weak after doing so much work today. So I asked her to take some pain relief and have some rest.
Amina - (silently did "hmm" as she heard her mom formulating words)
Abdulrasaq - Hope she's fine?... I saw her earlier today in the market.
Mummy Khadijah - (surprised) And she didn't tell us she saw you...
Abdulrasaq - She didn't see me... I tried to walk up to her but she was in a haste.
Amina - When she returned from the market, I think she told me she saw some and that looks like you from behind.
Daddy Khadijah came down from their corridor... Meanwhile, Yusuf, Habib, and Razzy were discussing within themselves.
Daddy Khadijah - Abdulrasaq is really nice to see you... Amina go and bring the stoll for our Mallams to sit. Must I tell you before you know the right thing to do (he scolded Aminat) (aminat replied to her dad okay sir and then she carried benches for the Young Scholar and his friends to sit)... And then he called his sons) Samad and Faruk come and greet your Mallam and then return to bed.
Faruk and Samad - Okay sir (they both came out and salam the Young Scholar and hugged him tightly. (They returned back inside)
Abdulrasaq - Thank you very much Sir and Thank you Ma... (Abdulrasaq and his friends sat down)
Mummy Khadijah - Where have you been all these years?.. we thought you wouldn't spend more than a month before returning to Apelle.
Abdulrasaq - I intend to return as soon as possible but when I got admission into Kene Polytechnic, I had to stay back and after my HND I did a direct entry to Kene University and after that, I did my master's thesis and PhD. So I acquired all the necessary degrees before returning back here.
Amina - Subhanallah! Wowwwww!.... That's awesome.
Mummy Khadijah - Allahuakbar!!... You are really a Scholar in every upshot.
Daddy Khadijah - This is really nice to hear.
Abdulrasaq - Thank you very much... (He turned to Yusuf & Habib and whispered something to them) I think Yusuf and Habib have something to tell you both (Referring to Daddy Khadijah and Mummy Khadijah)
Daddy Khadijah - Okay.. Mallam Yusuf and Mallam Habib, we are sorry we focused on Abdulrasaq alone. You know he's our long-term guest.
Yusuf - Asalamu Alaikum Sir... Habib and I do understand.
Daddy Khadijah and Mummy Khadijah - Wa alaikum salam... So tell us
Yusuf - The matter we wish to inform you about is a thing of joy. We intend to inform you guys tomorrow morning but since we are here now, we just have to do the needful.
Daddy Khadijah - Okay... What is it?
Yusuf - My Nikkah ceremony is going to take place on the 13th of March...
Habib - Mine is on the 19th of March
Daddy Khadijah - Congratulations to you both... This is really good news
Mummy Khadijah - (she calculated the date) 13th that's next week Friday... Congratulations my sons. (She embraced them both)
Abdulrasaq - (Got up) Thank you very much my Neighbors (he smiled as he remembered how they were in the past)
(He's friends got up too as they all prepared to leave)
Yusuf - We would like to take our leave... Our greetings to Khadijah. Tell her about the good news. Masalam!
Mummy Khadijah and Daddy Khadijah - she will hear... Bisalam (They went back into their home and locked the doors)
Abdulrasaq and his friends returned to their various homes...
The next morning...
Khadijah - (saw Aminat's missed call) let me pray first before I call back. (She spoke to herself)
After she finished praying, she took her bath and prepared to leave. Yakub entered her room and held her from behind.
Khadijah - Authubillahi.. what's wrong with you sir (questioned him politely)
Yakub - Don't I have that right over my fiance?
Khadijah - Islamically you don't... Please take me home I'm no longer comfortable.
Yakub - (gave her a car key) Can you drive?...
Khadijah - Yes of course.. I learned how to drive during my six months in IT.
Yakub - Okay.. take the keys.. when you get down, you'll see the Toyota Highlander outside it's yours. Say hi to your parents for me... (He walked away)
Khadijah - you must be kidding.. (she kept on blushing until she got down and saw he meant what he said) It's a new car.. (she was so excited that she tears) Yakub why the gift? (She starts to think) (maybe Allah decided to bless me this way for waiting for so long.. Alhamdulillah I'm so happy)
She greeted Mummy Yakub and the rest of his family and then she drove off. While she was driving, she remembered she saw her sister's missed calls.
Khadijah - Ohhh.. I didn't even remember to call again... Well, I'll soon get home. I know they'll be very happy to see me (she spoke to herself)...
Immediately she got home she raised an alarm. Her mum and siblings came out and joined her jubilating...
Mummy Khadijah - (praying for her son-in-law to be) ohhh.. Alhamdulilah. Your dad needs to see this.
Amina - Wowwwww this car is very expensive it's about 12 million Naira... Yakub has a lot of money ooh. Shey, I told you, sister.
Khadijah - Thanks my darling.. thanks, mum. I'm so happy. For a very long time, I haven't felt this way.
Mummy Khadijah - I'm so happy for you... I told you you'll find love again.
Khadijah - That reminds me... Aminat why were you calling me last night?..
Amina - I Wanted to tell you that The... (Mummy Khadijah shut her up before she could finish her statement)
Mummy Khadijah - Shut up your mouth aproko... Do you want to spoil this beautiful moment for us? If I hear you talk again you'll see what I will do to you.
Khadijah was so confused about how her mother reacted, she was still curious to know why but she let go for that moment and continued jubilating...
To be Continued...
Chapter 2 Episode 5
Author's POV
"You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness"
After rejoicing for an hour, Khadijah and her family made a toast to mark this special day. Yakub arrived shortly and both (i.e. Yakub and Khadijah) of them made a conclusion on a fixed date for her Nikkah.
Yakub - Asalamu Alaikum Sir... (Talking with Khadijah's dad) Khadijah and I have picked a date for our Nikkah ceremony and we would like to let you know about it.
Daddy Khadijah - Masha Allah... What day is it? So we should get prepared.
Yakub - on Friday, April 3rd next month. It would be done immediately after the Jummah prayer.
Mummy Khadijah - I think that day would be a public holiday. It's a "good Friday"
Daddy Khadijah - Masha Allah.. May Allah grant us long life and prosperity.
Yakub - Amin (They all said Amin)
Meanwhile, Khadijah tried to know what Amina intended to tell her, so she met with her privately.
Khadijah - Amina, you were trying to tell me something before mummy scolded you. What is it tell me?
Amina - it's nothing to worry about sist.
Khadijah - Are you sure?
Amina - Yes I'm sure
Khadijah - Even though you are sure, still tell me what I need to hear.
Amina - it's about Yusuf and Habib. They came here last night.
Khadijah - Really? What brought them here?
Amina - They just came to tell Mom and Dad that they are getting married soon.
Khadijah - Wow... Allahuakbar!!... Thank God. I'm so happy for them. When, have they fixed a date?
Amina - Yes they have... I think Yusuf's own is next week.. and Habibs own the following week.
As they were discussing, Mummy Khadijah caught them again and became so furious at Amina.
Mummy Khadijah - Amina is something wrong with you. Didn't I warn you not to say anything with that big mouth? (She searched for a cane as she spoke)
Khadijah - Mummy please calm down, she's just telling me about Yusuf and Habib's Nikkah. Why didn't you want her to tell me about it?
Mummy Khadijah - (still furious... Brought out a cane and bonce on Amina) When I deal with you now you'll know whenever I tell you to keep shut you'll keep shut.
Amina - Mummy please I'm so sorry... It was Khadijah that came to meet to tell her... I swear I didn't tell her anything else. (she cries)
Mummy Khadijah - Shut up your mouth (She kept flogging/whipping her.
Khadijah - (Looking confused) Mom please stop it we have a guest and you are doing this.. why are you beating her up?.. is there something else you are hiding from me?..
Daddy Khadijah and Yakub rushed in to see what was going on as they heard Amina screaming...
Daddy Khadijah - What is going on here? (He asked)
Yakub - (held Mummy Khadijah's hand and collected the cane from her)... Please ma have mercy on her.
Mummy Khadijah - (Still furious) Walked away to the sitting room.
Daddy Khadijah - (followed his wife to know why she was so furious) Honey... Why did you get so furious, what's wrong?
Mummy Khadijah - I'm sorry my husband. I just don't want anything to spoil our daughter's mind about getting married to Yakub.
Daddy Khadijah - Why do you fear this much?
Mummy Khadijah - Because Abdulrasaq is back and I know our daughter loves this man too much. And I don't think he cares about her that way. I don't want her to lose this opportunity she has now.
Daddy Khadijah - Everything would be fine my dear.
Khadijah heard everything but kept calm. Yakub pet Amina and then prepared to leave.
Yakub - I will have to leave now... Please ma take it easy on Amina she is just a little girl.
Mummy Khadijah - Thank you very much, my in-law. I'm so sorry for the embarrassment
Yakub - It's okay ma... I understand. (He held Khadijah's hand and they both walked out together)
Khadijah - (quiet and down)
Yakub - What's up with you?... You seem sad?
Khadijah - Nothing... I'm fine. Just not happy with the way my mom beat Amina.
Yakub - I know, Just Cheer up. You can talk to her later to find out why she was so upset.
Khadijah - I know why already...
Yakub - (He opened his car) Why?...
(They both heard a voice screamed out to call "Khadijah")
Khadijah - (Turned to see who it was)...
Yakub - (saw the face) Who's that?
Khadijah - That's Abdulrasaq... The Young Scholar...
To be continued...
Chapter 2 Episode 6
Abdulrasaq - Asalamu Alaikum (He sallamed to both of them)
Yakub - Wa alaikum salam (He walked to meet him as he was approaching Khadijah)
Khadijah - Wa alaikum salam Sir...
Yakub - (stretch his hands forward to shake Abdulrasaq)
Abdulrasaq - (Received his handshake and looked at how proud he was feeling)
Yakub - She's my Fiance (talking to Abdulrasaq and starring at Khadijah for him to get the clue) (trying to intimidate him)
Abdulrasaq - Ohhh nice!.... She's my Friend. (He withdrew his hands and faced Khadijah) Khadijah please we need to talk. (She didn't respond to him. She just stayed quiet)
Yakub - Not when I'm still talking to her...
Abdulrasaq - I'm sorry... I thought you were done talking.
Yakub - No I'm not... And now... If you could excuse us.
Abdulrasaq - Okay (Abdulrasaq gave them some space and stood to wait)
Yakub - Hey! Habibi hope you are fine?...
Khadijah - Yes I am... I just want to be alone. (She tried to walk away but Yakub held her back)
Yakub - I know I can't make you smile right now, but if you truly want to be alone I know exactly where to take you.
Khadijah - Okay... Where??
Yakub - Just get in the car let's go
Khadijah - Okay (She entered the car and He drove off)...
Abdulrasaq was so embarrassed he knew things would be a lot more difficult and he was not ready to fight but only wanted her to the truth. He waited for a while if she would return early but hours passed and she didn't show up.
Yakub took Khadijah to a sandy beach and then He bought her some chilled juice with lemon and they cooled off to take a break.
Khadijah - you have so much money... Tell me, what job do you do?
Yakub - (Smiled) I thought you'd never ask... I'm a businessman. The CEO of "Yak's complex" we deal with various kinds of stuff... you could check if you want.
Khadijah - That's really great! Won't you like to employ me someday?
Yakub - Yeah! I have already made such plans. And I know you're gonna love it.
Khadijah - (smiles...) Thanks for everything.
Yakub - Don't mention... I hope you feel better now?
Khadijah - yes I feel good right now... Thanks
Yakub - (He tried to kiss her but she refused)
Khadijah - I have to go back home now. ...
Yakub - Because of him right?... Someone that Abandoned you for 12 years... Who does that?.. He doesn't care about you.
Khadijah - Enough!! Just stop talking... I know all of that and you shouldn't worry about him any longer. I don't love him anymore.
Yukub - Are you sure about that?
Khadijah - Yes I'm sure... I love you now and soon we'll be together. That's all that matters now
Yakub - Okay then... Give me a kiss to prove it!
Khadijah - No... Just trust me without asking for anything else.
Yakub - Okay fine... Just don't let me down my Habibi... I love you
Khadijah - (It was hard to say but she replied to him this time) I love you too...
Khadijah returned home after everything... It was late in the evening... The time was past 9 when Yakub dropped her at her junction. To her greatest surprise, the Young Scholar was just at the same spot that she left him.
Khadijah - (surprised) You are still here?
Abdulrasaq - Yeah! I came back after every salat.
Khadijah - Why??
Abdulrasaq - you need to know what happened... the Truth
Khadijah - I don't understand... What truth?
Abdulrasaq - The reason I'm here... And the reason we need to talk...
To be continued...
Chapter 2 Episode 7
Author's POV
Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over. - Octavia E. Butler
*Continuation from the previous episode...*
Abdulrasaq - Khadijah I'm sorry for how things turned out. But I did try to reach you.
Khadijah - How?... You're just trying to give excuses right
Abdulrasaq - Sincerely I'm not... I sent you letters three times and I was expecting feedback from you but I guess you never received it.
Khadijah - I didn't receive any letter. . .
Abdulrasaq - Then the postal service didn't deliver the letters I sent to you. I truly wrote you a letter and I'm very sorry for everything.
Khadijah - It's already too late for you to talk to me about anything. I'm already engaged and my Nikkah is on the 3rd of next month.
Abdulrasaq - That's fine... Congratulations to you! I wish you all the best. May Allah bless your Union.
Khadijah - Amin ya Allah. Thank you for the dua.
Abdulrasaq - I have to go now... Thanks for your time.
Khadijah - Okay.. Masalam (She waved him goodbye and left)
When she got home she told her mom about her encounter with Abdulrasaq but her mum advised her that she should focus on what's important now so she doesn't make a mistake.
Mummy Khadijah - See my daughter, you can't hurt this young man Yakub who has been doing his best to make you happy. He has good plans for you and he can take care of you. That's the wish of every woman.
Khadijah - I know mum... But what if Abdulrasaq truly wrote me those letters? Then it wasn't his fault.
Mummy Khadijah - It doesn't matter what is in that letter right now. destiny has played a new role in your life and you need to accept it. You are engaged! Stop worrying about your head.
Khadijah - (Rest her head on the pillow feeling sad) Okay mum. I'll need to sleep now.
Mummy Khadijah - (she got up from Khadijah's bed and walked towards the door entrance) Good night my daughter... Do not think about it. Just rest your head and focus on your Future with Yakub. Masalam! (She banged the door)
Khadijah - Bi Salam (she closed her eyes and shed a drop of tears) I'll be fine! ... She said to herself.
3rd April, 2015
The long-awaited day for the family of Abubakar and Abdulsalam. Both families gathered together in the Central Mosque in Apelle for the Nikkah ceremony of their son and daughter.
Mallam Ahmed (Imam Ahmed) - (Talking to the Family of Abdulsalam) Assalamu alaikum Jammah. Please who is standing for the groom's family come forward.
Mallam Yakub - (stood up and stepped forward with the Sadaqi) Here's the Sadaqi
(He handed it over to the Family of Abubakar)
Mallam Ahmed - (Recited some duas and questioned the family afterward) Is there anyone who is not in support of their union? (Asking the both families) if there is, please indicate by raising your hands up.
No one raised their hands up, confirming that everyone was in support.
Mallam Ahmed - (Asking the congregation) Please indicate by raising your hands.
Someone in the congregation raised his hands up and THE WHOLE FAMILY AND CONGREGATION TURNED IN SHOCK TO SEE WHO...
At first, Khadijah thought it was Abdulrasaq who raised his hands up but to her greatest surprise, it was...
To be continued...
Chapter 2 Episode 8
The congregation murmured softly...
Daddy Khadijah - What is the matter with you Abdulfatai?
Abdulfatai - I need Khadijah to give me an explanation of What's going on here.
Daddy Khadijah - Please, Please, please you have no right to interfere with the matters of heart. Look at how you are behaving right now, you expect me to give you my daughter?
Abdulfatai - (felt broken by the words of Daddy Khadijah) I'm sorry sir. I wasn't thinking straight. (His friend stood up and supported him and then walked him out of the masjid)
They both came out of the masjid to have a conversation outside while the Nikkah ceremony continued...
Abdulwahab - I told you this was a bad idea fatai. But you said you don't want to give up.
Abdulfatai - I came for her hands twice. You were with me the whole time. Don't I deserve her?
Abdulwahab - My friend, Khadijah is better but might not be better for you and I keep telling you this. Didn't you notice the Young Scholar is over there?
Abdulfatai - Seriously? He's back?..
Abdulwahab - Yes. We all thought She was waiting for him but I think something might have transpired between them.
Abdulfatai - Maybe something transpired. But Wahab you don't get my point, If she had chosen to marry Abdulrasaq then everything would have been fine and I wouldn't have interrupted the ceremony the way I did.
Abdulwahab - What are you trying to say?
Abdulfatai - I care about Khadijah a lot but I'm not sad because she's not choosing me. I'm sad because I'm better than who she chooses.
Abdulwahab - You are right!... But there's nothing you can do at this point.
The ceremony continued and ended in Jubilation and happiness as Khadijah and Yakub become one.
Congratulations!!! The congregation wished both couples well as they celebrated.
Abdulrasaq - Congratulations my friend (He smiled at her)
Khadijah - Thank you... And Thank you for coming (feeling excited)
Abdulrasaq - May Allah grant you blessings in Marriage, I wish you endless happiness and most of all success in the aspect of your religion. Hold it firmly.
Yakub interrupts the conversation as he doesn't want his wife to have a conversation with Abdulrasaq.
Khadijah - Ameen... Ameen to all your prayers and... (She couldn't finish her statement)
Yakub - Khadijah come and greet my uncle, he's waiting (he dragged her away)
Abdulrasaq - congratulations Mr Yakub on your Nikkah ceremony..
Yakub - Thank you... (He responded rudely and left with his wife)
Abdulrasaq - (spoke to himself) It's time to focus on Allah and what is important. (He took his leave)...
On his way, he met with Abdulfatai and Abdulwahab and this time they had a really good conversation with themselves. Of course, there have been lots of changes these past years, Everyone is now grown up and very mature to know what life is all about.
Abdulfatai - I fear for Khadijah on her choice of spouse.
Abdulrasaq - You don't need to fear, Allah is always there to guide His servants as far they always remember Him.
Abdulwahab - That's true!... We hope to have the kind of fate you have Abdulrasaq. You're unique
Abdulrasaq - Allah placed in the heart of his servant "Huda" (guidance) and this guidance is accompanied by Taqwah. The more you draw closer to Allah the more you increase in guidance.
Abdulwahab - Hmmm... Masha Allah!... May Allah Continue to increase you in knowledge.
Abdulfatai - Ameen.
Abdulrasaq - Ameen ya Allah... I'm glad we had a good conversation after a long time. May the blessings of Allah be upon you both and your household.
Abdulwahab - Amin... (They prepare to depart)
Abdulfatai - So Young Scholar, what would you be doing in the meantime?
Abdulrasaq - The Future is on its way to us even though we don't run so fast. I think I do have a plan. And I'm sure it's going to catch on...
To be continued...
Chapter 2 Episode 9
Two years later...
The Young Scholar has set up a big Islamic institution in the town of Apelle. This man is never gonna stop making plans on how to multiply the number of Muslims in the town.
Unknown to anyone, he is the true owner of Al-Mafaz Quranic School. Abdulrasaq taught in this school as a mathematics and an Islamic religious studies teacher. He also owns a small madrasat which everyone sees to be his only means of sustenance.
After madrasat on a Sunday evening, Abdulrasaq was escorted home by one of his students.
Abdulrasaq - Things are getting really difficult in life day by day and the city of Apelle is being carried away by the love of fame. Do not be among this set of people oh young star.
Ismail - Okay sir... Insha Allah I will always do my best to walk on the straight path.
Abdulrasaq - Insha Allah!.. (He continued his speech) You're just like me Ismail, maybe even better for you've acquired a lot more knowledge than me for your age. Be cautious! Guide this thing you have for knowledge corrupts the heart if not handled with care. (He greeted him) Jazakallahu hayran for helping me my son.
Ismail - Inshallah... May Allah guide us always on the straight path (he helped Abdulrasaq drop his bag and then left saying Bisalam after replying "wa antum fa Jaza kallahu hayran")
Abdulrasaq starts seeing the need to find a wife after working so hard. He wished he had raised a son like Ismail. He raised his hands facing the sky and prayed: "Oh Allah grant me a spouse, one who is dutiful to you and humble"(Ameen).
He picked up his bags after opening his doors and then made preparations on what to eat for dinner.
Meanwhile, Amina pays her sister a visit who happens to tell her a secret.
Amina - Asalamualaikum mummy Maryam (greeting her sister Khadijah)
Khadijah - Wa alaikum salam... Maryam had been crying waiting for her aunt to come pamper her. (She teased Amina as she handed Maryam to her)
Amina - (carried Maryam and started playing with her) (Baby Maryam - wore a beautiful smile as she recognized her aunt's voice) looked at her... She already knows how I play with her.
Khadijah - I'm telling you,, that girl is very smart (baby Maryam) my computer baby.
Amina - She's just like her mother
Khadijah - (wore a smile) She's also just like her father.
Amina - that reminds me, where is her father?...
Khadijah - He left to work. And he would probably come back in the evening.
Amina - Okay...
Khadijah - give me a minute... Let me check what I put on the fire (she was preparing something, so she excused Amina)
Amina - Okay ma. (She continues with her game with baby Maryam)
Khadijah - (brought some snacks and malt for her sister) Here, this is for you my dear.. enjoy yourself and calm your nerves.
Amina - Ahhh... You shouldn't have bothered yourself. Every time I come you always entertain me, you know I'm not a guest.
Khadijah - of course, you're my guest... Abdulrasaq once told me "Guests are our responsibility especially when they visit after a long period". It's been a year since you last came here, so I have to honor you.
Amina - Thank you big sist... So have you heard from Abdulrasaq since then?
Khadijah - I haven't heard from him, he didn't even come for Maryam's sunnah.
Amina - Hmm that's serious... I do see him
Khadijah - I do see him too but we don't get to talk. I'm always with my husband and he doesn't like him.
Amina - I think that's the reason he didn't come for Maryam's sunnah.
Khadijah - yes (she brought out an envelope)... This is the letter Abdulrasaq wrote to me while he was away. After he told me he sent me a letter, I went to confirm and I found out it was true. The post office stopped the disposal of letters. So that's why I didn't receive it. (She handed the letter over to Amina)
Amina - (read through the three letters) WHATTT??? (She was so shocked after reading the last one. These letters are so deep, The Young Scholar was set to get married to you when he returned?? (This is the reason he said "he is here to stay")
Khadijah - I never knew he was... I didn't read the letter until after my Nikkah. (She felt sad once again) Allah had better plans for me.
Amina - ohhh, this is really sad... And still, he hasn't found someone
Khadijah - Yeah!... That's why I need you to take my place in his heart.
Amina - What do you mean?
Khadijah - I need you to Focus on Abdulrasaq... Take care of him and make him fall in love with you...
Amina - WHATTT???... That's impossible!.
Khadijah - nothing is impossible... Abdulrasaq is a human and not a god. He has once fallen in love, he will again.
Amina - Mummy Maryam, I'm not sure you are weighing these words you are spilling ohh... Abdulrasaq... The young Scholar!
Khadijah - I know exactly what I'm saying... You are ready to married and you have no spouse yet, he's also ready so go to him and be yourself. He will choose you.
Amina - are you sure Mom and Dad would be in support of this?
Khadijah - Since I'm fine with it, they will be in support of it.
Amina - Okay... I will think about it and let you know what I desire.
Khadijah - That would be nice... Everything is going to be fine.
Later at midnight...
Abdulrasaq reciting the Qur'an heard a series of gunshots... He pulsed for a while to listen, then he heard sounds... Police were all out surrounding the compound...
Inspector Segun - (using a megaphone) Come out everyone we seek permission to search every premises around here for there's a dangerous criminal undercover.
The whole place went silent... The Neighborhood felt so frightened that they almost wet their pants wondering "WHO COULD IT BE"
To be continued.....
Chapter 2 Episode 10 (part 2)
_Continuation from Episode 10 Part 1..._
Inspector Segun- Every come out under the count of 3 (1, 2, ...)
Everyone in that premises ran out scared and began to ask... Officers please what's going on.
Abdulrasaq - (came out of his apartment) Good day sir (He greeted Inspector Segun as he could recognize him).
Inspector Segun - Good day! Young Scholar... You live here?
Abdulrasaq - Yes sir... I never thought we would meet again. (He shook hands)
Inspector Segun - That's life!
Abdulrasaq - so what's going on?...
Inspector Segun - I and my boys are following a lead. We found out that there's a serial killer in town. Some say it's he, some say it's she... Whichever, we are dealing with a smart head. A professional.
Abdulrasaq - That's serious... So you mean we aren't safe right now.
Inspector Segun - I think you all are safe... He has a target list and he doesn't kill anyone else only the target. That's one good thing about him.
Abdulrasaq - Alhamdulilah!... So you're sure he ran in here?
Inspector Segun - Definitely!.. we shot him and still he disappeared. This is the only place he could have entered. With the blood marks on the floor. He must be here.
Abdulrasaq - Ohhh (he had a view of the blood stains on the floor but still non could not tell which of the premises he entered because he hid his footprints). So professional!
Inspector Segun - I'm telling you... (He gave the order to his boys) Make sure you search everywhere thoroughly...
Abdulrasaq - Are you still an inspector after all these years?
Inspector Segun - No I had several promotions ... I'm currently the Inspector General of Police (IGP)
Abdulrasaq - Wowwwww! Congratulations sir.. this is really good news.
Inspector Segun - Thank you very much...
The police screened everywhere, every premise and yet they couldn't find anything...
They informed the IGP who asked them to check again and do so more thoroughly.
Inspector Segun - (Raised his voice at them) Go in there and search again.. he is in there!
Still, they searched thoroughly but couldn't find anyone. The neighbors complained of feeling sleepy and needing to continue to rest before dawn.
Inspector Segun - please everyone, we apologize for taking much of your time... It's all for your safety. Please if anyone comes in contact with a strange face after we leave here, do not hesitate to call us. Once again we apologize for the time wasted.
Abdulrasaq - I'm sure everyone understands the need for the check. We will let you know if we come across any strange signs.
Inspector Segun - Thank you very much for your understanding... (He shook hands with Abdulrasaq once again)
Abdulrasaq - You're welcome IG.
They all returned to their homes, while the police left with their vans.
Abdulrasaq - (Locks his door tightly like never before..) Allahumma innaka khalaqta nafsee wa-anta tawaffaha, laka mamatuha wamahyaha in ahyaytaha fahfathha, wa-in amattaha faghfir laha. Allahumma innee as-alukal-AAafiyah. ( O Allah, verily You have created my soul and You shall take its life, to You belongs its life and death.) (He recited a dua and then slept)
Footsteps in the dark...
Abdulrasaq - Who's there? (No one responded)
The footsteps get closer... And then a voice called out "Young Scholar"... Your time is up...(Repeatedly)
Abdulrasaq - Audhu billahi minnal shaytanir rahjim. (I seek refuge from Allah against Shaytan the outcast) (He woke up sweating)
He stood up and went to the kitchen to drink water... Then he heard footsteps for real this time.
Abdulrasaq - Who's there?? (He checked his clothes for his phone but it wasn't with him)
Voice - Ohhh, I think you're looking for this (showed him his phone).
Abdulrasaq - (Moving backward) how did you get in?
Voice - That's a secret of its own... I know you "Mohammed Abdulrasaq" Son of Mohammed Ali and Nanahauwa Abdulnajeeb. You were born on the 3rd of July, 1984. And you used to live in a small hut in Kene before the death of your father. I know everything about you.
Abdulrasaq - I'm not surprised. you're a professional and I know you now. You must be "The Assassin".
Voice - Wow! I'm amazed... It's an honor to meet you "Young Scholar"
Abdulrasaq - The pleasure is mine!... Let's get it done. DO WHAT THE LIST SAYS (YOUR TARGET LIST)...
Voice - With all pleasure (she gave a false smile)
Chapter 2 Episode 11
Abdulrasaq - (chasing Amina in a beautiful garden) Where are you going?... Wait up!
Amina - (running and turning around, smiling at Abdulrasaq) Hahahaha (she laughs)
Abdulrasaq - (Caught her white dress flying above her arms) Hey my love... (He calls her)
Amina - (turned and faced him wearing a beautiful smile on) You caught me (she moves closer to him and both faces are close that their nose and forehead touch showing a sign of love)
Red roses and leaves from flowers fell on them. Amina closed her eyes for a moment, and suddenly the Young Scholar disappeared...
Amina - Abdulrasaq, please where are you?, please come back to me (she screamed out from her sleep)
Amina!!! A voice called out and the vision faded away simultaneously.
Mummy Khadijah - (quickly rushed in as she heard her daughter screaming) What's wrong my dear? You screamed out from your sleep. Tell me was it a dream?
Amina - ohhh... Assalamu alaikum mom. I'm sorry it's just a dream
Mummy Khadijah - Wa Alaikum salam (she answered her greetings). You screamed Abdulrasaq's name, Why? What connection?
Amina - Nothing at all Mom... It's nothing to be worried about. I'll just try to get some sleep again. Insha Allah, we will talk about it tomorrow.
Mummy Khadijah - okay (she covered her with her blanket properly and kissed her forehead) Take care. (she left her room)
Amina was already thinking much about what Khadijah said to her and now, she dreams of a future with The Young Scholar and thus it almost looks perfect. She's definitely making up her mind and soon she would probably decide.
At Abdulrasaq's place...
Abdulrasaq - The Pleasure is mine!.. Let's get it done. DO WHAT THE LIST SAYS (YOUR TARGET LIST)...
Voice - With all pleasure (she gave a false smile)…. You know, you guessed wrong this time... You're not on my target list. Moreover, I don't kill innocent people.
Abdulrasaq - Alhamdulilah... It's good to know you have a conscience. So tell me, what do you want from me?
Voice - I need your help (she loosened the wrapped clothes from her face and walked into a bright path)
Abdulrasaq - (looks closer) You are a lady assassin?
Voice - yes I am... (She untied her hands that was shot) Would you let me bleed to death? I don't think I have much time left (she spoke in a weak tone)
Abdulrasaq - (looking so confused.… He quickly offers her a seat and helps her out). You were hurt so badly.
Voice - yes I was... I had my chances to kill all the policemen but I didn't want to have their "blood on my hands" so I had to stay merciful.
Abdulrasaq - hmmm... Tell me about you (he brought out his first aid box and removed the scissors and cotton wool) What's your name?
Voice - my name is Sofiat. And that's the only name I will tell you.
Abdulrasaq - (he uses the scissors to pick out the bullet from her wound) How will I know you told me your right name?
Sofiat - I don't reveal my identity to anyone but I respect you a lot. So trust me.
Abdulrasaq - (trying to clean the wound)
Sofiat - There's still one more bullet in that wound.
Abdulrasaq - (used his torchlight to look closely.. then he saw another bullet) You are right.
Sofiat - of course. I was shot twice at the same spot.
Abdulrasaq - (in his mind he said... She's so strong). Don't you feel pain?
Sofiat - Oh no... I've experienced what's worse than pain. But I do feel pain.
Abdulrasaq - tell me... What's worse than the pain
Sofiat - you have more wisdom than I have. You never gonna accept what my opinion would be.
Abdulrasaq - I understand how you feel. And I will also understand your reasons for becoming an assassin.
Sofiat - 7 years ago my home was under attack... My whole family was wiped out by my own blood. My uncle
Abdulrasaq - Subhanallah!!.. that's terrible. But why did He do such a wicked thing?
Sofiat - because he's a devil. And he would be the last person I'd kill after all his crime lord.
Abdulrasaq - Does he have people who work for him?
Sofiat - Yes... He has a lot of men who work with him and I'm here because of one
Abdulrasaq - who could that be, tell me. Who is he?
Sofiat - ohhh yeah... you won't believe me if I told you.
Abdulrasaq - (waiting to hear who it was)
Sofiat - "Yakub Abdulsallam" The husband of Khadijah Abubakar.
Abdulrasaq - SUBHANALLAH...
To be continued...
Chapter 2 Episode 12
Abdulrasaq - SUBHANALLAH..
Sofiat - I told you... You'd find it hard to believe me.
Abdulrasaq - I do believe you. (Looks at the wall clock) we will talk about it later. I want to observe salat and finish up with my daily routine.
Sofiat - Okay... I'll join you in salat and assist you in your routine.
Abdulrasaq - you don't need to worry. Just have some rest.
Amina and her family were eating breakfast together in the morning when Khadijah and her husband arrived.
Khadijah - Kpo kpo kpo ... Assalamu alaikum to my lovely family. (She happily knocked and entered)
Mummy Khadijah - (wa alaikum salam) Who do we have here?... Our August visitors (long time visitors she meant)
Daddy Khadijah - Ahhh... My In-law you came. It's so nice to see you. Welcome (he shock Yakub's hands)
Yakub - Thank you very much sir (he replied)
Daddy Khadijah - Amina please go and serve some more food for our guests.
Yakub - Thank you very much sir.. but I won't be staying for long. I have to leave for work.
Khadijah - Daddy don't mind my husband. Always work consciously. (She replied to her dad) Amina please serve food for me and my husband, he must eat this time.
Yakub - (he laughed out loud)
Amina - Okay Ma..
Mummy Khadijah - (stood up and carried baby Maryam) Ohhh my beautiful daughter. Grandma missed you a lot (she teases baby Maryam)
Faruk - (Offered Yakub and Khadijah a sit) Welcome sister (he welcomed Khadijah)
Samad - (eating his meal quietly and looking at baby Maryam) She has grown.
Yakub - Samad how are you doing?... You're surprised your niece is growing fast?
Samad - Yes sir.
Amina - (arrived with the food and placed it on the table for them) Enjoy your meal.
Khadijah - Thank you, my love
Yakub - Thank you Amina. Are you the one who prepared the meal? Or mummy?
Mummy Khadijah - Not me oo... I will cook when Amina is at home.
Daddy Khadijah - (Finish his meal and then excuses everyone)
Yakub - (after tasting the food) it tastes really nice. Wow!.
Khadijah - Ohhh yeah (talking to her husband) my sister is more than a caterer.
Yakub - sincerely she's good... (facing Amina) What are you waiting for, you should be in your husband's house by now.
Amina - (smiled as she thinks of Abdulrasaq again) Insha Allah.
Yakub - (phone rings...) Hello (he stood up and excused them)
Khadijah - Honey where are you going?...
Yakub - Just give me a minute. (Continued his call)
Caller - Hello Yakub... You need to leave town!... Last night the Assassin entered Apelle and He escaped from the police. He's coming for you.
Yakub - (Feeling nervous) Thank you for the information.
Khadijah - (Talking to Amina) How far about what I told you?
Amina - (smiled) I'm okay with it and I think I have to go there now. (She got up and starts preparing)
Khadijah - so fast?.. well carry on!
Mummy Khadijah - What are you two talking about and where is Amina going all of a sudden?
Yakub - (returned to his seat) Khadijah we need to get going.
Khadijah - Why? All of a sudden. (She dropped her cutleries angrily). Anything you say.
Mummy Khadijah - My In-law I hope everything is fine?
Amina - (leaving the house already) Mummy I'm coming. Please Samad don't forget to clear the table and wash the dishes.
Samad - Okay sister.
Yakub - Everything is alright ma (I just have something urgent to do)
Khadijah - Amina why don't you wait so we drop you off?..
Amina - No sister. Thank you.
Khadijah - Okay since you say so.
Khadijah and her husband left. Amina arrived at The Young Scholar's home unannounced.
Amina - Assalamu alaikum!
Abdulrasaq - Wa Alaikum salam... Who's there?
Amina - It's me Amina
Abdulrasaq - (Opens his door a little bit) oh Amina. How are you?
Amina - I'm fine sir. Can I come in?
Abdulrasaq - ohhh yeah!... (He allowed her in)
Amina - (saw he prepared breakfast for two) Where you expecting someone?
Abdulrasaq - Not at all... Why did you ask?
Amina - You served two meals... So I was wondering...
Abdulrasaq - (laughed.. but he didn't know what to reply) Ehmm. Yeah! I didn't know you were coming, I'd have made it three meals.
Amina - Ohhh that means you have a guest?
Sofiat - (came out from the room) Yes he has
Amina - (starring at Sofiat in shock....)
_To be continued..._
Chapter 2 Episode 13
Amina - Assalamu alaikum ma (she greeted)
Sofiat - Wa Alaikum salam Amina.. it's really nice to see you.
Amina - (surprised she knows her name) Thank you ma.. so you are?
Sofiat - I'm Sofiat. A distant cousin to Abdulrasaq.
Amina - Wow! Sir, I didn't know you had a cousin sister.
Abdulrasaq - (surprised) Well, everyone has a cousin. (Walked into the kitchen) let me serve something for you Amina while you two are discussing.
Amina - No sir don't worry yourself. I just finished eating before coming here.
Abdulrasaq - Okay, I'll have to get you something like snacks that you can eat later.
Amina - Okay Sir (she smiled)
Sofiat - (sat on the dining table and began to eat) Come and join me Muslimat.
Amina - Thank you very much ma.
Sofiat - So tell me, how is Khadijah?
Amina - She's fine ma. (Surprised she asked) it seems Mallam Abdulrasaq told you everything about our family.
Sofiat - ohhh yeah... I was curious to know how he once lived with you all like one big family.
Abdulrasaq - (came out from the kitchen and sat on the dining to eat)... You girls are already getting along.
Amina - Yeah!... I think I like your cousin. She's very interactive.
Abdulrasaq - And you Amina are quite the opposite. I recall you were a shy person.
Amina - (laughed) I don't know
Sofiat - It's obvious!...
Amina - Really?...
Abdulrasaq - Yes it is ... So what brought you here?
Amina - It's been a long time... I just came to check up on you. I've been a little worried about you
Abdulrasaq - (seems interesting to him) Why?.. hope no problem.
Amina - No not at all... Maybe when you are done eating, we could talk about it privately.
Sofiat - Hmmm what could that be?...
Amina - lolz... You're so funny and you don't put a smile on at all, why?
Sofiat - I don't mean to be rude but I don't think I have an answer to your question. I'm sorry.
Amina - it's fine!..
Abdulrasaq - (finished his meal and then drank some water) Hmmm... Now I can talk.
Sofiat - ohhh... so you were following good table manners.
Amina - It's sunnah. Mallam Abdulrasaq always conscious.
Abdulrasaq - It's good to do what earns you a reward instead of the opposite. So Amina let's talk
Amina - Okay... (She got up and followed him outside)
Abdulrasaq - so what's it you wanted to tell me?
Amina - I spoke with my sister Khadijah and she showed me the letter you sent for her while you were away.
Abdulrasaq - okay
Amina - She was like... (feeling nervous trying to explain herself) She was like you are still single because of her and she needs you to move on and also forgive her. Which is why I'm here.
Abdulrasaq - it's fine Amina... She didn't offend me. And we both had already clear air concerning this.
Amina - Well, I was thinking... (Nervous and scared) I just don't know how to say it (she had tears rolled down from her cheeks.
Abdulrasaq - It's okay just calm down and talk to me.
Amina - Sir, I hope you don't find me to be so disrespectful?... I want to be your wife... I want us to get married.
Abdulrasaq - SUBHANALLAH... Amina are you okay?...
To be continued...
Chapter 2 Episode 14
Abdulrasaq – Amina do you realize what you are saying?
Amina – Yes I do... Please I’m sorry I don’t mean to annoy you.
Abdulrasaq – it’s fine!... I’m not annoyed. I just want you to think about what you say
Amina – I already thought about it and I even dreamt of you last night.
Abdulrasaq – That’s strange. Well, I’m surprised you said all of this and I don’t even know what to say.
Amina – Please Sir. I want you to think about it, we both deserve to be happy.
Abdulrasaq – it’s fine, I’ll think about it. (He handed some date palm to her and some money) just manage this one.
Amina – Thank you very much, sir. I’ll be on my way.
Abdulrasaq – okay... (He waved her goodbye)
At Khadijah’s home...
Khadijah – Why did you say we should leave home all of a sudden and now you are saying we should leave town.
Yakub – I can’t tell you anything right now but you just have to come with me.
Khadijah – I’m sorry I can’t... Not until you tell me what is going on.
Yakub – When we get to where we are going, I will tell you everything.
Khadijah – I’m still not going...
Yakub – Stop being stubborn... It’s for our own safety.
Khadijah – (furious) Our safety??.. Are you a fugitive?. Now you are making me question. What job are you really into? Several times I have tried to pay my husband a surprise visit but he’s not always there at Yaks complex. Where else do you go to?
Yakub – (spoke out of anger) Shut up Khadijah... I owe you no explanation. Now, go in there get your things let’s leave this place.
Khadijah – (she got up carried her baby from the couch and then locked herself in her room)
Yakub – (feeling frustrated) (knocks at her door) Please open up.. I’m sorry I yelled at you.
Khadijah – Don’t bother I’m not I’m opening the door for you no matter what you say.
Amina arrived at Khadijah’s home...
Amina – Assalamu alaikum (She entered the house and met the scene)
Yakub – Wa Alaikum salam (replied to Amina) Please open the door your sister is here.
Khadijah – Daddy Maryam leave me alone oo... I’m not going anywhere with you.
Amina – Sister please open up... it’s me!.
Khadijah – (got up from the bed and opened the door).. come in, just you (she locked the door again as Amina entered)
Amina – what’s wrong sister.
Khadijah – don’t mind my husband. He said we should travel for no reason. Just forget about it. Tell me how did your visit go?
Amina – okay... Well, it went well. When I got there, I met his cousin's sister who welcomed me warmly.
Khadijah – (surprised) cousin sister?? Abdulrasaq doesn’t have a cousin sister.
Amina – he has and she even asked of you?...
Khadijah – That’s really strange... He never spoke of her. Do they look alike?
Amina – lolzz.. I can’t tell. I didn’t try to compare the resemblance since they are cousins.
Khadijah – Okay.. well, if he says she’s his cousin then she’s really his cousin.
Amina – Yeah... (She smiled)
Khadijah – so gist me... Did you both have a conversation relating to marriage?
Amina – Yes (feeling excited)... I told him openly that I wanted to be his wife. I was so so nervous...
Khadijah – SUBHANALLAH... You did that?... So what did he say?
Amina – well he was surprised and he asked me if I was sure of what I was saying... I told him I was and I wanted him to think about it.
Khadijah – Wow!.. that’s so brave of you my girl.
At Abdulrasaq’s place...
Abdulrasaq – (got home and saw Sofiat was all dressed)... Where are you going?
Sofiat – To complete my mission... Don’t even think of stopping me
Abdulrasaq – No I’m not going to stop you... but before you leave, tell me his crime.
Sofiat – Yakub was one of the men who raped me after killing my family...
_To be continued..._
Chapter 2 Episode 15
Khadijah - Please don't shoot... Please spare our lives (she pleaded)
Voice - you want me to spare the life of a criminal? That's injustice. 7 years ago, your husband and his gang killed my entire family and raped me. (She uncovers her face as she reveals the truth)
Yakub - (felt so disappointed with his past act) Please forgive me I'm very sorry.
Amina - (recognize her face too) Sofiat is that you?
Sofiat - Yes it's me.
Khadijah - you two know each other? (Asking Amina)
Amina - yes we do, she's Abdulrasaq's cousin I met earlier today. (she replied to her sister)
what's really going on here? What do you mean that my sister's husband is a killer and a rapist?
Khadijah - Seriously I don't think I understand anymore Yakub. You didn't tell me you killed someone's family and raped her. (Feeling so disappointed in her husband)
Sofiat - Yakub you have to explain to them yourself before you take your last breath.
Yakub - I'm really sorry about everything honey (Khadijah) I didn't want to go for that mission, I was following orders but sincerely I didn't rape her nor kill any of her family. I was irritated about what my gang did. Please you have to believe me. (He explained to his wife and Sofiat kneeling down)
Sofiat - get up, Everyone deserve a second chance, which is why I'm going to spare your life and also because of the young scholar plea. For the record; you have a lovely family, you need to keep them safe. I hope you know exactly what I mean.
Yakub - yes I do
Khadijah - Thank you very much and help me thank your brother Young Scholar
Amina - Help us thank him
Sofiat - Well the truth is we aren't related but he's my big brother. So you guys will have to go thank him, most especially you Yakub.
Amina - Ohhh.. we will (covering baby Maryam from sun rays)
Yakub - I will
Khadijah - I thought as much, he never talked about anyone but his mother.(in her thoughts she spoke to herself)
Sofiat - I hope my secret is safe with you all?..
They all answered yes and then she left peacefully...
Khadijah and her husband used the opportunity to visit the Young Scholar to appreciate him for pleading on their behalf.
Yakub - I am sincerely sorry for how I have been behaving towards you... I even stopped you from coming in my home on Maryam sunnah (naming ceremony). Please I sincerely apologize for every thing.
Abdulrasaq - it's fine... I didn't keep any of it at heart and I'm happy Sofiat did the right thing.
Khadijah - Thank you very much for your understanding...
Yakub - (stood up and carried baby Maryam from Khadijah) here what I need to do. My beautiful Maryam, meet uncle Abdulrasaq the most popular preacher in history. (He handed her over to Abdulrasaq)
Abdulrasaq - (laughed)... Baby Maryam.. it's so nice to see you, you know your dad is just just kidding... I'm just a Young man in search of ilmi.
Yakub from this moment turned a new leaf and stopped his dirty job. For the first time in two years, Yakub, Khadijah and Abdulrasaq had a brilliant conversation and laughed having a wonderful time spent together. You never truly know how you could connect with someone if you don't give them a try.
At Daddy Khadijah home...
Mummy Khadijah - Amina where have you been all day, Where did you go to?
Amina - Ohhh I went to visit a friend.
Mummy Khadijah - which other friend do you now visit apart from Saheed? He came her and he came with his people to ask for your Hands in Marriage.
Amina - OMG!!!... Why now?
_To be continued...._
Amina - No no no... He should have consulted me before doing this... I don't like this really I don't...
Mummy Khadijah - I thought he said he informed you about it and they were kind of embarrassed that you weren't here.
Amina - I'm giving him my warning... I have someone else.
Mummy Khadijah - Amina... You haven't told me about this person you said you have. Why are you hiding it from your mother?.. you know it's not good.
Amina - I'm sorry Mom, but he's someone you already know. It's no other man than Abdulrasaq.
Mummy Khadijah - I thought as much... no wonder you screamed his name in your sleep last night.
Amina - (she blushed) Yeah I was dreaming of him.
Mummy Khadijah - I think this was the discussion between you and your sister Khadijah. I noticed it!
Amina - ahnha mom you were stocking us then...
Mummy Khadijah - No, I wasn't. I only watch out for my children.
Amina - Thanks Mum (she hugged her tightly)
Mummy Khadijah - About Saheed coming here with his family for introduction, it's just a made story to hear the truth from you.
Amina - hahaha... Mum you really got me you know. I love you, Mom
Mummy Khadijah - I love you too my daughter.
They hugged each other tightly once again...
Amina - I just hope everything goes well with Abdulrasaq and I
Mummy Khadijah - I hope so too...
6months later... (Early 2018)
Amina had created a bond between herself and Abdulrasaq. She spends most of her time with him and they both recite and compete with each other with verses from the Qur'an. Once again the Young Scholar fell in love.
Abdulrasaq - Amina... We've come a long way and I think we need to make this closeness between us a blessing. I've informed my mom and some of my friends you don't know yet and soon they will come and we will do a proper introduction and then our Nikkah.
Amina - Wow... Alhamdulilah! (Feeling so excited). Insha Allah things will work out well between us.
Abdulrasaq - I have no doubt. You've been a companion the one I seek from Allah.
Amina - And you too my Scholar... You're no longer young again... And so I'm changing your title.
Abdulrasaq - Really, I think for now that title belongs to my student.
Amina - Which of them?... Ohhh wait!... Let me guess. "Ismail"?
Abdulrasaq - Yeah you're correct.
Amina - He's really very smart, intelligent and so much more.
Abdulrasaq - of course. If I had to leave Apelle someday, it would be in good hands.
Amina - Yeah it will Insha Allah... I need to go now. Khadijah asked me to pick up baby Maryam from school.
Abdulrasaq - okay that's fine.. take care
Amina - And you too (she said... wearing the prettiest smile)
Abdulrasaq - Huh Huh... Lower the gaze pretty lady. (He jokes with her)
She left The Young Scholar's home and arrived at Maryam's school.
Maryam - (Ran to hug her aunt)
Amina - that's my baby girl. Time to go home she carried her and then searched for another vehicle to return home.
At Khadijah's home...
Maryam - (quickly drags herself down) Mummy she ran to give her a hug.
Khadijah - Awnnnn... My beautiful daughter, how are you?
Maryam - fine... Mummy, I'm hungry
Khadijah - Ohhh my little one, your food is ready (she mixed some cornflakes for her to drink) Here my baby girl (she offered it to her)
Amina - (smiling throughout)
Khadijah - Thank you sist. For helping bring her home, I was very busy with some work.
Amina - it's fine. Guess what
Khadijah - you know I'm not very good at that but I know it's about The Young Scholar.
_To be continued...._
Chapter 2 Episode 17
Amina – (smiling) Oh yeah it’s about Abdulrasaq.
Khadijah – Just gist me the deal already. Why are you this excited?
Amina – Well he told me that he wants to get the introduction done and fix the Nikkah as soon as possible. He’s finally in love.
Khadijah – that’s really good news and it calls for celebration. Let me call my husband.
Amina – is he around?
Khadijah – No he escorted some of his friends that came a while ago.
Amina – Okay no problem.
Khadijah – (calling her husband’s phone)
Amina – I think he left his phone... Can’t you hear the ringing tune?
Khadijah – Ohhh... Now I can’t reach him. I wanted him to buy something for me on his way back.
Amina – okay... But I can help you go get it if you want.
Khadijah – No don’t worry (she went inside and picked up her husband's phone) Let me see if I can still reach him through the friend he escorted. (She was about to dial a number when another call came in from an unknown number) someone is calling him (she picked up the call)
Unknown number – Hello... (A deep voice)
Khadijah – Yeah hello... My husband is not around, how can I help you?
Unknown number – Please kindly send me your home address, I’m your husband’s close friend and I’m in Apelle stranded.
Khadijah – Ohhh so sorry... Okay (she quickly called her home address)
Unknown number – Thank you very much ma.. I’ll be there
Khadijah – okay (she ended the call)
Amina – who was that?
Khadijah – I don’t know, he said he’s my husband’s close friend. And he’s stranded in Apelle
Amina – I don’t trust that person, you shouldn’t have given him your home address.
Khadijah – Well, you are right but what if it’s someone that needs help. Then it would be like I’m a bad wife, I don’t want that.
Amina – Okay oo... My sister the good wife (she joked with her)
45minutes later ...
Amina was sleeping on the couch and Khadijah was inside preparing dinner.
Khadijah – (Felt there was someone behind her) (without turning around she said; Hey honey, are you trying to scare me?)
Man 1 – (covers Khadijah's nose with a handkerchief and then she passes out) Hey (he calls on another gang member) Let’s take them out of here.
Man 2 – (assist in carrying her)...
Yakub returned home only to find baby Maryam sleeping on the couch. The whole door was left wide open and he could sense that all wasn’t right. He quickly picked up his phone and saw the last call... He swiped and played the call recording.
Yakub – (listening to the record) Oh no it was a trap honey, you shouldn’t have picked up the phone (he beat himself up)
This is all my fault he said to himself. My deed has caught up with me and now, my wife and his sister have been kidnapped by my gang.
_To be continued...._
Chapter 2 Episode 18
The news broke out and went viral around the town and other states... The Young Scholar was seen to be in his most devastating moment.
The Young Scholar abandoned all he had and became an indoor freak. He only comes out when it's Jumat and then returns home afterward. He goes to the station every day hoping he will hear good news but things still haven't changed. So many things changed about him waiting for this long. He became despondent, he accepted no visitors in his home. When Yakub heard this, he felt he had to do something about it.
Yakub - (knock at Abdulrasaq's home) Assalamu alaikum
Abdulrasaq - Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh... Please Daddy Maryam, you need to go back.
Yakub - please just let me in I won't spend much time
Abdulrasaq - I don't need any time with anyone just go.
Yakub - Please (he pleaded) because of Allah.
Abdulrasaq - (opened the gate) Just stand here let's talk outside here.
Yakub - I'm so sorry Abdulrasaq... You need to take it easy on yourself.
Abdulrasaq - The trial of love has been the most difficult test for me being a preacher. I do know that worldly life is only a temporary thing but I'm human, and just like every other human we need a soul mate.
Yakub - I do understand what you are going through right now... Believe me, I'm going through the same thing right now. My wife is nowhere to be found too.
Abdulrasaq - (tears) I just want to be alone.. and continue daily qiyam, salat, tashahud until they both return. So now please go.
Yakub - okay... I pray Allah comforts you and you find peace. (He left)
Abdulrasaq - Thank you (he locked his gate and returned inside)
The Family of Yakub were also going through a lot knowing that two of their daughters were kidnapped with no trace. They continue to suffer the pain in silence. And none of them ever thought this issue would take a longer time to get solved.
1, 2, 3, 4 years passed by, the police gave up the search and the city of Apelle is silently dead. Then the new Young Scholar arose to lift up the city once again.
Ismail - (knocks at his master's door)... Assalamu alaikum sir.
Abdulrasaq - Wa Alaikum salam. (Still in his sad face)
Ismail - It's been four years sir. You've virtually abandoned everything you have. Your madrasat, your school "Al mafaz"
Abdulrasaq - How did you know it's my school?..
Ismail - I worked there for the past two years... And I was able to detect there's only one smart man who could hide such a good deed.
Abdulrasaq - (smiled) That's amazing.. you've grown.
Ismail - Yes sir, I'm 20 now. And I'm ready to pick up from where you left things, that's why I'm here. I don't want my master to remain this way.
Abdulrasaq - Masha Allah... I'm happy you came.
Ismail - Lastly, do not grieve. Allah is definitely going to show you mercy for all you have done. And surely he will answer all your prayers and forgive your shortcomings.
Abdulrasaq - I'm so proud of you Ismail. And I Thank Allah for using you. And I want you to be ready for the task ahead is way bigger than we can ever imagine. And for the main time, I think I'd have to leave town and start life somewhere else. I pray Allah to guide me to the best path.
Ismail - it's alright Sir... I'd take care of Apelle.
They bid each other goodbye as Abdulrasaq leaves Apelle...
To be continued...
Chapter 2 Episode 19
2 Hours ago before Ismail visited...
Abdulrasaq – (phone rings) (he looks at the number and doesn’t want to pick up but the phone keeps ringing so he picks up) Hello, Assalamu alaikum
Amina – Wa alaikum salam my love...
Abdulrasaq – (recognized the voice) Amina is that you?
Amina – Yes my love it’s me. I’m alive.
Abdulrasaq – (tears dropped down from his eyes) Hope you are okay?.. please where are you?
Amina – I’m fine and everything is fine now. I’m in Abuja. Sofiat saved us.
Abdulrasaq – Masha Allah... This is so good to be true (feeling so so excited)
Amina – Believe me... it’s true and I need you to be here right now.
Present day
Abdulrasaq arrived at Abuja the following day... He couldn’t wait to see Amina. Surprisingly he met the whole family sitting together in an apartment Yakub rented.
Abdulrasaq – Was I the last person to be informed about this?.. he asked mummy Khadijah.
Mummy Khadijah – No my Mallam. We were all kept in silence.
Khadijah – (explaining to her husband and Abdulrasaq) We were adopted for two years... we didn’t even know where we were. It was the most terrific moment of our lives.
Amina – It wasn’t easy at all but Allah saw us through... Sofiat is our hero she rescued us even with the tight security she got us out and kept us safe until everything was cleared and she allowed us to reach out to you all.
Abdulrasaq – Alhamdulilah rabbil Alamein... (He embraced Amina) I’ve missed you so much
Amina – I’ve missed you too... (She cried in his arms)...
Khadijah – Wow see love Ohhh... (Sights her baby Maryam) Ohhh you’ve grown, come here!
Maryam – (she ran to hug her mother) Mummy where have you been?
Khadijah – (tears) I wish I could explain my baby girl but I want you to know that. Insha Allah, mummy is never gonna leave your side again.
The whole family has a joyful moment after a long-term sadness. Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah, Alhamdulilah rabbil Alamein. They came together and made dua to appreciate Allah for his infinite mercy.
Yakub – it’s good to see you happy again
Abdulrasaq – Thank you very much... I really appreciate your concern about me.
Amina – my love... I was told you were all these while. And I’m sorry I wish I called you earlier.
Abdulrasaq – it’s fine my (he closed her lips with his hands)... Just say Alhamdulilah!..
Amina – (smiled) okay. You’re still looking so handsome even for your age.
Abdulrasaq – likewise you.. you not aging at all.
Amina – That’s not true my love...
Abdulrasaq – Hmmm... We are already using the word “My love” too. We need to certify it. How about we get married in two days.
Amina – Are you serious?? (She showed a very surprised expression).
Abdulrasaq – Yes I am... He proposed to her, will you marry me?
Khadijah – No time to waste sister just say “the word”
Amina – Yes Yes Yes Abdulrasaq, I’ll marry you.
And so joy has once again found the family of Abubakar (Daddy Khadijah). They made preparations in a rush.
While they prepared, Abdulrasaq left to meet up with a long-time friend.
_To be continued..._
Chapter 2 Episode 20
Abdulrasaq sitting on a couch in a sitting room with his friend Malik Khan.
Abdulrasaq – That’s my story Malik, and I Thank almighty Allah for his infinite mercy on us.
Malik Khan – Masha Allah... Alhamdulilah for everything. It’s really a touching story.
Abdulrasaq – Yeah it is! And my Thanks to Sofiat.
Malik Khan – It’s good to have you back. Sofiat is in town here and I think you’d get to see her.
Abdulrasaq – really I’d love to...
Malik Khan – okay... But then I think there’s someone who would love to meet you right now (picked up his phone and called Mr. Ahmed Zubair) hello, Wa alaikum salam sir... There’s someone here who would love to see you... (He handed over the phone to Abdulrasaq)
Mr Ahmed – Wa alaikum salam.. who could that be?
Abdulrasaq – (smiled) I came to say hi to an old friend)...
Abdulrasaq visited the family of Mr. Ahmed Zubair and extended his invitation across... Being a long-time friend, Mr Ahmed threw a small house party for The Young Scholar and they got to enjoy and discuss with each other. Mr Ahmed Zubair's son “Farad” got inspired by the Young Scholar’s Nikkah invitation and he made plans to propose to his girlfriend who was Malik’s daughter. They both (Farad and Zara) had a very strong love bond but they were experiencing a hard time. Luckily for them, Sofiat was just at the corner to save the day one last time.
On The Nikkah ceremony...
At Abuja’s central mosque...
Abdulrasaq – (smiling) This is the day we’ve been waiting for... (He walked close to her as they both entered the masjid)
Amina – Yes my dear... (She smiled too)
Yakub–Abdulrasaq is a Scholar, why can’t he conduct his own Nikkah as an Iman
Khadijah – You must be kidding (he hit him with her other arm, while she holds Maryam with her other hand)
Yakub – I’m just kidding honey...
Khadijah – Whoever thought this would be the end?...
Yakub – The end of what??
Khadijah – Just look at them... So perfect together. No one saw this coming...
Yakub – Yeah!... It’s destiny. You might have been the one there with him but I stole you and I know Allah doesn’t make a mistake.
Khadijah – Yeah... Barakallahu feekum!
Mummy Khadijah – (smiled and tears seeing daughter) Truly, Allah is definitely with those patients. The most Compassionate!
Daddy Khadijah – Which of the favors of Allah can we deny?
Imam – By Allah's will and mercy, I pronounce you husband and wife...
Congratulations!!! The crowd raises their voices and celebrates with the Young Scholar... So many gifts were presented.
Abdulrasaq – Alhamdulilah Alhamdulilah Alhamdulilah rabbil Alamein... You’re finally mine.
Amina – Yes my love.. You deserve all of this. You’ve been patient and enduring and Allah sees you. And reward with the best!
They kissed each other and just like in her dream, their nose and forehead touched showing the signs of love.
The small town missed their Hero “Abdulrasaq” and most especially his friends Yusuf, Razzy, and Habib. But each time they look at Ismail, they feel his presence and for sure he’s their new Young Scholar...
The End.
Written by Masud Umoru
All gratitude to Almighty Allah for helping me accomplish this task. May it be of beneficial knowledge to those who read. Amin
All rights reserved. Do not reprint or republish this content without the prior rights and permissions of the owner. © Masud Umoru (Bruca’s Novel)